Its pointless repeatedly talking about freedom of speech and the right to offer an opinion or view or the right be part of this forum if people are bullied out of this forum because they have too few points. We know that the points system is flawed and the abuse is there for all to see. Imagine the ease of kicking out a innocent forummer with little points compared to those who damage thread after thread.
In essence the existing system is hampering freedom of speech and the right to remain in this forum and have their views heard.
The points can remain to recognise those who donated but the points do not have any other purpose except to recognise tenure and posting frequency.
Suggest to appoint a few custodians who are regulars to stop the commercial spams and the Geylanguncles when you are not around. I don't think there is a need to do anything else.
Maybe once a month recognise the best 3 troll baits. That should stop the majority who can't help themselves to realise their folly. That should also discourage the likes of kopiuncle getting the attention and spoiling thread after thread.
You can never get rid of clones but with powerless points, they lose their zing anyway.
Just some thoughts.