Ravi, Roy and Amos would make a great team.
If SG voters do say that Ravi, Roy and Amos are better than LHL and PAP, who are you to disagree?
In the SG system, SG voters, not the pap, will decide,
Ravi, Roy and Amos would make a great team.
Dont bother asking, this person can only bark a lot but has nothing else to offer.
You just cant handle another Singaporean who doesnt agree with your myopic views...chill! learn to accept that this world has madebeautiful colours, not just the colour that you like
There are many like us, who do not like to rely on the government to provide them for jobs, but I must add there I expect to get some help since I was paying UNION dues for many years & was appalled by their attitude when I was to of work for a while, I had approached them for some help & was told, I am no longer an UNION MEMBER...& if I want, have to join, paying a fees of a certain amount a year & that does not even constitute me as a union member, good only for signing up for courses, shop at supermarket or gamble at the CLUB....& you have a 'few pennies' in your pocket you still have to pay fees....I must add, that I am not without work experience or qualifications...
That is why..when I hear those Aunties asking me at the supermarket I shake my head & look down...when they ask "member" till this day...
Thanks to them, I SWORE I WILL WORK ON MY OWN...even I have to eat dirt to be where I am today, & made it...until I have my last breathe...I guarantee, I will never vote for people like this...even how much the "leopard had change its spots" or the " old wine in a new bottle or label"...
In one lifetime...I have enough of all their bull shitting...![]()
I met some young Singaporean adults during the weekend. One was a Diploma graduate from Temasek Poly and another a degree holder from NUS. Both have been looking for abt a year. Both have served their NS. They have applied to Careers@Gov and have not been called up for interviews. In their desperation, they have approached Recruit Express in at Ngee Ann City for part-time, fulltime or contract jobs.
Despite six months of Recruit Express searching, the only jobs offered to them were part-time Retail Associates paying $6.50 to $7 per hour or 1yr contracts getting abt $1.5k per month.
This is the sad situation most SG graduates are facing despite pap's election slogan "With You, For You and For Singapore"
There are no meaningful or good jobs for Singaporean graduates. The pap insists that Singaporeans are choosy but the jobs availabe are Retail Associates, cleaners, sweepers, etc. SG parents have spent their life savings to send their sons and daugthers to NUS and Polys upon their graduation, Singaporean young adults face with joblessness.
If pap doesnt want to know the true situation on the ground facing Singaporeans, the situation will get worse in the next three years. When Singaporeans dont have meaningful jobs, there will be no purcahsing power and the SG economy will go into a tail spin.
Wake up, PAP
This will be my last message for this thread.
Get into your NUMBSKULL things WILL NOT change until the system collapsed onto itself.
I already EMPHASIS PAP and its minions are not some genie out of a bottle. They ARE breed from the same SINKIES whom they are taking advantage of.'
Half of our local GDP are from government agencies and GLCs. Do you seriously think those people working there are going to rock the boat?
It is like the end of British Empire, Collapse of Imperial China, French Revolution, Fall of Berlin Wall. The boat will keep moving until the day it smashes into the wall.
Their predicament has nothing to do with the PAP. It's because a tertiary education is now available to far too many to the point where it has lost its value.
When I went to Uni it was during the era when only the top 2% of any cohort was admitted based upon their A level results.
99% of us already had 2 to 3 job offers even before we graduated.
Scarcity ensures value. If 10 carat diamonds littered the streets they would be worthless too.
U expect NTUC to protect your jobs?? U expect them to get u a job when u r out?? U expect them to fight for higher pay for u?? Better wake up and smell the coffee!!
I met some young Singaporean adults during the weekend. One was a Diploma graduate from Temasek Poly and another a degree holder from NUS. Both have been looking for abt a year. Both have served their NS. They have applied to Careers@Gov and have not been called up for interviews. In their desperation, they have approached Recruit Express in at Ngee Ann City for part-time, fulltime or contract jobs.
Despite six months of Recruit Express searching, the only jobs offered to them were part-time Retail Associates paying $6.50 to $7 per hour or 1yr contracts getting abt $1.5k per month.
This is the sad situation most SG graduates are facing despite pap's election slogan "With You, For You and For Singapore"
There are no meaningful or good jobs for Singaporean graduates. The pap insists that Singaporeans are choosy but the jobs availabe are Retail Associates, cleaners, sweepers, etc. SG parents have spent their life savings to send their sons and daugthers to NUS and Polys upon their graduation, Singaporean young adults face with joblessness.
If pap doesnt want to know the true situation on the ground facing Singaporeans, the situation will get worse in the next three years. When Singaporeans dont have meaningful jobs, there will be no purcahsing power and the SG economy will go into a tail spin.
Wake up, PAP