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Victory in sight for HK protesters



At this sensitive and critical time, China state media announces the winning photo for this year journalism:

A new but a formidable recruit to the HK umbrella movement ?

For a Chinese leader, used to the strict control of state media and not susceptible to the whims of a voting public, such images are rare.



As the power stuggle between Xi faction and Jiang faction reaches its grand finale, it seems likely that the outcome of the HK protest is going to be decided by the outcome of the Chicom palace intrigues..... or maybe it is the other way round. (拿下上海帮):


The Jiang Empire strikes back....

The plan has obviously ignored domestic politics in mainland China, in particular the case of Zhou Yongkang , the first Politburo Standing Committee member, either retired or sitting, to be investigated over corruption and abuse of power since June 1981. Undoubtedly, a large number of his followers and supporters are also under investigation and will be charged in the near future.

Unsurprisingly, such anti-corruption reforms have been put on hold because of the Hong Kong crisis, and the campaign will not gain full momentum again until the party gets Hong Kong's house back in order.

The danger is that corrupt politicians within the party have been waiting for a chance to fight back. If riots break out in Hong Kong, the authority of President Xi Jinping would be correspondingly reduced and those hardliners will take over. To establish and then increase their legitimacy, they will opt for flawed, aggressive policies, rather than the "new type of great power relations" between the US and China, a strategic concept promoted by Xi.

Meanwhile, Xi Jinping again asks WP Towkay:

"Tell me one more time, Mr Low, do you really think CY Leung should resign?"

"Boss, if Wong Kan Seng did not resign, then CY doesn't need to resign also," - Towkay

"Brilliant answer ! I love this kind of Democracy with Singapore characteristics (新加坡特色的民主制度). I love even more this kind of Opposition with WP characteristics (工人党特色的监督制度). Hope HK people can plagiarise more," - Xi.

Xi's message to the HK protesters: "Towards a First World LegCo (邁向第一世界立法會) !“



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Taking Back Hong Kong's Future

"I would like to remind every member of the ruling class in Hong Kong: Today you are depriving us of our future, but the day will come when we decide your future. No matter what happens to the protest movement, we will reclaim the democracy that belongs to us, because time is on our side."





The people of HK will view their relation with China differently after Occupy Central

《"占中”总会过去,但北京在这次“占中”里的任何举动对香港这一代人的民心都会造成很深的印象,这个印象会长 久而直接影响到中港未来的关系。....... 但永远会记得对方说话的态度,是野蛮的还是文明的,是照顾别人感受的还是自高自大的。》

《作为一名在香港读书的内地学生,我可以切身体会到几乎所有香港同学对于“占中”坚定不移的支持。.... . 甚至有的老师会帮“占中”的同学签到。我的老师还一度把晚上的课取消了,她发给我们的邮件里这 样写道,"I cannot give a lecture on such an important day." ..... 这是我看见的,未必能代表全部。但我还真没发现一个不支持“占中”的香港学生。》

It is disheartening that the Beijing master has shown a total bochap, arrogant attitude to HK affairs, treating HK citizens as 3rd class subjects in a distant peripheral outpost, hiding in the facade of "港人治港" while calling all the shots and pulling every single string behind the scene.

Hopefully, Occupy Central will become another Boston Tea Party. Like the Boston Tea Party which had woken up the American people that they were mere expendable cash cows for their British master, Occupy Central will expose that the HK people are worse than that.

The seccession of Singapore from Malaysia offers a very painful yet meaningful lession for the people of HK: 「寧做雞頭, 莫做鳳尾」。(Better to be a free citizen of a small but independent and democratic nation than to be a Smaller subject in a distant peripheral outpost of a Greater but undemocratic Motherland.)

If Singapore had continued to remain part of a 1Malaysia, it will suffer the same fate as HK: becoming second class citizen and sharing all the burden, problems and rubbish from the mainland masters, hindering the people's progress and development. If HK continues to remain chained with China, in time to come, it can perhaps compete with Sabah and Sarawak to see who is more underdeveloped, more neglected, more exploited, more abused and more discriminated.

One of history most inspiring moment, when seccessionist heroes in southern China stood up and rejected Unification to defy their self-styled 'Motherland':


HK' s famous separatist forefather, Sun Quan: "孤与中共老賊,勢不两立 !”

"生子當如孫仲謀 !”




One of the tangible achievement of the Occupy Central and one of the lasting legacy of CY Leung's incompetent reign, is the awakening of the HK Independence movement.

Step by step, the HK people is moving towards Independence

"The number of Hong Kongers identifying themselves as 'Chinese' has reached a record low, after more than a month of mass pro-democracy demonstrations calling for free elections, a poll has found.

Only 8.9 percent of Hong Kongers called themselves 'Chinese'.......... The number of people identifying themselves as Chinese in the vote has dropped consistently since a high of 32.1 percent in 1997, when the city was handed back to China by Britain....... In 2010, over 16 percent of participants of the same poll identified themselves as 'Chinese', while 12.6 percent did so in 2012.

In the most recent poll, more than a quarter of the 810 interviewed said they were 'Hong Kongers'. Another 42 percent said they were primarily 'Hong Kongers'....."

The Chinese communist must realise that the one and only way to stop the HK people growing desire for an independent country is to grant them full and real democracy, before it's too late to apologise.


Beijing's response to the HK student demand for real democracy..

Perhaps, President Xi is looking forwards to this kind of meeting with the HK student leaders in the future.

If the American people who share the same origin, same culture, same heritage, same kinship, same blood and same language can also break off from their British masters, why can't HK which has totally different origin, different culture, different heritage, different kinship, different blood and different language from their Chinese masters ?
