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It may be "postal girl" if her face appears on a stamp.![]()
better if she carries a sig sauer if she is "postal" chick.
It may be "postal girl" if her face appears on a stamp.![]()
Well, you are going down a very slippery slope here when you include religion in the definition of an ethnic race. The amendments to the elected Presidency clearly say that it has to come from whatever ethnic segment of the country whose turn it is to contribute a president. Not the religious segment. The presumption here is that the vast majority of Malays are muslims, but there is a minority that are non practicing. The criteria does not say the candidate must be Malay and a Muslim. If the next round of PE candidates have to be from the Chinese segment, then do they have to be Buddhist too? Many chinese are Christians. What if its the turn for an Indian candidate? Must the candidate be Hindu? Even though many Indians are Sikhs and Christians? This is why they did not add the religion element here. And for the purpose of our discourse, the religious element has to be left out too.
If you therefore disregard Humplimah's religion, which you must, then you boil it down to just ethnicity, which is what the PEC says the overiding criteria for the next President must be. In this case, is she Indian or Malay? If her father is Indian, then her IC should say she is Indian too. Therefore, she cannot meet the PEC criteria. And cannot be the next President. I give you the case of Vivian Balakrishnan. Is he Indian or Chinese? His father was Indian, and his mother is Chinese. Would anyone in SIngapore identify him as a chinese? I don't think anyone would call him chinese. Because he follows his father's ethnicity on his IC. If his father was Chinese and his mother was Indian, and he had a chinese surname, even then, i don't think people would call him Chinese. But look further at Vivian. He marries a Chinese lady, speaks chinese, lives like a chinese, eats chinese food, but would you still call him chinese? I think not. Now what about his kids? They are 3/4 chinese, but they don't look like chinese at all. They are dark skin and have different features, no one meeting his kids would ever think they were chinese, even though they are 75%. Just like Vivian is not identified with his mother's ethnic background, Humplimah also cannot be identified with her mother's background.....................................
.....................Having said all this, the PAP is the PAP. If they say this Doberman is a Persian cat, the court will confirm it for them. If they say Halimah is an alien from Mars, 70% gong cheebye and the Court will agree with them. So, if they say Halimah is malay, despite all contrary evidence, then she will be made one.
Just some points
1) A Malay who is not a muslim ( besides not practising which there are many ) is a no go. Even if the committee accepts and allows nomination, the community will reject it. In this regard they are will no deviate from Malaysia. So it is not negotiable. But a DKK who is a muslim is perfectly acceptable in their World. Thats the starting reality, like it or not.
2) Secondly, this entire exercise to amend and introduce a minority candidate is not grounded on anything based on logic, fair representation or a desire to be fair and equitable to society. It's single and only purpose is to keep Tan Cheng Bock out at all cost. The debate 3 days ago between Sylvia and Chan Chun Sing was on this. The question is which AG ( the old or new) made the ruling on the starting point - Wee or Ong.
At the end of the day, the PAP cannot afford another humiliation like Tony Tan's 35% for a President which is a joke. Even worse, they cannot afford Tan Cheng Bock to win as he will be constant torn to them. They could have reverted to old and previous system where it was rotated among the races but that means the entire EP conceived by the PM's father has failed and a slap to the family and the PAP.
Most Singaporeans are aware that this is a charade but their hands are tied. They know it has nothing to do with race, religion or if the mother is from Venus, the father is from Mars. The race qualification committee will do whatever is necessary.
One would be barking up the wrong tree if the debate is about the right classification of race. Its a red herring.
We will still end up having half an Indian in the Istana despite it being confined to Malays.
What is DKK?
DKK is Danish Krone...ha ha ha
Just some points
1) A Malay who is not a muslim ( besides not practising which there are many ) is a no go. Even if the committee accepts and allows nomination, the community will reject it. In this regard they are will no deviate from Malaysia. So it is not negotiable. But a DKK who is a muslim is perfectly acceptable in their World. Thats the starting reality, like it or not.
