Fuck the dead king! If I am on holiday, I'm wearing Hawaiian shirt!
Fuck the dead king! If I am on holiday, I'm wearing Hawaiian shirt!
When in Rome....
If not then dun go.....
That is your thinking. But not mine.
I will go there and show them i am above their bullshit.
Then they also will show you their thinking.
Dun be silly la. Even the staunchest republicans in Thailand also know to keep quiet for time being.
It's not about respect or acting hero/playing coward.....it's 识时务者为俊杰 or just plain common sense
as i already say, that is you.
just because you respect something and someone, you make sure others respect it too? No logic.
Then let's show each other thinking too. you got to have balls to do things, if no balls, you will always be screwed in the ass by your govt. Just look at your sinkie now. pathetic!!!
let's show them my plain common sense too.
Like I said nothing to do with respect.
I'm not trying to make others think like me....just common sense but I guess stewpiglity got no cure.
A simple analogy....
I might dislike moslems and think Islam is a sham but unless I've got a death wish I wouldn't go burn a Koran inside a mosque. Any sane rational person wouldn't do that....
I will wear this t-shirt :
That is your thinking. But not mine.
I will go there and show them i am above their bullshit.
dun come blow your cannon here lah...
go to BKK now... wear your hawaii shirt, open a champagne and dance... sing in front of the king palace ..
you dare do it... I CHOP MY BANANA !!!
Yes, it is not unreasonable. Surely you have a black shirt in your wardrobe somewhere