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Why Are Malays Having More Babies?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
1. m&ds are more horny. (Is it due to tonkat ali?)
2. m&ds bonk more frequently. (Is it due to lack of intellectual stimulation?)
3. m&ds leave nothing to waste. (Confirm no CUM IN MOUTH, no CUM ON FACE, no CUM ON BOOBS and just simply CUM IN PUSSY and later they just use hay or flour dough to shaft the pussy & lock everything in?)
4. its gods will feed its babies mah! (m&d gods not so greedy will return the contribution to them lah? Christian & Chinese gods will take the money & go kio kway? Indian Gods spent the money & plant more bushes & trees?)

hi there

1. hahaha!
2. bro, bravo.
3. m&ds still win after all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malay girls also got many action one, esp this generation. I think this generation of malays are totally different then those of earlier generation and a birth rate of 1.6 says a lot. A lot of the stereotypes on cake lengs and mats are of yester years, I am not sure how they got those stereotypes or whether its true or false(I do suspect many is true :biggrin:) but my generation is totally different.

(Ang moh say not hard leh to pick up good Chinese girls on the street)

Don't talk cock lah. All the -ve stereotypes of your race or malays you say it does not apply to you today. All the -ve stereotypes of chinese last time or today still apply right?

Comeon it's very apparent to you it still does. I know how ppl like you think.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I used to think just like that...until I got marginalised by Malays. Maybe only LKY and I would understand how it feels like to be in the situation.:biggrin:

It's this sickening so called repeated attempts to always put malays as discriminated to somehow play on our sympathies to somehow excuse them when they discriminate or commit crimes.

Bro i can understand where you're coming from. You got discriminated by malays but can never seek redress because everytime you bring this up you'll be called a racist or someone like kohliantye will start again with his malays built the nation are suffering rant which is indirectly trying to absolve them when they discriminate others like yourself and to excuse them when they are racist or commit crimes.

You and a few others like scrooball(clone) are well aware of this and find it laughable that somehow it's ok to positively stereotype them but if you do the opposite it's racist or if you even question something it's racist. All of this was designed to allow them to discriminate others especially chinese ppl without suffering any punishment whatsoever.

You were born a chinese and you didn't choose to be one why should you suffer discrimination from other ppl that judge you from stereotypes of your race and are allowed to do so but you are not allowed to voice it out or judge them but they can to it to you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Who is more guilty of marginalizing the other communities? LKY is a bigot and will always be remembered as a bigot by the minority community.

My generation is extremely united and do not condemn one another so easily unlike those of the older generation. If internet existed during the 50s,60s,70s,80s I can guarantee that there will be at least 50 people getting arrested weekly for racism. This generation, Yes it has some bigots contaminated by the older generation but generally Gen Y do not share your sentiment and the stereotypes of the other racial Community. The older generation of Singapore is still Chinese/malay/indian 1st then Singaporean 2nd. (Gen X/Baby Boomers).

Don't talk cock lah. You made all that shit up from your ass is it? Your generation? HAHA mind you not all of us here are old men in our 60s, 70s and you make it sound like you're the youngest one here.


Alfrescian (Inf)
On reasons of romanticsm which the author points out, I think chinese men tends to be shy and less expressive when comes to romance and love. This may explain why other races like Angmo, Indians or even black guys are more successfu towards friending chinese girls than chinese guys themselves( it happens in US which I stay for awhile even ). A friend exclaimed that it is quite a pity that chinese guys can only friend chinese girls in KTV and bars using exorbitant rates while others non chinese guys has a easier time picking good chinese girls from work, schools etc. I'm not sure whether this is true but i have few very pretty and sucessful chinese classmates all married to angmo and indian guys and they have more than one kid.

These things are observed and may be wrong. My Malaysian chinese friends told them that their chinese community leaders had a very hard time persuading chinese girls to have more babies for the sake of their community survival in Malaysia as the chinese now are only 25 % compared to 45 % of total Malaysia population(in the 1960s). While there is some improvements, he belives the chinese would not care much about the general concern of the whole chinese community except for their own personal convenience.

Well for east asians it's just the way their culture functions. It's pretty similar with other asian cultures even indian ones which is actually more conservative. This chinese guy have difficulty picking up chinese girls thing while other races have it easier is just a myth la. It's more common to see indian men with malay women for eg or black men with white women.

Anyway about the chinese not caring about their community it's actually kind of true. Probably due to this factor called chinese doggyism which is the constant praise of non chinese while always looking down on their own kind. It's the same thing that is occuring with whites in europe and the US. Did you know that non white babies now surpass white babies in the US now.



I really don't understand why these race is always taken to task.

They are the original people of Singapore and the Constitution respects that.

They have contributed to the defence of Singapore.

They serve national service.

They have President Scholars and top PSLE students amongst them.

They die during their national service (Recent Incident in Brunei)

When there is a problem, they are hear to weather it through like all the rest of us.

They suffer just like all of us.

They have feelings and pain just like us all too.

They are not some FTs here.

Please don't be so unkind to them

They are part of us.

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims.

I beg to differ.

