Vegetarian makan is expensive too.
Our vegetarian food sold out there are extremely unhealthy, to the point that, its better you eat normal food. They ARE MOSTL flour, plenty oil, & mostly deep fried. The vegetables dishes have plenty of oil, ajinomoto etc..
It is a great illusion that you are eating healthy food...but many eat them, not because of health reasons...more of religious belief...The one thing that amuses me, is that, there have the "MOCK" thing.
Mock fish
Mock duck
Mock chicken rice
Mock curry chicken...
Mock this , mock that, might as well eat the real thing...the prices they charge for the so-called vegetarian food, is a great MOCKery.
Talking about price increases, I had recently mentioned , this was before the GST whatever the government 'donated' to the people. Prices of food eating out had increased from 50cts to $1. Ordinary coffee shops, mini food court & the biggest culprit KOPI DIAM!, which I will try to avoid.
For example, a cup of teh si, kopi si, had gone up from 1.10 to 1.20 & my less caffeine, no sugar drink..."ice kosong"... that is boiled water with ice cubes..from 30cts to 40cts to 50CTS!!..I wondered if cost of water had shot up by 100%?? Wantan mee ( noodle) from $2.50 to $3.00, Mee Pok dry/soup from $2.50 to $ rice $2.50 to $3.00, & so was chicken rice from $2.50 to $3.00. Malay food constant at $2.50 but quantity you are forced to buy UP SIZE - $3 for your normal $2.50 meal...
The complaint from the food sellers are, rental had gone up, cleaning costs had gone up...& you have "members' buying coffee shop units for 20 plus do you expect prices will not increase...
Our wages are falling fast behind, rises in basic food prices...even the cost of cooking had gone up by at least 50-60%, sometime to an extend that it cost a little more, factoring you pay for your own maintaenence & cleaning at home, like electricity, gas, water...cost slight more or just the same for the plate of whatever you EAT outside...
The culprit in this multiplier effect , WHOM DID YOU VOTE FOR??