Between bitterness and racism, Italy digests badly the victory of the BluesEntre amertume et racisme, l’Italie digère mal la victoire des Bleus
Depuis la finale de la Coupe du monde, l’Italie voit rouge. Des propos antifrançais et des déclarations racistes se multiplient sur les réseaux sociaux.
Among them is the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, leader of the extreme right-wing League, who stood out by denigrating the victory of the Tricolores in a message posted Sunday on his Twitter account.Parmi eux figure le ministre de l’intérieur, Matteo Salvini, dirigeant du parti d’extrême droite la Ligue, qui s’est fait remarquer en dénigrant la victoire des Tricolores dans un message posté dimanche sur son compte Twitter.
Dans ce post, qui accompagne un article sur la victoire des Italiens lors du relais 4 × 400 mètres de la Coupe du monde d’athlétisme des moins de 20 ans, le dirigeant ne manque pas de s’attaquer à certains symboles culturels français, agrémentant son propos d’un émoticône souriant : « Voici les vrais champions du jour ! Et puis le vin italien est meilleur que le français, le cinéma et la musique idem, et la Sardaigne est bien plus belle que la Corse. »
KNN today you suck whose cock - italian or French cock ? KNNPeople that attack others with rude insults when they lost in the proper way is called bad losers. Like some ccb Malaysian Chinese sons of whores that slandered me slut whore mistress after losing debate in Living in Jb forum. Low class bad losers!
Looks who's talking. Loser siah.
KNN today you suck whose cock - italian or French cock ? KNN
People that attack others with rude insults when they lost in the proper way is called bad losers. Like some ccb Malaysian Chinese sons of whores that slandered me slut whore mistress after losing debate in Living in Jb forum. Low class bad losers!
KNN you are right. my uncle saw the first post but didn't want to response first but already on guard KNNI honestly thought you started this thread to diss the bad behaviour of the Italians. Then you started your nonsense again. I should've known better. You obviously love starting fights, you're just a sad loser.
I honestly thought you started this thread to diss the bad behaviour of the Italians. Then you started your nonsense again. I should've known better. You obviously love starting fights, you're just a sad loser.
Can you please post the link to the youtube video? I am curious.You are the ccb that just posted on YouTube. Soviet space man woh. Honesty is the furthest from the truth of you. You are just a psychopath and you obviously love to harass people while dropping hints of who is the one harassing. You are just a sicko and bad loser hiding behind computer to harass woman.
Why the need to cite all these news articles to make a simple statement?
A bad loser is simply one who knows she is wrong and yet refuses to admit and change her course of action.
It's that simple.
Can you please post the link to the youtube video? I am curious.
And a load of whataboutery from you as expectedWhy the need to call people slut whore mistress just to win? Only ccb Malaysians sicko will do that and call that entertainment. Whereas quoting news article is nothing wrong. Can practice my Spanish French German and achieve my other objective at the same time. God sends me all these articles anyway, I don’t even need to search high and low for them.
You can’t answer the question as you are the ccb Malaysian that called insulting me with adultery LIES as entertainment and yet object to my posting news articles containing FACTS. Bloody think skinned ccb Malaysian son of pahang whore!And a load of whataboutery from you as expected![]()
I found the screenshot there. So you are Isabelle Ho?Act act act again! Anyway I already posted in the Living in Jb thread.