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Turkey is ready to go in war with Israel

Pek Kim Lui

imho, war is not a solution.

how to conclude who won, who lost? both ppl die in war, both ppl will be homeless,
both economic will be hit........so on.

so who won????:confused:

True. Only winners in war these days are the arms dealer. To win a 'war' these days is to survive the war and be the first to rebulit.

All the same, for all the belly aching and sabre rattling nobody really wants a war. Even sadder, nobody really wants peace in the middle east.


No matter how formidable their navy Turks don't have the power projection ability. Their navy will operate without the support of airforce because they do not have a/c carrier. No air superiority only means that they can only become roast turkey.

Who is going to roast who remains a question as the shooting war hasn't start yet but certainly Israel is not in an enviable position right now.

There reason why Iran hasn't been bombed by Israel is because of incapability, not because they don't want to.

Times has changed and state of the art weaponries are available to take down anything and Turkey isn't exactly a no-frills nation when it comes to defense budget.

In their haste to be Europeanised, they forgot their own backyard thus leaving the IDF to flourish and lord over the middle east with unlimited and unchecked growth.

If Israel is taken down a peg or two this time around, her future and repercussions might well spells doom for her, nuclear-armed or not.

Mike Tyson too was invincible once, before being floored by Buster Douglas if this analogy is any indication. :o:biggrin:

Falcon Seven

This is just a publicity stunt by Erdogan to shore up Islamic support in Turkey and also win some Arabs' minds and hearts. Face it, Turkey will not go to war with Israel, everybody knows Uncle Sam supports Israel, going to war with Israel is equivalent to fighting Uncle Sam's brother, equally disastrous.

Furthermore, Turkey managed to escape the anti-Islamic wave by Westerners as they are known to be secular and even the military elites are secular. So hence, it is unlikely Turkey will move to the Arab side.


Why is it that the same footage can be so misinterpreted. The IDF violated international laws and illegally board the ship in international waters in a show of hostility. The civilians are in their right to defend themselves. Its about time somebody stood up to the strongarm tactics of the west.


Who is going to roast who remains a question as the shooting war hasn't start yet but certainly Israel is not in an enviable position right now.

There reason why Iran hasn't been bombed by Israel is because of incapability, not because they don't want to.

Times has changed and state of the art weaponries are available to take down anything and Turkey isn't exactly a no-frills nation when it comes to defense budget.

In their haste to be Europeanised, they forgot their own backyard thus leaving the IDF to flourish and lord over the middle east with unlimited and unchecked growth.

If Israel is taken down a peg or two this time around, her future and repercussions might well spells doom for her, nuclear-armed or not.

Mike Tyson too was invincible once, before being floored by Buster Douglas if this analogy is any indication. :o:biggrin:

I doubt turks generals really want to go to war with Israel as they have good relation with IDF. it just the politician who are beating the war drum.

in any case, many of the missiles and weapons in turkey were procured from Israel. they know the source code to jam those missile.


The ship is in international waters. When you board a ship in international waters by force, it is the same as illegally entering the country of that ship. What do you do to someone who infiltrate your country?


If it a warship yes. But this is a civilian ship. Any law enforcement agency can board the ship if they have enough ground to do so be it if it in International water or not.


Pride comes before the fall...:eek:
Israelis celebrating the killings.:(
<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value="http://www.liveleak.com/e/23f_1275495563"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.liveleak.com/e/23f_1275495563" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>

No saving grace for these fallen angels because karma always gets what she wants in the end. We just have to wait and see, wahahha...


If it a warship yes. But this is a civilian ship. Any law enforcement agency can board the ship if they have enough ground to do so be it if it in International water or not.

Do some research before commenting on matters of international law


Alfrescian (Inf)
The ship is in international waters. When you board a ship in international waters by force, it is the same as illegally entering the country of that ship.

