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Serious Lee Wei Ling & Lee Hsien Yang condemns Lee Hsien Loong


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Actually I think the ones grasping at straws are the die hard anti pappies....they keep thinking that this feud will end pinky n the Pap...which is basically pie in the sky...I mean what happens on 3rd July? A personal matter addressed to all the por lumpars in parleement...pinky will be over thrown? The only thing good if played out well is pinky gets into trouble because he has used state resources on a personal matter..but the 70% support it..so big deal as if the pappies n pinky will be overthrown..

You are right. They will have a robust debate and eventually conclude that Pinky was right all along. :p


You are right. They will have a robust debate and eventually conclude that Pinky was right all along. :p

it may be so but at what costs to papig credibility .........? An old aunt of mine recently asked me what is going on. After I told her the facts her jaw dropped ....... she reads only papig MSM Chinese papers and no doubt many brains got washed believing HY is the villain and LWL the whore!!

the matter will not be put to rest as papigs wished...... PeeM is now a leper in international community following international laws... whatever that is




  • lwl.JPG
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Alfrescian (Inf)

How has the saga on the Oxley 38 got to do with LHL's capability and credibility as the PM and also the credibility of his government ?

It started off as a personal and family matter , and unfortunately because his position, the personal vendetta has moved out of its boundary as LWL and LHY continue to flame and stretch the insinuation into the question of LHL's credibility as the PM.

My fears are that LHY and LWL have gone out of line.
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How has the saga on the Oxley 38 got to do with LHL's capability and credibility as the PM and also the credibility of his government ?

It started off as a personal and family matter , and unfortunately because his position, the personal vendetta has moved out of its boundary as LWL and LHY continues to probe and stretch the insinuation into the question of the credibility of LHL as the PM.

My fears are that LHY and LWL have gone out of the line.

will his brain n mouth be hit?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Lee Wei Ling delivers uppercut to moron brother with new FB post, GO LING!!!

LKY's Wills were made between August 2011 and December 2013 before he died in March 2015.

He developed Parkinsons sometime in March 2012, about seven months after his first Will. His initials after Para 7 of his final Will (Dec 2013) do not show the jagged and squiggly nature of someone in an advanced stage of the disease. Also, the cognitive disorders associated with Parkinsons trail behind the movement disorders during the early stages of the disease. Hence, LKY would have suffered from "mild cognitive impairment" at the most and worse, if at all, when he signed his last will in December 2013. He was still in control of his mental faculties during this period. This is borne out by his meetings with world leaders and the activities he continued to participate in at grassroots level during this March 2012 to December 2013 period.

As such, it is unlikely that he changed his mind due to the disease. From all the info available so far, it's reasonable to conclude that he made the changes in his attempt to find a way to circumvent his first born's determined plan to thwart his and his wife's wish to have their house demolished.

in the diagnosis of parkinson's disease (pd), the doctor has to conduct a neurological examination to correlate both clinical data and imaging scans of the brain. just observing deteriorating motor skills in a clinical setting is not enough. some patients exhibit pd-like behavior but may not have pd. thus his initial outward visible shaking of limbs at an old age would not conclude the onset of pd unless imaging scans (fdg pet scans) showed decreased activities in the basal ganglia. that means decreased brain function due to the disease contributes to abnormal physical behavior, not the other way round. this is usually confirmed with the taking of levodopa, synthesized in the brain as dopamine, resulting in motor improvements of the patient. the drug might have taken effect to mask visible signs, but mental issues resulting from thinking problems, depression, anxiety, at worst dementia might already have retarded his full cranal capacity. foreign dignitaries, out of reverence and politeness, would most likely still enjoy 69% of his sharpness, albeit not 96%. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
... Brilliant people, yet they could not see that there is no big deal on the matter that both of them are so flustered about. After all, how many decades do they have left ? It is just not worth it.
how can dey b brilliant wen dey cud not even c wat u cud? ...

ah loon shud juz resign n ...

live happily ever after? ...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Lee Wei Ling delivers uppercut to moron brother with new FB post, GO LING!!!