Why these buggers, some of whom are from Sulawesi, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, etc - most of them came to sg during the time my grandfather came....... why shud they be accorded bumi previleges esp when they are not even the original 150 orang laut who inhibited sg when Raffles landed? Why, why, tell me WHY???


That happens of course, but even without that, they still have higher fertility.

Answer : m&d's view of life in sinkland less demanding. With a 3 rm HDB they can stuff 12 orang. Ah bang only need moto. Kids can run wild and do not need expensive 'enrichment classes' or high end computer games.

They do no need alot of money to pass their time. Just relak in one corner will do.
For them. Whether cost of living goes UP or down matters little.

Even if any of them get into trouble with the law, no problem, the state will house them and feed them. No need expensive lawyah to argue, just accept the consequences and 'move on'.

Some Cina orang put it as 'they have a lesser need and less complicated look' in their life ahead or life at present.

Which is in a way ..nice. If some of you Cina had friends of m&d, you'll find them more willing to help than their own fucking Cina kind.

So bros here, no need to quote why this and why that until the days when Stamford Raffles brought the fishing village from some m&d sultan or be fucking racist ( like me sometimes ) and say that m&ds are so becos they are...well... lesser intelligent being etc etc...

But then if cina are the problem that cannot produce, why don't they just fucked off ( since most of their gals like to be spg anyway ) to some Ang mo or peh mo cuntry and let the m&d re-populated the fishing village?

Rather than die die won't go and some old fuck find other methods to 'hold on' and re-populated the place with PRC and ah neh FTs?

Seems like in doing so, the old fuck had his old tricks BACK FIRE ONTO him and his kind.


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Nah......... cost of living is so much lower for them: children get free education thru uni while others pay thru' their nose!! Besides fucking without condom saves money too!!

So why not??

You still living in the 80s ar? That is why i say, You oldies are still living in your kampong.

Malays do not receive free or Discounted education while in Uni/Poly, This has been scrapped since 1990.
They only receive a 2 to 4 dollar discount while in Primary/secondary school.(Almost all 1st world countries give discount to their abors)


Alfrescian (Inf)
I used to think just like that...until I got marginalised by Malays. Maybe only LKY and I would understand how it feels like to be in the situation.:biggrin:

1st time i heard majorities marginalised by minorities.

Try harder, Ah Pui.:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Typical crap from bleeding heart liberal left wing bull shitters

Dear Halsey,

What I am trying to say is that we should love and NOT loathe them. They are like us too - HUMANS.

The fact that they are having babies is that they are seeing the positive side of it.

Even a father, who is deep in crime will never allow his kids to go wayward the same way that he did. Self-pride............

I am sure you may have known such cases yourself.

If the Malays can have more kids so can all the rest of Singaporeans.

Off course the Government should roll in lot of goodies to encourage procreation.

Lip-service won't make any good.

There should be action - everyone knows that it is expensive bringing up kids - the price of milk products, pampers and special food, not forgetting the high sum paid for deliveries and post-natal care.

Look around us and you will see that many Malays (of both sexes) are marrying other races.

The union of two races brings the two closer to respect each other's customs and traditions.

With the passage of time, we will have new citizens with open minds.

That is what we want for our beloved SINGAPORE. Don't we???????????

It is no use always crying foul when one succeed and the other is left behind.

We have to join in the race.

Please don't get me wrong as I sincerely believe that we should LOVE and not LOATHE.


I believe funds r given to mendaki to fund their tertiary education based on needs basis so e lower income still gets free education or subsidized education

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I believe funds r given to mendaki to fund their tertiary education based on needs basis so e lower income still gets free education or subsidized education

Your mendaki, cdac, sinda are all organs to suck money for jialiaobees benefit.
How much actually trickle down to the needy? All scam machiam NKF


Your mendaki, cdac, sinda are all organs to suck money for jialiaobees benefit.
How much actually trickle down to the needy? All scam machiam NKF

But all these 'scams' are started and is in control by the Cina bastards who want to put up a false image that they 'cared for ALL races' isn't it?

Now you need a mirror to give your own Cina face some self reflection!:biggrin:


The secret is simple. Malay chicks are hotter. Their hubbies never tire of bonking them. Chinese chicks ... erm ...by comparison .... not so...

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
But all these 'scams' are started and is in control by the Cina bastards who want to put up a false image that they 'cared for ALL races' isn't it?

Now you need a mirror to give your own Cina face some self reflection!:biggrin:
I may have cina blood but i dun feel any loyalty towards other cina especially those from 'motherland'...and I am not a bastard...at least not in the same boat as those you mentioned.


I may have cina blood but i dun feel any loyalty towards other cina especially those from 'motherland'...and I am not a bastard...at least not in the same boat as those you mentioned.

Nice to know that there are nice Cina around. Cos if not, soon they'll squeeze each other out instead of the 'kampong helping spirit' of many m&ds who still take things easy despite the presence of many foreign invaders invited in by those 'other Cina' who are wholely selfish and arrogant and extremely greedy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
1st time i heard majorities marginalised by minorities.

Try harder, Ah Pui.:rolleyes:

Why not?

Let's say a company for eg has more malays in it and few chinese the chinese will be the minority. Or an army unit for eg.

This is common sense and it doesn't have to be on the national lvl you're just trying to excuse malays from discriminating him.