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Malaysia will not succeed if non-Muslims marginalised, says Obama


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is actually in Singapore's best interest that Malaysia remains as backward as possible.

The day Malaysia strengthen itself is the day of demise for Singapore.

why the fuck are you so selfish?

only people lacking creativity will say such thing.

don't you feel good that your neighbor do well and so there will be more economical activities for both countries and prosper together..

only PAP shit thinks like you. such a sinkie disgrace!!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i feel that the unfair privilege given to malay muslim do them more bad than good.

you lost the chance or even the will to drive up yourself to be better. you have been given the easy way out to life and what is there the need to strive out for?

people who make an effort to strive out for themselves will always do well than people who are given the easy way out.

if you have notice the world around you.. many of the developing countries are around the equator.. why is that? because the vast amount of sunshine and rainfall gives these countries easy growth and harvest of crops and fruits. you do not need to work so hard and be creative to get food..easy way out for these countries. for generations, there is no need to be creative to get food.

most of The ang moh countries are first world now because their land do not have much sunshine and rainfall all year round, plus they have cold winters and totally lack of food. IN order to survive, they use their brain and work their way to keep themselves survive. and for generations, they learn to keep themselves survive in this way.

sinkieland is at the equator but no natural resources, so LL have to be like those ang moh countries and work hard and use the brain to think of creative ideas to survive. and now, it is considered better off than the rest in SEA.

i do not think humans are stupid..it is the circumstances that cause them not to make an effort to use their brains and physical to work out something for themselves.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
why the fuck are you so selfish?

only people lacking creativity will say such thing.

don't you feel good that your neighbor do well and so there will be more economical activities for both countries and prosper together..

only PAP shit thinks like you. such a sinkie disgrace!!!

Chump, if you are so unhappy with the Bumi policy of your Government, why you never protest in KL?

Running to Singapore is just to avoid the problem!!

You ball-less!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i feel that the unfair privilege given to malay muslim do them more bad than good.

you lost the chance or even the will to drive up yourself to be better. you have been given the easy way out to life and what is there the need to strive out for?

Tonychat, well said. So what are you and your family in Malaysia waiting for? 2018 again?

No balls to protest?

Fuck lah you ball-less!


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Alfrescian (Inf)
all those who think bumiputra law is bad are stupid,it doesnt matter how good malays are or how they prove themselves to be,what matters is bumiputra law is for the natives and protects the interest of the natives first before others.bumiputra law is a patriotic piece of legislation.

look at sinkies,u guys are so busy laughing at malays and their so called weakness and what not when the sinkie chinese race is on the verge of extinction being pwned by their own greedy chinese race.so farking what if the law is unfair?i rather be among a group of people who puts their own people first and foremost and have a tight sense of belonging and kinship regardless of how they perform,rather then look for the first opportunity to sell their people out for the so called sake of progress and prosperity for the few!!!!!meritocracy and capitalism my ass!!!!!just another sorry ass excuse for humans to pander to their own selfish greed and ego!!!!!!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
all those who think bumiputra law is bad are stupid,it doesnt matter how good malays are or how they prove themselves to be,what matters is bumiputra law is for the natives and protects the interest of the natives first before others.bumiputra law is a patriotic piece of legislation.

look at sinkies,u guys are so busy laughing at malays and their so called weakness and what not when the sinkie chinese race is on the verge of extinction being pwned by their own greedy chinese race.so farking what if the law is unfair?i rather be among a group of people who puts their own people first and foremost and have a tight sense of belonging and kinship regardless of how they perform,rather then look for the first opportunity to sell their people out for the so called sake of progress and prosperity for the few!!!!!meritocracy and capitalism my ass!!!!!just another sorry ass excuse for humans to pander to their own selfish greed and ego!!!!!!

Yup let's ask the malaysian chinese and non mudlays what they think of that and they are citizens of mudland. They were born there and grew up there and help in its progress they don't deserve any less.

Do you think the non chinese in taiwan for example deserve to be mistreated? For people like you we just have to make one small change and leave everything else the same. Just change malays to chinese natives and your standards change.

Which sinkie chinese is pawning whom? If you mean the PAP well then all sinkies are getting pawned and also PAP doesn't just consist of chinese. What does yacob have to say about pinoys coming into sg and replacing malays? Isn't that malay pawn malay?

