c'mon guys. these morons are no goodie two shoes. don't paint them as though they are victims of deceit. ignorance is no excuse. anyone who engages a prostitute for sexual gratification whether she's underaged, overaged or elderaged is taking risks on many fronts, including but not limited to contracting stds, hiv included. it's fecking hypocritical and ludicrously laughable for some of you to label these guys who took those risks with eyes wide open as innocently duped. get a grip. the fact is these guys were going for "higher quality" exclusively and privately discrete paid sex that cost more than public gutter sex that you normally get at geylang or orchard towers. they thought their wayward ways could be left undetected with money and trust in a closed club of classy clientele. these jokers are not your ordinary ah bengs or ah nehs who go to geylang looking for a cheap good lay. these are careful, tasteful, discerning, selective clients who are tired of ordinary sex with cheap pretty hookers who can't even communicate simple english except utter and repeat the phrase "love you long long". these are customers who want the exceptionally special, so the extra money they are willing to fork out is well worth the experience. to say that they are duped is simplistic and stupid.