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Chitchat [Singapore] Man can't afford handphone to find a job

Scrooball (clone)



PSP NCMP Hazel Poa calls for used phone donation to help Jurong West resident find work​

The resident cannot afford a new phone without a job, but he is having trouble finding a job without first having a phone.​

Matthias Ang

[Editor's note on May 20: This article initially stated that the resident is from Hong Kah North. It has since been amended to state that the resident lives in Jurong West, in the Nanyang ward of West Coast GRC.]

Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Hazel Poa, from the Progress Singapore Party, has put out an appeal for the donation of a used phone to help a resident in Jurong West obtain a job.

Poa posted the appeal on her Facebook page on May 19.

The resident is unable to take calls on his current phone, which is faulty, and this has hindered his job search, she said.

Resident has been out of work for three months​

According to Poa, she encountered the resident, surnamed Soh, while on a walkabout with other PSP members at Jurong West.

She wrote that Soh had been out of work for three months and asked the PSP members if they could help him to find a job.

The man, who appeared to be in his 50s to 60s, also said that he has a child still in secondary school as he married late.

Handphone unable to retrieve calls, unable to afford new one​

Poa added that the man was looking for a job in an unspecified industry where she happens to have two friends looking for additional manpower.

Both of her friends then asked for Soh's contact number when she contacted them about the matter.

However, Soh then showed them his handphone, which he said was "out of order".

"I called his number, the phone rang, but he was unable to take the call," Poa said.

She also noted that Soh does not have a fixed line at home.

Poa wrote:

"He told us his phone had already been out of order for a few days but he did not have money to buy a new one. He said he needed a new job before he can afford a new phone, but nowadays, it is difficult to job hunt without a phone."
Despite his difficulties however, Poa added that Soh continued to speak with the PSP team "pleasantly" and even indicated that his Malay neighbour had helped him by buying him a packet of food.

PSP member who lives nearby has volunteered to be the liaison between Soh and prospective employers​

Poa then highlighted that she was trying to find Soh a used phone while he looks for a job.

"If you have a working phone lying around in your drawer that you no longer need, please consider donating it to him," she wrote.

Such a donation can be made to the PSP's headquarters at 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #14-04, or donors can directly message Poa to arrange for collection.

In the meantime, a PSP member who lives nearby has volunteered to be the liaison between Soh and prospective employers.

The member will visit Soh at his home when needed, said Poa.

At least three commenters have offered their phones in response to Poa's post.
Mothership has reached out to PSP for updates on the situation.

Top photo via Hazel Poa/Facebook

Scrooball (clone)

Liddat then got phone but no plan how????
Must spoon-feed this clown one la.

Help him do his resume, help him buy computer, help him subscribe to Internet service, help him to email out his resume, help him to buy clothes for interview, buy him EZ-link card to travel to interview location, pay for his groceries, pay for his kid's education, pay for his utilities and the list goes on.

For fuck's sake la, a 50-60s man with a secondary school kid....he didn't even make the effort to find a cheap working phone. And mind you, he could have walked to any nearby McDonald's for a job without a phone!


Wait....Jurong Resident show overwhelming sirpok for PineApple, this resident should go Istana to ask for help tomorrow mah


He can join PSP as receptionist. He will get to answer many phone calls without the need for a personal phone.


Why can't he wait by his home phone for the call from the prospective employer? He has nowhere else to be anyway. :unsure::confused::tongue:


How first world country with first world leaders. Now a new Supreme leader took over should look into this issue. Something is not right


Handphones should be an entitlement for each citizen.
Gov services saved lots more money going online and the saving should go back to citizens.