Kopi,do not be so harsh with Brother Escher,I am with LKY for most of my time in this life which is a successful one compared to my last one in which I committed big crime,thanks to Almighty God Allah Jehovah, I know exactly whetherLKY is good or bad,my score for him is 51/49,final score when the coffin is closed which will be soon,I do not know Brother Escher's score,so I reserve my judgement,but by being here with Boss Sam and contributing to the development of democracy,I automatically add 20/100 for him.How about yourself?what is your score for your old hero LKY,my guess is 99/1,which I consider the thinking of an extremly STUPID old man,DOM2,
回头是岸,南无阿弥陀佛 南無觀世音菩薩 南無妙法莲华经.Take care.