Many keep mentioning international waters. US Navy and to a lesser extent Royal Navy blockaded international waters all over the world through the decades. This is an IDF declared blockade zone, i.e. being enroute to Gaza. What Israel is blockading against is shipping to terrorists and arms to Gaza, where they come within range of attacking Israel directly. Any navy can declare blockade of any international waters. Either you let them search and satisfy them that you're causing no harm, or get your own navy escort to breach the blockade. Even Imperial Japan knew this rule. They decided to start the Pacific Theatre of World War 2.

The law that ship at international waters is subject to the laws of its country of registration is correct, at peace time. Entering blockade or war zone, rules of engagement overrides. It's the same thing as intentionally killing a person is murder, but interntionally killing a person at war is perfectly legal and sometime even earns a medal. You need a passport to enter a foreign country, yes. But have you heard of US soldiers bringing their passports along to clear customs in Vietnam or Iraq?

War is war. A war crime is when opponents surrendered, could or would no longer resist, the soldiers still go ahead to shoot them, as happened with Germany and Japan in World War 2. In this case, civilian or militia, doesn't matter, those on board the ship clearly resisted violently.


Alfrescian (Inf)
so what you're saying is, they are already at war. So that means if an Iranian ship comes in to supply weapons, it is perfectly alright as it is war time. The worlds will not condemn such acts by the Iranians?

The Israelis offered to board and inspect first because the ship is flying a Turkish flag. If it was a Iranian ship, I think that they'll just torpedo it if it didn't turn around and go somewhere else. Even Malaysia is at a de facto state of war with Israel. Not recognising Israel's right to existence is de facto declaration of war.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If the ship is heading towards Tel Aviv, then they can blow whoever to pieces.

You're ok with an open air prison called Gaza? Isn't that a step towards holocaust? If not because of this incident, many would not know about Gaza.

I'm not OK with that. There's got be a way to settle the territorial and statehood disputes. But the beginning of the way lies on the shoulders of the numerous Muslim nations claiming to be brothers of the Palestinians. They must begin to really care for the livelihood of their Palestinian brothers instead of focusing on the elimination of Israel, supporting and encouraging guerilla terrorism against Israel.

I can confidently say, you ship the 6 milion Israelis out of Israel today and let the Palestinians takeover, they'd be clueless and it'd be chaos.

For those who know where Gaza is and what it's all about, Israel has always considered it buffer defence zones along with Golan Heights, Jordan West Bank, south Lebanon and Sinai peninsula. Any military or clandestine movements there, Israel will react without hesitation. That's how Israelis live in peacetime lifestyles comparable to western Europe.
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Do some research before commenting on matters of international law

Which part of international law do you have problem understanding?

[COLOR="_______"]5.2.10 Blockade
Blockade, i.e. the interdiction of all or certain maritime traffic coming from or going to a port or coast of a belligerent, is a legitimate method of naval warfare. In order to be valid, the blockade must be declared, notified to belligerent and neutral States, effective and applied impartially to ships of all States. A blockade may not bar access to neutral ports or coasts. Neutral vessels believed on reasonable and probable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be stopped and captured. If they, after prior warning, clearly resist capture, they may be attacked.
If ship refuses search after clear warning it may be attacked:

[COLOR="_______"]5.1.2(3) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search, capture or diversion.


Do some research before commenting on matters of international law
His tone is one of an expert, but the content of his sppech actually is rubbish. this kind of person can actually go far in life, expecially if he's a politician.:smile:


Why is the world being held hostage by these muslim radicals? Whether International waters or just your kalang long gau water, they just want to create trouble!

Sympathing the cause of these muslim radicals will further broaden their evil ways to hold the world hostage by simply shouting "Allah Akbar!" and whack you to death, or bomb the bus you are in, or bomb the shopping centre you are in, or bomb the marriot hotel you are in etc etc etc!

Move closer to home... DO YOU KNOW ALL OUR MRT STATIONS HAVE NO DUSTBINS?? for fear of these radicals throwing timed bombs inside! Please WAKE UP sympathisers! these muslim radicals had even fortfeit OUR RIGHTS to a DECENT dustbin in MRT STATIONS! And you think they deserve a second look?

