These fuckers want to leech off Chinese ppl obviously. They only use their Chinese heritage when it suits them. Give you another 2 examples. Vomit singh and that pastor prince of NCC are both mixed with Chinese + shit skin but do you know they identify as shit skin only. Vomit singh that nigger also once wanted to act in channel 8 dramas and do you know he still participates in their channel 8 awards despite not even acting in any channel 8 drama and even if he did the fuck cannot even speak proper mandarin but half fucked type peppered with majority english phrases.

Remember this fucker isn't 100 singh BUT 50% singh 50% Chinese yet only identifies as shit skin and once even attended the China golden horse awards riding on fann wong's coattails cos it was fann wong who was nominated but she agreed to bring vomit along with his wife and the fucker even had the audacity to walk in front of her even though he wasn't a nominee and told the interviewer he isn't Chinese even though he's 50% and the Chinese host was gracious enough to use English.
Try to imagine doing the same to the shit skin awards ceremony and a mixed breed shit skin/Chinese mentioned he isn't a shit skin but a Chinese you think shit skins would accept it? Chinese ppl are gracious enough to accomodate these types of stupid demands. That is why vomit doesn't mix with his own singh kind but more with Chinese. Answer should be obvious enough. Their singhs probably only accept 100% singh or ang moh looking kind shit skins like vomit and prince who look more Chinese than singh are not accepted so they still keep their shit skin name but hang out more with Chinese. Can easily bet vomit and that pastor prince have more Chinese friends than shit skin friends of any kind including singhs.
Anyway both of them married Chinese or Chinese/jap mixed and not their shit skin kind BUT obviously they keep their shit skin surname and possibly identify as shit skins and force their kids to identify as shit skins too showing their inferiority complex.
BTW if you care to notice and i am sure you do cos you look like you are racially aware usually when these shit skins marry women of other races they won't allow the woman's cultural side to show at all. Meaning that during the wedding the dressing won't show any Chinese/other race's culture at all and they want to enforce only their shit skin side unto the kids too. I used to know one Chinese looking guy who was actually half tamil half Chinese but looks 100% Chinese who took tamil as MT during his sec school days. Guess what he has more Chinese friends and mixes more with Chinese than shit skins and he told me he doesn't even speak tamil to other shit skins who don't know him told me they might not react positively to them or something to that effect. Shows what you mentioned the self loathing that they have and the wanting to leech off Chinese ppl as they are more welcoming compared to shit skins but of course Chinese still get blamed for racism.