It's just so sickening that you even dare present this type of logic here and in case you forget obama himself said this is wrong and it's holding their country back and it's not actually helping them because it's making them lazy and incompetent. You are actually indirectly making them incompetent. So in future if let's say someone comes to my running track to race with me since it is my running track i can make my own rules and start ahead of him and then i deserve to win because it is my running track so if i win my opponent does this mean i am a better runner? You see the logic right here it's fucking stupid and mind you malaysia is not the malaya of old. Malaysia of today consists of 3 major races.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
pls lah u think just because theres a few token races in our parliament,singapore is anything but a chinese centric country?right from our education to our policies to our economy,everything reflects the kiasuness and greed of the chinese.singapore is another typical chinese mentality colony/state/country.our country is a product of who we are.....u think u can produce another australia using chinamen?u only get backstabbing,self serving,money grubbing jews,profit at the expense of others mofos who shun at the first sight of socialism or welfare for their countrymen...thats why our gdp can be highest in the world but we will never be a swizterland or norway.lazy incompetent my ass.....

Yup let's ask the malaysian chinese and non mudlays what they think of that and they are citizens of mudland. They were born there and grew up there and help in its progress they don't deserve any less.

Do you think the non chinese in taiwan for example deserve to be mistreated? For people like you we just have to make one small change and leave everything else the same. Just change malays to chinese natives and your standards change.

Which sinkie chinese is pawning whom? If you mean the PAP well then all sinkies are getting pawned and also PAP doesn't just consist of chinese. What does yacob have to say about pinoys coming into sg and replacing malays? Isn't that malay pawn malay?

It's just so sickening that you even dare present this type of logic here and in case you forget obama himself said this is wrong and it's holding their country back and it's not actually helping them because it's making them lazy and incompetent. You are actually indirectly making them incompetent. So in future if let's say someone comes to my running track to race with me since it is my running track i can make my own rules and start ahead of him and then i deserve to win because it is my running track so if i win my opponent does this mean i am a better runner? You see the logic right here it's fucking stupid and mind you malaysia is not the malaya of old. Malaysia of today consists of 3 major races.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
pls lah u think just because theres a few token races in our parliament,singapore is anything but a chinese centric country?right from our education to our policies to our economy,everything reflects the kiasuness and greed of the chinese.singapore is another typical chinese mentality colony/state/country.our country is a product of who we are.....u think u can produce another australia using chinamen?u only get backstabbing,self serving,money grubbing jews,profit at the expense of others mofos who shun at the first sight of socialism or welfare for their countrymen...thats why our gdp can be highest in the world but we will never be a swizterland or norway.lazy incompetent my ass.....

Well LKY might be chinese but his thinking isn't really one.

I like how you try to put singapore's progress as something of the kiasuness and greed of the chinese which then gives even more excuse more mudland being fucked up. One thing i can say despite sg being "kiasu" as you put it they don't discriminate like that towards other races unlike mudlays in mudland so what's your excuse now?

Let us see your double standards and illogical rubbish in action now. Mudlays discriminating non mudlays isn't greed btw?


Alfrescian (Inf)
u honestly think chinese are the ones being discriminated in mudland?wake up ur farking idea.for ur information,the chinese control more than 66% of the wealth in malaysia,most companies in malaysia are owned by the chinese,very few are malay owned,if they are they are mostly owned by the government.average chinese household incomes are 50% higher than malays(this i swear its true theres lots of books and studies on income inequality in malaysia),even the indians are doing much better.discrimination?the bumiputra laws are nothing but an illusion,a bandaid over the festering wound that the people who have true economic power are not the malays but the CHINKS.malays may be the majority race but other than the fact the national language is melayu,it does about jackshyt for them.im not saying theres no poverty in other races,malaysia is a fucked up country but if ur a cheena ur odds are way better than if ur born a malay.


Well LKY might be chinese but his thinking isn't really one.

I like how you try to put singapore's progress as something of the kiasuness and greed of the chinese which then gives even more excuse more mudland being fucked up. One thing i can say despite sg being "kiasu" as you put it they don't discriminate like that towards other races unlike mudlays in mudland so what's your excuse now?

Let us see your double standards and illogical rubbish in action now. Mudlays discriminating non mudlays isn't greed btw?
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
u honestly think chinese are the ones being discriminated in mudland?wake up ur farking idea.for ur information,the chinese control more than 66% of the wealth in malaysia,most companies in malaysia are owned by the chinese,very few are malay owned,if they are they are mostly owned by the government.average chinese household incomes are 50% higher than malays(this i swear its true theres lots of books and studies on income inequality in malaysia),even the indians are doing much better.discrimination?the bumiputra laws are nothing but an illusion,a bandaid over the festering wound that the people who have true economic power are not the malays but the CHINKS.malays may be the majority race but other than the fact the national language is melayu,it does about jackshyt for them.im not saying theres no poverty in other races,malaysia is a fucked up country but if ur a cheena ur odds are way better than if ur born a malay.

to amass wealth, you need to put in effort. and when your options are out and being pushed to a corner, this is the result.

if you have the easy way out of going through life, there is no need to put in effort and that is how far you can go.

