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Wrong. Uyghur became islamized due to islamic imperialism. Read more facts and talk less rubbish.
Wikipedia is known nonsense. Anybody can write any BS and a handful of selected editors mostly ang moh kia jews and CECA get to decide what is permitted or prohibited.
Rubbish as usual.
The fact that Uighurs are not forced to learn Arabic but forced to learn tiong bejing er dialect is proof of beijing imperialism.
Even southern chinks in hongkies or elsewhere their coolie kafir peasant descendants (like in malaysia incl stinkypura or indon) don't like northern beijing imperialism. Basically, the beijing dialect is imposed on all slanties that they managed to conquer. There is a good reason most hongkies hate anything to do with northern slanties.
As usual, you are wrong.
A faggot who believes getting his arse penetrated by his ang moh kia pastors or priests for religious reasons thousands of times is a divine pleasure would not know any better.
Complete nonsense. islam was spread by the sword, and till today, moslems are forced to remain within islam either by the sword, or by threats of physical and economic harm if they leave islam.
How could any religion, least of all the only true religion and the only religion permissible in the view of Allah (SWT), the Sustainor and Creator of the Universe, have been "spread by the sword"?
You are probably mistaking it for Christianity, for which there is ample evidence to support these allegations in light of the complete annihilation of the natives of the Americas in North America, or mostly in Australia, New Zealand. In Philippines and also in large chunks of Africa, the natives fared little better as they were forcibly converted to the religion of their occupiers and colonizers who subjugated them and lorded over them after enslaving them, brainwashing them for centuries and treating them as no better than cattle.
The true religion of Islam, of course, can not be compared with any of the numerous other false religions that abound, that either promote polytheism, mischief making, criminality, perversions, or even bloodletting, cruel, wanton murderous occupation and depopulation of entire continents of their natives.
After 1000 years of rule over CECA virus, they remain - to this day - majority kafir, and worse yet, polytheist.
After 800 years of rule over Spain (incl Portugal, southern Spain, also Sicily and some other parts of Italy), they remain decidedly kafir.
Jews and Christians from the wider Middle East region incl Caucasus regions (incl Georgia Armenia) could have been easily wiped out in the last 1400 years, yet nothing of that sort happened. This is despite Georgians Armenians siding with kafir mongol invaders against Muslims numerous times, betraying their masters, protectors.
Like all of your other false, absurd accusations ,these also lay bare, exposed.
The chinks are re-introducing back to the uyghurs their original culture and religion, stolen away from them by the arab imperialists long ago.
Chinks are forcing upon the Uighurs Han pork-eating language, which has got nothing to do with Uighurs 5000 km away from Beijing or nothing to do with their kebabs and watermelon. The last thing they - or anybody else - would want is wuhan virus or ceca virus infestation thanks to bat soup or some such nonsense.
Sodomized bacha bazi like yourself should seek help to stop being faggots.
How ironic that a decidedly Christian slanty chink faggot, who your ang moh kia pastors and priests see as no more than their f&ckb&ddy and an avenue for releasing all of their pent up frustrations on after a hard day's work, would like to project your inner self on others.
Faggots like you who like taking it up the arse obviusly don't like that Islam is opposed to your faggotry. I still can't comprehend how you like to take it up the arse despite getting your arse violated thousands of times by your ang moh kia pastors and priests in and outside stinkypura.