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Respec this woman! - She became an atheist!


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Sadly, she thinks that Christianity is a creed of dos and don'ts. A case of personal freedom versus religious dogmatics.

If she has taken time to read and understand the faith, she will discover more. Women are highly favored by God in the Bible. Look at Mary, mother of Jesus and Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. And in the Old Testament, look at Queen Esther. And who were the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus ?

But of course, Eve is the first to be tempted to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thinking that eating it will make her wise like God. She chose worldly wisdom over godly obedience.

There you have it .. the explanation.

Mary is frowned upon by most Christian factions except for probably Catholism and Anglicans


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
In Theravada Buddhism, we do not worship any God. Not even worship Buddha cos Buddha is passe.

Just follow HIS teaching like Law of Karma, Dharma etc..

Not really follow his teachings but to accept the 3 univeral truths and the 4 noble truths. Following the middle path has a few interpretations.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mary is frowned upon by most Christian factions except for probably Catholism and Anglicans

Oh... she is not. She is the human instrument for whom Jesus was conceived and born of the Holy Ghost. She is blessed by God to bring forth Jesus as the incarnate God into the world. But some factions elevated her to a status equal with God for the fact that she is the mother of Jesus and Jesus is the Son of God. Nowhere in the scripture did she claim to be of God or belonging to the triune God.


Oh... she is not. She is the human instrument for whom Jesus was conceived and born of the Holy Ghost. She is blessed by God to bring forth Jesus as the incarnate God into the world. But some factions elevated her to a status equal with God for the fact that she is the mother of Jesus and Jesus is the Son of God. Nowhere in the scripture did she claim to be of God or belonging to the triune God.

God is a bit silly. Just tell a stone to be Jesus and it will be. Human instrument? How stupid!


Alfrescian (Inf)
God is a bit silly. Just tell a stone to be Jesus and it will be. Human instrument? How stupid!

Unless we are all stones. The reason for Christmas is that God came in the form of a human being so that he could identify with us in all our struggles and failures, yet he was without sin in order that he could be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
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Buddhists where got freedom?

Must always good deeds to get out of a recycling trap of not beinf born into a family of insects or pigs?

How many good deeds are enough?

Who decides?

syed putra

Anti Christian propaganda. Reported in the malay mail by the malay male. Or maybe she had brown and had a wide frown.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is not enough to withdraw from the mob, not enough to go to another place, we have to withdraw from such attributes of the mob as are within us. - Michel de Montaigne



Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Unless we are all stones. The reason for Christmas is that God came in the form of a human being so that he could identify with us in all our struggles and failures, yet he was without sin in order that he could be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Lol. You have to be serverely brain washed to be believing that....

You believe all that because it is written in a book created 200 years after


Unless we are all stones. The reason for Christmas is that God came in the form of a human being so that he could identify with us in all our struggles and failures, yet he was without sin in order that he could be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
If like that considered sacrifice, then he is not God. tio bo? How many of today known 'sins' had he redeemed?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Unless we are all stones. The reason for Christmas is that God came in the form of a human being so that he could identify with us in all our struggles and failures, yet he was without sin in order that he could be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

You guys are talking as if you were discussing something based on fact and reality.

May I suggest that such literature is more suited for the religious folder.


Sadly, she thinks that Christianity is a creed of dos and don'ts. A case of personal freedom versus religious dogmatics.

If she has taken time to read and understand the faith, she will discover more. Women are highly favored by God in the Bible. Look at Mary, mother of Jesus and Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. And in the Old Testament, look at Queen Esther. And who were the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus ?

But of course, Eve is the first to be tempted to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thinking that eating it will make her wise like God. She chose worldly wisdom over godly obedience.

There you have it .. the explanation.

of course Eve had chosen to eat the fruit,
if she chose otherwise
the writer won't be able continue his story


God gave free choice to adam and eve.

Who said becoming a Christian means no freedom?

Its all rubbish.


NOVEMBER 7 – I made the decision to leave the church and become an atheist sometime in 2012.

I was a Christian for a decade and attended an evangelical church where I had led a small group of fellow believers. As cell group leader, I was very passionate in the faith. I’d even participated in an evangelism course to learn how to attract others to church.

Like the diligent student that I was, I completed every assignment in the course and took non-Christian friends out for badminton or dinner to try to share the gospel with them, besides inviting them to tea parties or other social outings organised by the cell group.