What uppercut are you talking about? Every civil servant / politician that the old freak lee had quoted had openly refuted her or denied her allegations. If she wasn't Ah Gong's daughter, she would have lost multiple defamation suits by now.

The only problem I see here is a weak PM, who has no desire to sue his siblings for continually defaming him. In that sense, the grassroots leaders, especially me, are disappointed. That would be more of a reason for us to replace LHL than the entire fiasco about some colonial house at Oxley.

LHL should commence defamation proceedings against his siblings or get Shan to have them arrested to restore confidence in his leadership.


Re: Lee Wei Ling delivers uppercut to moron brother with new FB post, GO LING!!!

in the diagnosis of parkinson's disease (pd), the doctor has to conduct a neurological examination to correlate both clinical data and imaging scans of the brain. just observing deteriorating motor skills in a clinical setting is not enough. some patients exhibit pd-like behavior but may not have pd. thus his initial outward visible shaking of limbs at an old age would not conclude the onset of pd unless imaging scans (fdg pet scans) showed decreased activities in the basal ganglia. that means decreased brain function due to the disease contributes to abnormal physical behavior, not the other way round. this is usually confirmed with the taking of levodopa, synthesized in the brain as dopamine, resulting in motor improvements of the patient. the drug might have taken effect to mask visible signs, but mental issues resulting from thinking problems, depression, anxiety, at worst dementia might already have retarded his full cranal capacity. foreign dignitaries, out of reverence and politeness, would most likely still enjoy 69% of his sharpness, albeit not 96%. :wink:

I am no medical expert so I take what his own daughter, a neurologist who knows him best and who would be privy to her father's health status, say at face value.

It was she who revealed in 2011 that he suffered from "sensory peripheral neuropathy (nerve illness) " that affected his movement. Three years later after his death in 2015, she also revealed that he developed Parkinsons in March 2012. I am sure he was given whatever tests that are not made available to "normal" patients before he was diagnosed as having developed the disease.

During the period March 2012 to that all important date of December 2013 when the last Will was signed, every evidence available on public record point to him being in full control of his mental (not physical) faculties. With his level of intelligence, a 69% retention of his original mental faculties would be more than sufficient, at least 9.6 times sufficient, for him to read, understand and sign his four-paged and final Will.


Re: Wei Ling delivers a series of jabs to Gay Loong's head with the latest posting

Seems like well planned assault - we are now approaching the carpet bombing phase. The Govt's , LHL's and Teo's failure is to hide things until they are exposed bit by bit and hoping for the best. The The Govt photographer from Comms Ministry though minor provides pieces of the jigsaw highlighting her access and control over Govt resources.

HC also did not read the sibling's ability. So she came out with a housewife' response hoping to please her dim witted followers.

Now the these clowns will be second-guessing what the siblings will reveal post 3rd July.


The gist of the whole saga: I stand to be corrected on some info.
The Lee feud started somewhere in 2011 when LKY was about to write his 1st will.
I guessed it was then that the subject of 38OR was brought up for discussion.
Internal war probably started brewing then.
But becos LKY was still alive, everything was kept under wraps.
LKY passed away in 2015. It can be observed that the issue was still outstanding even at time of his death.
LKY wish to have it demolished was unwavering
But in 2 of the wills (5th & 6th?) this clause was left out. Probably he was under some kind of coercion then.
LKY probably knew that LHL will use all his might to turn it into a heritage site.
Probably LHL had indicated to LKY (when they were having a one-to-one talk) why he wanted it to be a heritage site. But old man said: NO, if you want to lead Sg, it must be based on your own merits, and own values. Don't use my house, or make any monuments whatsover...
As we all know, LHL wanted it to be some kind of heritage from the very start, and he is fiercely fighting for it. Hence we have the chance to watch the big drama today.
Just imagine, if old man cannot talk LHL into it, who else can?
Now that LKY is dead, the dead can't talk. And what better time for LHL to turn it into a heritage site.
Don't forget he is the country's top power man, if he can't do it the way he wants it, who else can?
There is no turning back, just have to continue to fight on. LHL will stand up for himself but not for his father LKY. Am in full control, don't block my way! Just have to fight on, cannot lose face, but can whitewash myself!
No politician will give in/up halfway through the battle if he is still holding on to power + his cronies
singing to his tune. The whole world is his. We can look at history, history tends to repeat itself.
If the siblings LHY & LWL had their way, they would not have taken to faacebook. At least the world at large now knows how our PAP works. What is meant by based on meritocracy and what nots, it's all for show only.
LHY did mentioned that it comes at a great personal cost.
Looks like he is well prepared for the undesirable outcome.
If LHY die, die a hero for the father's sake! Unlike some dishonourable son!
As for LWL, i guessed she speaks nothing but the truth. Infact she is too truthful that sometimes people are afraid of her. She really wants the world to know what kind of PM we have after LKY.
If she is not pushed into a corner, most people won't do this. She thinks this is bad for Singapore's future
Will LHL take this as a 'wake up call'? Highly doubt so.
For us, we don't get any share of house or cash, but at least we now know (knew) how the PAP works!
Only 2 years after LKY's passing, we have the Sg today. Really makes bad history!
In pursuit of own agenda, had entirely forgotten about siblings bondage and basic filial piety which money cannot buy
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I have many, many different views from LWL with respect to her views on biotech and I question LHY's ability as a CEO, but no matter how I look at it, they have nothing to gain from going public with this.