It is the circumstances which is artificially created that causes this.
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I Am Mahati, what fuck is obama talking. you westerner chop all the trees now you tell us to go green. you come to our place and fook around with our girl and threatened us not to go your place to fuck your girls. not fair right! :smile:

Malaysia will not succeed if non-Muslims marginalised, says Obama

The Malay Mail OnlineThe Malay Mail Online – 21 hours ago

KUALA LUMPUR, April 27 — Malaysia cannot flourish if the country’s religious and ethnic minorities are sidelined, President of the United States Barack Obama said today.

In his first official visit to the country, Obama said that prejudices against people from different religions and races have no place in the modern world and must be removed.

“Malaysia won't succeed if the non-Muslims do not have the same opportunity,” Obama said in a townhall event at University of Malaya.

Obama said non-Muslims in Malaysia are currently facing hostility, and some have felt oppressed.

He compared the struggle for civil rights across the world to the long fight to eliminate discrimination against ethnic minorities in the US, which culminated in him being elected president.

Obama said countries including Malaysia will not succeed if women, who comprise roughly half of the population, are not given the same opportunities as men.
The president then drew on Christian values on which he was raised, saying that people must treat others the way they would like to be treated themselves.

He also stressed the importance in treating those who are seen as “different” with respect.

“Treat people with respect,” Obama told hundreds of the audience in the event organised by Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative.

“Expect your government to treat everybody with respect and you’re going to be okay.”

Malaysia’s Bumiputera majority enjoys privileges under a system of preferential treatment in jobs, housing and access to government funding.


Alfrescian (Inf)
u honestly think chinese are the ones being discriminated in mudland?wake up ur farking idea.for ur information,the chinese control more than 66% of the wealth in malaysia,most companies in malaysia are owned by the chinese,very few are malay owned,if they are they are mostly owned by the government.average chinese household incomes are 50% higher than malays(this i swear its true theres lots of books and studies on income inequality in malaysia),even the indians are doing much better.discrimination?the bumiputra laws are nothing but an illusion,a bandaid over the festering wound that the people who have true economic power are not the malays but the CHINKS.malays may be the majority race but other than the fact the national language is melayu,it does about jackshyt for them.im not saying theres no poverty in other races,malaysia is a fucked up country but if ur a cheena ur odds are way better than if ur born a malay.


You know i have noticed these double standards and how things are twisted and changed around when it involves mudland. The reason why the chinese have more wealth and all of that is because they are hard working so they deserve it. m&ds are lazy buggers so they remain poor. Period. Then you start to twist it around and say oh chinese are kiasu heartless people and become rich because of it while i suppose m&ds are poor because they are not. :rolleyes: Putting some BS moralistic slant on it. I suppose in future kids can go oh i fail my exams because i am not some nerdy book worm that studies all day unlike those straight A nerds from RI for example. This is the type of logic you are employing and it is plain BS. Trying to white wash their laziness and incompetence and put some type of slant into the it and rehash it as something else. I want to ask you did the m&ds give all their wealth to the chinese? Nope definitely not the fact that they have policies that are biased towards chinese shows that isn't the case. Examples like this show screwball(clone)'s metaphor to be correct. He mentioned that the person with the 50m headstart(mudlays) still lose to chinese at the 100m start. What do you have to say if the person that started with the 50m headstart gave excuses and still thought it was unfair to him?

Another thing i know about people like you are your double standards. Just change the chinese and malays around so now the chinese behave like the malays and the malays like the chinese suddenly you change your tatics and all your reasonings don't apply anymore. May i ask you why are you so illogical when defending malays?

I would also like to ask you suppose you win someone in a race despite starting out 50m behind him do you think the person with the 50m headstart has a right to complain?


Alfrescian (Inf)
When will there actually be equal footing for malays and other races? Oh yes that won't be possible because mudlays are inferior that's why they need this headstart. Let's say you are in a 100m dash and you need to start ahead say 50m for example does this mean you are a slower runner? Straightforward question because if you are a better runner or a runner as capable as your opponent you would be starting behind him or at the same starting point as him. Suppose you start further ahead of him but still lose to your opponent do you think you have a right to make excuses for losing the race? Apparently so. If you are a mudlay starting 50m ahead of the chinese and still lose you can still hold your head high and make excuses for being such a failure.

