I see that you are a guard dog at least it is not the lowest rank which is a cub. you want to be what rank? The leader? Then chinesedog the founder is below you? Anyway i think you better listen to your commander in chief narong.
It isn't copying but thank god american blacks have such a term to describe niggers who act like chinese dogs. Uncle tom. In fact calling them an uncle tom is almost as insulting as calling them a nigger cause it means they suck up to whites like what their slave ancestors used to do which isn't too different from chinese dogs like you. Go watch geraldo show skin heads where one skin head calls the black guy an uncle tom and he started getting physical.
Well this isn't the jb forum and i find it weird why would you bring up your gender in this thread out of a sudden? Trying to use your so called female privilege and if you don't get it declare it is because the TS is sexist towards you?

Go start an ama thread declaring you are a female and you might get some white knights defending you. you might have to suck a few dicks.