I was not raised a Christian. I don’t know any Sunday school songs. When I was a child, my parents had taught me a vague version of Buddhism mixed with Taoism.

There was a small statue of the Monkey God on the altar at home, glowing in an ominous red light. I used to pray before it for things like exams. I did not have any real belief that this little wooden thing would actually hear me and grant my wishes for straight As, but praying to it became a routine every evening, like reading the newspaper or brushing teeth.

Then my father died from cancer when I was 16. I had converted to Christianity shortly before. Jesus Christ seemed more relatable than an impersonal wooden god with a stick that had failed to prevent my father’s illness and death.

The sense of community in the church was strong and soothing like the thrum of a washing machine. A bunch of church members helped my family move house after my father’s death, even though they barely knew us.

For a while, I revelled in my newfound faith. The pastors told me that my father’s death was in accordance with God’s will and that His ways are higher than ours. It didn’t make much sense to me, but death never does, even till this day.

At that time, I just pushed aside the illogicality of the church’s explanations. The close ties, the sense of belonging, the way everyone seemed so together in their worship gave me a sense of purpose at a time when my world
had plunged into chaos.

Throughout the years, however, cracks began to appear in my tightly constructed faith.

After the euphoria over my conversion settled down, I started examining my beliefs. I started asking questions.

Chief among them was how women are perceived in the bible. I struggled to reconcile my feminism with verses like how wives are to submit to their husbands just as they do to God (Ephesians 5:22), the head of a wife is her husband (1 Corinthians 11:3), and a wife must be chaste, respectful and possess a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3: 2-4).

I was most certainly not “quiet”; I was outspoken and very opinionated. I’d begun writing letters to the editor about various issues since I was a teenager.

Then there’s also the Old Testament story of Lot offering his daughters up to be gang-raped when men outside his house demanded sex with his two male visitors.

I tried to rationalise it away. Perhaps what the bible meant by the husband being the “head” of his wife was that men are just the “source” of women, in that God created Eve from Adam’s rib.

I also tried to marry the evolution theory with the bible. God creating the world in seven days was a myth. I believed it more likely that God was the Creator that allowed the natural process to go on its own, a position that Pope Francis recently took when he said evolution was not opposed to the notion of Creation as “evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.”

The church’s obsession with sex, or the control of sexual impulses, disturbed me too. More often than not, the focus on purity and virginity was targeted at women. I used to be torn with guilt at every risqué thought, wondering if God up there was watching, listening, waiting to strike.

The abstinence-only sex education propounded by religious groups instead of safe sex seemed like a harmful public health policy.

In the end, the church could not give me satisfactory answers.

So I decided to leave. After I left the church and stopped praying, I found that my life went on exactly the same. If I wanted to get something done, I’d just work at it as I used to do, only without prayer. It got me the same results.

God became unnecessary.

I don’t have to try to fit in the divine when science can explain the way the world works. It’s not so much that science is opposed to faith; it’s more like science renders God an extraneous variable. Whatever mysteries that remain can be solved in due time as science is constantly evolving and questioning, unlike dogmatic religion that has a fixed view of the world.

Most of all, I don’t have to bother reconciling my idea of women’s rights and the sexist notions in Christianity and other major religions. If other women are happy being submissive to their husbands because the bible tells them to do so, that’s up to them. But at least now, I can choose not to and I'm free to seek a more egalitarian relationship outside the misogynistic boundaries of religion.

I found freedom in atheism, the freedom to think.

- See more at: http://m.themalaymailonline.com/opinion/boo-su-lyn/article/why-i-left-the-faith#sthash.jJC7RZ6i.dpuf

she can fuck Amos Yee.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lol. You have to be serverely brain washed to be believing that....

You believe all that because it is written in a book created 200 years after

Our brains are constantly being washed by what we imbibe everyday.

But if it is the truth, the washing is like a good cleansing bath. You will be washed clean and made whole.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Imho, religion is for mortals to relieve or depend on when they have problems in life. They seek solution from the religion when they are in dilemma, asking god to provide solution.

God must be very busy since so many keep praying them for help. I really dont who he/she shd help. Everyday work OT to answer prayers. Give them a break la.

Nothing to respect but good for her she has become independant.:biggrin: