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NSP Nichole Seah is an Ah Lian scold KNNCCB


so wat? fucking KKNBPCB pappy running dog tryin to make a mountain out of a molehill on the oppo KNNBPCB HOR GAO GAN LAH! :mad::oIo:

Brother you become xiao already issit? I thought you always attacking NSP, now you defending them? She your GF ar?

Mountain out of molehill?? Sammyboy is the biggest mountain on which all moehills are crushed!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-0jzvLn2NeA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I've always emphasised that people who start twitter and facebook accounts are real idiots. This election campaign proves it.

NEVER use your real identity on the net. It's suicide! It has the potential to destroy relationships and careers to the point where life is no longer worth living.

I knew there were billions of morons on this world but I never realised there were so many amongst the educated and supposedly sane.

When my wife started doing facebook recently, I bailed out immediately. Too risky. Everyone knows everyone's friends.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
When my wife started doing facebook recently, I bailed out immediately. Too risky. Everyone knows everyone's friends.

Your bailing out isn't going to stop her from revealing intimate details about married life. Get her off of there before you're screwed.


That's connecting with the real people!!

I like. I live in Marine Parade GRC!


Yes, this is called "keeping up with the flow".

This is the real world.
These are not 'vulgarities'.......
these are 'spontaneity'.........

No doubt about it.. this Nicole Seah is OK ! ..... ok?


Ladies and Gentlemen,.. presenting to you.. our youngest candidate Ms Nicole Seah. Let's hear from the horse's mouth~ take it away Nicole!!

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Vote for change.. or vote for double portion of more of the same... it's up to you..
Last edited:


Hardly shocking. Just take a look some of her party's sec-gen comments disparaging the minority citizen online. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.

But will the new Indian citizen who have snapped up condominiums in Marine Parade vote for a foul mouthed Ah Lian? Perhaps they should put her mouth to good use and send her to face MBT in Tampines instead.

As they say there is a silver lining in every cloud. Regardless of the outcome, Ah Beng has found someone who will marry him other than PRC prostitutes. :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Tin Tin versus Nicotin.
Who will win?

Nicotin of course lah, pants down. Oops, I mean hands down.
Just looking at Nicotin's CV (and Tin's Tin's lack of), Nicotin's classy look (and Tin Tin's fundamentally low-crass features with stupid pouting and vulgar-looking mouth). Have not heard her speak, but I suspect Nicotin will speak much better than Rin Tin Tin. Finally, Rin Tin Tin's taste in clothes - YAKS!


What a fucking uncultured Bitch

Use KNNCCB and Shit all the time

KNNCCB, What a shit candidate!


This Ah Lian and that Warehouse Assistant running for Parliament

What a Joke!


We need her around whenever there is a price hike. Transport up again knnxxx! GST up again knnxxx! Public housing going up skyhigh and unaffordable knnxxx!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hardly shocking. Just take a look some of her party's sec-gen comments disparaging the minority citizen online. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.

But will the new Indian citizen who have snapped up condominiums in Marine Parade vote for a foul mouthed Ah Neh? Perhaps they should put her mouth to good use and send her to face MBT in Tampines instead.

As they say there is a silver lining in every cloud. Regardless of the outcome, Ah Neh has found someone who will marry him other than PRC prostitutes. :biggrin:


Agree. :eek:


Use KNNCCB so what, at least she is not a Hypocrite.
So people deserve to get Fuck, You bloody PAP ass licker, KNNCCB

What a fucking uncultured Bitch

Use KNNCCB and Shit all the time

KNNCCB, What a shit candidate!



Thank you for digging this up.

A blessing in disguise. Her reply to this issue projected her as responsible, unpretencious, sincere and someone whom we can relate to.

Also gave her a chance to display her eloqence and ability to articulate the issue.


This Ah Lian and that Warehouse Assistant running for Parliament

What a Joke!

Son, you are getting on my nerves. Should had not inseminated your mother through her arsehole. My wrong. I am sorry son! But Dad still love you. Now isn't this more cultured? Or you prefer Kan Ni Lao Bu Kar Chng Kang?