They and their lawyers should have known from the start, PAP will paint LWL as the entitled troublemaker and LSF/LHY as a greedy couple; no amount of money (from the Oxley sale) or power can make make this onslaught of character assassinations from PAP worth it.

They are basically trying to doing a suicide bombing on LHL and HC, but the couple is in a government-fortified safe house.


Re: Lee Wei Ling delivers uppercut to moron brother with new FB post, GO LING!!!

If his mental capacity was impaired they would have brought it up right away no? Its because they cant prove he was not of sound mind that they have to pull out the circus of a show now.

Yup. If it was any "mental faculty" problems, first born would have his father's doctors trot out the medical reports - just as was done for Devan Nair - in order to challenge the validity of the the final Will instead of having to come up with his dishonest and long-winded SD to do so.


Oxleygate confirms we do have a finger-lickin-good President


Oxleygate may likely be a noose tightening on PAP.

The latest to continue flogging a dead horse is Indranee Rajah, SMOS for Law. Like other ministers who have aligned themselves with PM Lee, Indranee believes she knows LKY’s thoughts better than LKY himself.

Recall that after the PAP had hiked water prices by 30% and the whole world knew this increase will trickle down to all goods and services, Indranee was the goondu who said: ” The cost of such goods should not and ought not go up”. Lawyer Indranee is also MOS for Finance.

On the issue of power abuse allegations, this would have been urgently addressed in other democratic countries. But in unique Singapore, the PM AP simply fixed a date for a scripted question and answer session in Parliament for his subordinates to whitewash extremely serious allegations of power abuse.

If PM Lee is certain that the allegations were baseless, he would have taken legal action against his siblings as he had done so immediately against ordinary citizens like Roy Ngerng, all because of one blog post.

If the 3 July Parliamentary sitting ‘proves’ the PAP government was not corrupt, legal action must also be taken for defaming PM Lee globally.
Since legal action has to be taken either way, why delay the inevitable?

At stake now is the integrity of the entire civil service because allegations of a corrupt government have gone unanswered.

Despite the main actor and his supporting cast have all refused to acknowledge extremely serious allegations of power abuse, the President could have acted in the interest of our country by calling for a CPIB investigation. Andrew Loh’s article

After all, the PAP legislated the EP in 1991 to help safeguard Singapore’s national reserves andensure the integrity of the public service.

The complete silence from President Tony Tan therefore speaks volumes of the real objective of our EP, ie to serve only PAP’s interests.

To be fair to Tony Tan, he had won by only a whisker in 2011 and could not have been any unifying figure the PAP would have us believe.

In reality, Tony commands very little respect and has been the butt of many jokes.
Tony’s silence on the allegations of power abuse and other national issues will likely see him go down in history as a finger-lickin-good President.

Phillip Ang
* The author blogs at LikeDatOsoCanMeh.