Why should we care about their cause when they do not even care if the bomb they going to blow up will even kill their own muslim brothers and sisters, muslim children, muslim women, muslim father/mother etc! IF this is a cause worth glorrifying or sympathise with then I say go kill your own parents, your own childen, your own grandparents then shout "Allah Akbar" to justify all these heinous acts!

If Allah is truly Akbar, I swear upon his HOLY of HOLIES name, that ALLAH DETEST and despised those who killed his children!

"Allah Akbar!" May the punishment of ALLAH descent upon all these radicals!
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If the ship is heading towards Tel Aviv, then they can blow whoever to pieces.

You're ok with an open air prison called Gaza? Isn't that a step towards holocaust? If not because of this incident, many would not know about Gaza.

You are digressing. First, you talk about legality. Then you moved on to moral issues like "open air prison" when you discover you cannot nail Israel on legality.

By the way, the Arabs are the ones who rejected peace repeatedly. Read up on what Arafat did when he finally had the chance for peace. He was neither the first nor the last. It's in their genes.


I'm not OK with that. There's got be a way to settle the territorial and statehood disputes. But the beginning of the way lies on the shoulders of the numerous Muslim nations claiming to be brothers of the Palestinians. They must begin to really care for the livelihood of their Palestinian brothers instead of focusing on the elimination of Israel, supporting and encouraging guerilla terrorism against Israel.

No one is truly interested in the Palestinians (who are actually Arabs. There is NO such race as Palestinians). They are just pawns in the anti- Israel game.

I do feel sorry for the innocent Palestinians but sadly, many of them as well as their leaders, allow themselves to be used as pawns, whether knowingly or otherwise. Their plight are exaggerated out of an anti- Israel agenda rather than true concern for the Palestinians. Sadly, many people, including some forumners here, fell for it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Y. Read up on what Arafat did when he finally had the chance for peace. He was neither the first nor the last. It's in their genes.

To be fair, there is also blame on the Israel side.

Arafat did acknowledge the right of Israel to exist but
it was an Israel fanatic who assasinated PM Rabin because he accepted the Oslo Accords.


Israel-PLO Recognition
(September 9, 1993)

September 9, 1993

Yitzhak Rabin

Prime Minister of Israel

Mr. Prime Minister,

The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle East. In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments:

The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.

The PLO accepts United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

The PLO commits itself to the Middle East peace process, and to a peaceful resolution of the conflict between the two sides and declares that all outstanding issues relating to permanent status will be resolved through negotiations.

The PLO considers that the signing of the Declaration of Principles constitutes a historic event, inaugurating a new epoch of peaceful coexistence, free from violence and all other acts which endanger peace and stability. Accordingly, the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume responsibility over all PLO elements and personnel in order to assure their compliance, prevent violations and discipline violators

In view of the promise of a new era and the signing of the Declaration of Principles and based on Palestinian acceptance of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the PLO affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel's right to exist, and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this letter are now inoperative and no longer valid. Consequently, the PLO undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes in regard to the Palestinian Covenant.


Yasser Arafat


The Palestine Liberation Organization


September 9, 1993

His Excellency

Johan Jorgen Holst

Foreign Minister of Norway

Dear Minister Holst,

I would like top confirm to you that, upon the signing of the Declaration of Principles, the PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and terrorism, contributing to peace and stability and participating actively in shaping reconstruction, economic development and cooperation.


Yasser Arafat


The Palestine Liberation Organization


September 9, 1993

Yasser Arafat


The Palestinian Liberation Organization

Mr. Chairman,

In response to your letter of September 9, 1993, I wish to confirm to you that, in light of the PLO commitments included in your letter, the Government of Israel has decided to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and commence negotiations with the PLO within the Middle East peace process.

Yitzhak Rabin

Prime Minister of Israel