Notice another thing when someone critisizes chinese let's say chinese society not being run as efficiently as the ones in the west for example you don't hear these butt hurt type of comments that are illogical but rather logical comments that truly analyze both socities and make intelligent responses or just an acceptance to learn if they are truly inferior. A chinese will go yup our society needs to change and follow ang mohs cos they got that right we will strive to work towards that instead of adopting the m&d's mentality which is to scream "racism!!!!! racism!!!!! ang mohs system is better than us cos they stole from us or you know some type of nonsensical response. Ever notice the difference.


Alfrescian (Inf)
to further add on ppl like frenchbriefs are those idiots that give excuses for the runners that have a 50m headstart and still lose. So you watch the race. Mudlays have a 50m headstart but still lose to to the chinese even though they just need to run 50m while the chinese run the entire 100m dash and then make excuses to defend the mudlays despite only needing to run 50m with a 50m headstart while chinese run the entire 100m.

Apparently if you are the malay runner there is a perfectly good reason for you to lose the race despite being given such a big advantage.

You won't ever hear this. Malays: Damn we are fucked up given so many things and advantages but still lose we need to work harder. Better chance of seeing a flying and talking donkey or seeing LHL running sg for sinkies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Honestly speaking how if you put it into a dash regardless of the length of the dash whether it be 100m, 2km or 200km there is 0 honor if you start ahead of your opponent and you win. In the case of mudland m&ds are being given all the advantages to succeed ahead of their opponents but still fail. What's worse the observer supports the one that fails despite such a huge advantage. It is extremely disgusting and should not be ignored unless he admits m&ds are just inferior they have proven it from their actions but perhaps they could improve their integrity by admitting it but that is unlikely to happen.

One thing i am very curious about is why such dishonest and dishonorable assholes like frenchbriefs exist. Someone pls tell me why does he think it is ok to somehow admit the truth when it stares you in the face. We all know chinese ppl are not like that. Suppose mudlays are ruling the economy in some china city well chinese would admit they are good and so on they won't act like the mudlays do.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One more thing i have noticed is that the headstart given to mudlays is downplayed or not even mentioned so it appears like they compete on a fair and level balance playing field and if you support this. If you have integrity and you support this please in future if you run a race with someone say a 100m dash you must let your opponent start say 20m ahead of you. In short your opponent has to start ahead of you and if he wins you can never ever bring up the fact that he started ahead of you that is why he won the race. In the case of malaysia that isn't even the story. In the case of malaysia it is one guy gets to run the race ahead of everyone else and still loses the race but still gets to save face. We'll leave that out aside but let those that support such a biased system to run a race and start behind their opponents and when they lose can never ever mention they had to start behind their opponents and if they actually manage to win their opponents can never boast about their win and the fact that they started from a disadvantaged position compared to their opponents. This is the story of malaysia.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
pls lah u think just because theres a few token races in our parliament,singapore is anything but a chinese centric country?right from our education to our policies to our economy,everything reflects the kiasuness and greed of the chinese.singapore is another typical chinese mentality colony/state/country.our country is a product of who we are.....u think u can produce another australia using chinamen?u only get backstabbing,self serving,money grubbing jews,profit at the expense of others mofos who shun at the first sight of socialism or welfare for their countrymen...thats why our gdp can be highest in the world but we will never be a swizterland or norway.lazy incompetent my ass.....

Token races in Parlianent??

You must be dreaming... Look at posts that our Indian Ministers hold.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Token races in Parlianent??

You must be dreaming... Look at posts that our Indian Ministers hold.

its just a coincidence that his skin happens to be shyt,but underneath that shyt skin they all wear the same chao ji bai underwear.singapore politics is colourblind,its just one big party sucking and fucking the rest of us.the only differentiation i make is between the cunning wolfs and the clowns.vivian is a clown,tharman is a wolf.
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Whether anybody cares or not, no race will become extinct easily. When LKY introduced the "Stop at Two" practice in Singapore back in the seventies, Chinese and Indians listened and stopped at two. The Malays didn't listen and carried on to have four, five, six kids whether they could afford to feed them or not (inflation for basic necessities wasn't that great), and so the Stop at Two idea would have led to racial imbalance and had to be reversed. Unless a major catastrophe occurs, no race on this planet is headed for extinction.


leave them alone to self extinct. Some races are better to rot and extinct, who cares.