2) Secondly, this entire exercise to amend and introduce a minority candidate is not grounded on anything based on logic, fair representation or a desire to be fair and equitable to society. It's single and only purpose is to keep Tan Cheng Bock out at all cost. The debate 3 days ago between Sylvia and Chan Chun Sing was on this. The question is which AG ( the old or new) made the ruling on the starting point - Wee or Ong.
At the end of the day, the PAP cannot afford another humiliation like Tony Tan's 35% for a President which is a joke. Even worse, they cannot afford Tan Cheng Bock to win as he will be constant torn to them. They could have reverted to old and previous system where it was rotated among the races but that means the entire EP conceived by the PM's father has failed and a slap to the family and the PAP.
Most Singaporeans are aware that this is a charade but their hands are tied. They know it has nothing to do with race, religion or if the mother is from Venus, the father is from Mars. The race qualification committee will do whatever is necessary.
One would be barking up the wrong tree if the debate is about the right classification of race. Its a red herring.
We will still end up having half an Indian in the Istana despite it being confined to Malays.
or dick kena kut.
What is DKK?
DKK = Darah kerturunan Keling = Darah (blood) kerturunan (descended) from Keling (Indian). It is a term used during British colonial days and very familiar to Malays and Indian Muslims of Singapore and Malaysia. During the Maria Hertogh riots, it was Indian Muslims and DKK that was behind the riots. The Indian muslims who were involved were deported back to the sub-continent but not the DKK.
You would not hear the term in places like Radin Was, West Singapore, Southern Islands etc where they were all pure Malays but areas around Kallang, CBD and Boat Quay.
Halimah is a DKK and not pure Malay.
One would be barking up the wrong tree if the debate is about the right classification of race. Its a red herring.
We will still end up having half an Indian in the Istana despite it being confined to Malays.
In many ways, we should just cease and desist in commenting on Humplimah's ethnicity until after the Presidential elections in Sept. the reason is that she will be the PAP nominated candidate and in fact might be the only acceptable candidate that is in this Malay classification. We should just be silent and let her get elected. After she is elected, that is when the fun will come in. There must be a mechanism for legally challenging the validity of the election by simple virtue that the president is not a malay. A lawsuit can and should be mounted by any of the number of lawyers on the oppo side. The lawsuit should challenge the validity of the election on the grounds that the candidate does not meet the race requirement. Win or lose, at the very least, the lawsuit will bring a lot of publicity of the negative type and put egg on the face of the PAP. We cannot stop the PAP from putting Humplimah in the Istana, and we should not. We should give them as much rope as possible and let them hang themselves.
Would the shorter, less complicated version be..."mamak"???
Thats sounds like a plan. It will embarrass the office and the PAP as well as the Malay community for not looking after their own.
Your first point, I wish to clear out of my brain..which had a huge question mark over it. Do Malays have to be Muslims?...if so, that means, they are condemn to embrace Islam? or do they at birth, have the choice to choose which path, they want to go? If they have no choice, but to embrace Islam & be a Muslim...are they a chosen race?...whereas, any other race, except the Jews ( even they have a free will to reject God), any person born, can choose their religion.
We have already deviated from the founding of the Republic of Singapura....when we become a nation, in 1965..I remember, the National Language was MALAY...the president was MALAY, the National anthem is in MALAY...the point is, whatever race is the President of Singapore...who really cares!? & Malay is now, not the National Language...Mainland Chinese is...to move the balance back to the centre...the face on our banknotes is a MALAY..or else...we all know, "whose face" will on it....
So, whoever...minority of not..race or not...the President is just a figure head....does not really matter & as a figure head, should be paid a salary..of a lower FIGURE..so that our HEAD, don't spin...
If they are so concern over the minority..race thing....why can't the Prime Minister of Singapore be a Malay then?..."harimalau" or the "ponding yakult" would qualify too?..no??
Time & time again...Singaporeans are made to look like a bunch of morons...with the President thing..sigh!
Excellent write-up.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
If the PAP continues to play the racial card, it really makes a mockery of our national pledge which LHL quoted in his announcement in Parliament on Tuesday, Nov 8, 2016 on the Constitutional Amendment Bill regarding the next Presidential Elections due in 2017.
Quoting the pledge he said: "We 'pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion', and we must continue striving towards this goal.": The Straits Times, NOV 8, 2016
Excellent !
