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Home / GrapeVine / Stop Blaming Us • Start Owning Up
Stop Blaming Us • Start Owning Up
CH’NG Poh Tiong 22 hours ago GrapeVine 2 Comments 14,798 ViewsWELCOME TO EDITION 817 of GRAPEVINE

Will Singapore’s new 4-G leadership stop invoking the bogeyman of “Singapore needs foreign workers” to excuse their appalling decision to allow visitors from India into Singapore?
Stop blaming us. Start owning up.
Singaporeans are fully aware we need foreign workers just as we know a baby needs milk powder (or to be breast-fed).
Would you then be as reckless to import milk powder from China?
There is an opportunity cost in every decision one makes in life.
The question is whether the trade-off is worth the risk.
The whole world knew of the deadly danger of the Indian variant.
That it is ultra infectious, killed, and continues to kill more people in India than anywhere else on planet earth.
Yet, you made that costly decision against the lives of everyone – including children, front-line health workers, and immigration and police officers – living and working in Singapore.
You also risked the Singapore economy returning to health.
Because of your mind-boggling judgement, we are now back in lockdown; the Singapore Hong Kong Travel Bubble burst a second time; the Shangri-La Dialogue called off; and, the much anticipated World Economic Forum cancelled a second time by its founder.
I think you owe the country and everyone living here an explanation.
No more red-herring “Singapore needs foreign workers” please.
Will the most expensive, highest-paid politicians in the world care to enlighten how your superior intellect came to make that decision – risking everything for India – to:
- Thousands of Singapore and other schoolchildren residing here who were looking forward – finally after 16 months – to their first holiday in Hong Kong
- Thousands of their parents and family members who were going to accompany them on this second botched promise
- Thousands of Singapore Airlines ground staff, stewardesses, stewards, and pilots who got vaccinated and were looking forward to returning to work and payday after the national carrier lost a staggering S$4.3 billion for the financial year ended 31 March 2021
- Thousands of washers, cleaners, technicians, food preparers, chefs, and office staff at SATS who prepare food for Singapore Airlines to earn a livelihood
- Thousands of Grab, Gojek, and taxi drivers who were going to ferry them to the airport in order to support their families
- Thousands of security guards, doormen, concierge, front-desk, room-service, waiters, waitresses, captains, sommeliers, managers, and other food & beverage and hospitality workers and professionals waiting to welcome tourists from Hong Kong with open arms (but with their masks on)
- Thousands of Grab, Gojek, and taxi drivers who were going to ferry Hong Kong tourists from the airport to their accommodation, and all over Singapore during their holiday here
- Thousands of aunties and uncles at hawker centres and food courts waiting to welcome the thousands of Hong Kong tourists because they love Singapore’s famous hawker fare and we love them for loving it
Wishing you A Good Weekend.

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Patrick Seow
21 May, 2021 at 2:33 pm
Absolutely spot on Poh Tiong, thanks for this! I was delighted to read your incisive comments after also reading Leslie Fong’s polite observations on the Opinion page in ST yesterday. We need more people like you willing to speak up on behalf of the many unhappy but silent Singaporeans.
To repeatedly use the excuse “Singapore needs foreign workers” is an insult to our intelligence. And to present statistics out of context is unforgivable!
21 May, 2021 at 3:45 pm
Finally, someone with the balls to say what people are repeating in their hearts!
When was the last time a Singapore minister apologize or resign for his screw-ups? Not when Mas Selamat escaped, not when the youth Olympics went over budget, not when NOL sank…
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