Or was the following post of yours (in one of my threads)
meant for
another member:
But if
you sincerely meant to reply to
me, then here's
my reply to you:
1. Are you
really 100% sure (i.e. with
ZERO doubt) that
my real-life identity is
indeed the "Jeremy Quek" (including that photo) that you mentioned in your post? If you're
not 100% sure, please let me know, so that I understand that you're
only suspecting me; because right now,
my understanding is that you are
really 100% sure!
2. Once again,
I feel the need to
repeat what I said (roughly four months ago) in the above same thread (in which you attacked me for the first time):
3. You asked me, "Why are you thanking yourself?" and my reply is that I'm
not thanking myself, simply because the following monikers are
really NOT mine:
4. You then asked me, "Are you a
moron?" and my reply is
a question for you, i.e. "Do
you think I'm a moron?"
Unlike the fact that there are
more than enough proofs that
real-life identity is indeed "Gan (颜) Siok Bin (淑敏)":
who is obviously a Chinese Sinkie woman, who I
strongly suspect was born in 19
70/71 and who is, therefore,
51/52 years old this year, according to:
I believe to be
true); and who owns
one small Sinkie condo unit in:
according to:
and who also owns at least one
semi-detached house in "Nusa Duta" in JB, according to:
you have still
not provided any
proof that "Jeremy Quek" is the
real-life identity of
any sammyboy.com member;
nor have you
proven that
all those monikers that you have
accused to be "Jeremy Quek" (since last year, 2021) are indeed being used by
one man, right? If
you have posted those proofs in the
past, I don't remember seeing them, so
please post them again or
post the links to those posts,
I will never call
you a "moron", especially since I discovered (roughly two years ago) that you have a "first class honours" and "master's degree":
I dare say that
anyone else who
also has a "first class honours" and "master's degree" will
probably agree with me that
you have ZERO credibility whenever
you accuse any sammyboy.com member of being "Jeremy Quek" with
out proof.
6. Finally, I feel the need to say that
you made a VERY BAD/BIG mistake when you started to
strongly and steadfastly support @ginfreely in June/July 2021 (last year),
just because you wanted to
use her as an ALLY against your
enemies, "Mark Yeo" and "Jeremy Quek"!
In my humble
but strong opinion, you would have been
better off attacking all those monikers in threads that were
not related to
@ginfreely and also attacking them in a way that did
not show that
you were supporting her!
you CHOSE to
manipulate her into
supporting you against "Mark Yeo" and "Jeremy Quek" by simply
supporting her against @Cottonmouth,
@glockman and a few others, followed by
insisting that they are all monikers used by either "Mark Yeo" or "Jeremy Quek"; and because she's
so desperate for someone to support her (in order to
feed her vanity), it's
easy to manipulate her!
Most importantly, you should be
well aware that she has
offended many other members since late 2015 (nearly seven years ago) and that
by strongly and steadfastly supporting her since last year,
your credibility (in the eyes of those members) would have
nose-dived by now, right?
Therefore, I strongly believe this means that you decided to
sacrifice your credibility, in order to make
one last gamble to "defeat" those
two real-life enemies of yours (which,
ironically, you still do
not know in
your own real life) by supporting
@ginfreely and
hoping that
she really attacks them in
her own real life one day or
reports them to the police! 
That is probably the
main reason for the following replies by you to her last year (in my thread):
And in my humble opinion, this should
prove how malicious you have become!
Ironically, @ginfreely has still
not posted the names of "Mark Yeo" and/or "Jeremy Quek" on her Facebook page (i.e. using her real-life name) because she's still
sensible enough to be aware that her
only "proof" is that an
anonymous moniker (i.e. you,
@jw5) on an online forum
simply told her (with
out proof) that they are the ones who have been attacking her!
unlike during 20
20 when she used to
post the names of some of those sammyboy.com monikers in her
Twitter posts, she has
not done it again (not even her own moniker,
@ginfreely) in her
Facebook posts since she started posting on Facebook last year (2021); so I'm
strongly suspecting that her
Twitter experience taught her
this lesson!