Since the PAP has had a very significant majority in the Parliament, the morally right step is to call a National Referendum before they pass the legislation to amend the Constitution.
The PAP has displayed a disregard for racial equality by reserving the forthcoming Presidential Elections for Malay candidates.
I hope that Singaporeans will take steps to challenge this, and hopefully, the Court, will support the commoners.
Awesome write up Papsmearer! Hopefully it goes viral and encourages more Sinkies to come in here and fight the PAP!
Once again, you have to move away from the race card that PAP is playing. For the PAP, it has nothing to do with race, religion, or anything else. Its about them keeping control of who is in the IStana. They have really fucked themselves over this whole thing. By giving so much power to the President (unlike before when it was a figurehead post), they now cannot afford to lose control of their chosen candidate in the position. Before, they had Nathan, who was 100% under their control. then they had Tony, who is a relative of Gay Loong and so once again 100% under their control. After Tony Tan's election, they realized how close they came to losing this post to Tan Cheng Bok, a candidate not chosen by them. Tony Tan won only by 7000 votes over TCB or 0.35% of the votes. If the PAP had not parachuted in that asshole tan jee Say to screw up TCB and take away votes from him, TCB would have won in a landslide. In order to make sure this does not happen again, and to prevent TCB from running in another Presidential election, they concocted this minority rule and determined that a malay was the next in line. Knowing full well that the requirements are so stringent that it is unlikely that another malay not endorsed by them would win. Its quite possible Humplimah will run unopposed. You can see the whole trail very clearly.
1) In the 2011 Presidential election, after the close call over TCB, the CEC and PAP big wigs were already figuring out how to prevent a repeat.
2) A strategy was mapped out which is this ethnic malay candidate strategy. But this was not revealed to the taxpayers.
3) PAP implements their plans to win with this new and so far secret changes to the elected presidency. Knowing full well that they will declare a malay as the next elected president, they start the ball rolling by installing Halimah Yacob as speaker of the house. Being a speaker of the house for a minimum of 3 years is one of the EP criterias, and surprise surprise she has fulfilled this requirement just in time for the EP. Coincidence? I think not. Now for all those who were wondering why and how a shit useless MP like Humplimah can be a speaker of the house, wonder no more.
4) The PAP then introduces last minute legislation to change the EP requirements to malay only a mere 7 months before the EP and shove it thru Parliament for debate in Feb before the election in Sept. Despite calls for a referendum, which they ignore. And a very dubious logic for need for a malay president. Why they did not change it 2 or 3 years ago, we know. The reason is that there would be a lot of time for discord and unrest in the general populace which might negatively impact them in the 2015 GE.
So, there you have it. The PAP's machinations at work. Smoked out by Sammyboy Forum.
Just some points
1) A Malay who is not a muslim ( besides not practising which there are many ) is a no go. Even if the committee accepts and allows nomination, the community will reject it. In this regard they are will no deviate from Malaysia. So it is not negotiable. But a DKK who is a muslim is perfectly acceptable in their World. Thats the starting reality, like it or not.
2) Secondly, this entire exercise to amend and introduce a minority candidate is not grounded on anything based on logic, fair representation or a desire to be fair and equitable to society. It's single and only purpose is to keep Tan Cheng Bock out at all cost. The debate 3 days ago between Sylvia and Chan Chun Sing was on this. The question is which AG ( the old or new) made the ruling on the starting point - Wee or Ong.
At the end of the day, the PAP cannot afford another humiliation like Tony Tan's 35% for a President which is a joke. Even worse, they cannot afford Tan Cheng Bock to win as he will be constant torn to them. They could have reverted to old and previous system where it was rotated among the races but that means the entire EP conceived by the PM's father has failed and a slap to the family and the PAP.
Most Singaporeans are aware that this is a charade but their hands are tied. They know it has nothing to do with race, religion or if the mother is from Venus, the father is from Mars. The race qualification committee will do whatever is necessary.
One would be barking up the wrong tree if the debate is about the right classification of race. Its a red herring.
We will still end up having half an Indian in the Istana despite it being confined to Malays.