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Lky is turning 2 B a LIABILITY by his insensitive remarks of Muslims


Alfrescian (Inf)
You'll always find fanatics world wide but wasn't LKY directing his opinions to the local muslims:confused:

If he's talking about pakistani, middle eastern,... fanatics, why is he so free to dabble in world affairs:confused:

If he's got nothing better else to do he should be putting the spurs on the lazy, non-performing PAP MPs like his son:mad:

If I was one of the Malay MPs, past or present, it would sure feel like a big slap on the face and then MM spitting at me. But all past and present Malay MPs don't appear affected at all. Their resilence must be applauded!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just becos he not happy with PAP and US, he want to blow up people? Didn't his religion taught him to be peaceful? Oh, I forgot, Islam is a religion of pieces.

Also, why was he angry with USA? You sure there is nothing to do with his Muslim brothers outside of Singapore? THINK!

If you look at what George Bush did in the middle east, even americans are angry with Bush Jr for invading Iraq for their oil.

You will find violence inspired in other religions: Christians, Jews, ...... Just google the crusades, middle east wars, Irish-British sectarian violence.

So why only pick on only Islam :confused:

For many years the Malays in Spore have long been criticsed for being lazy, laid back, taking it easy, etc They however take their religion seriously, so LKY should have known better than to shoot off his mouth :rolleyes:

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
You will find violence inspired in other religions: Christians, Jews, ...... Just google the crusades, middle east wars, Irish-British sectarian violence.
So why only pick on only Islam :confused:
Not picking on Islam, just stating fact and what is obvious.

For many years the Malays in Spore have long been criticsed for being lazy, laid back, taking it easy, etc They however take their religion seriously, so LKY should have known better than to shoot off his mouth :rolleyes:

They are laid back lazy becos of their religion! Everything Allah planned and decided. So why work so hard if the outcome is not determined by you or your hard work and is only determined by whether Allah likes you or not?
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MM did not say anything offending what. In fact he praise them say they don't cause trouble. He is pointing out a problem and suggest solution say be less sensitive only what.


As a start:-

1. You have a over zealous principal who tried to convert a primary school into a halal zone.
2. The sprouting of foodcourt that serve halal food only. I refuse to go there and eat.


Old Fart
Islam is a very troublesome religion. Lots of blood were shed because of islamic practices.

No no, not only Islam. Christianity has caused bloodshed, for eg :

-The Crusades
-French Wars of Religion
-Thirty Years War
-The Taiping Rebellion

In short, religions "preach" peace, love and feel good, but will not hesitate to defend their doctrine to the death.


Old Fart
If I was one of the Malay MPs, past or present, it would sure feel like a big slap on the face and then MM spitting at me. But all past and present Malay MPs don't appear affected at all. Their resilence must be applauded!

I reckon its due to their appreciation for the good life in a secular Sinkapore. Why retaliate when your rice bowls are filled with $$$$$?


Hahaha no matter what he said or din say, he will be whacked by mozzi neighbours using " you hurt my feelings" rod......... I dun think he cares as he is much blinded by the 9 mio bucks he makes annually albeit donation of 50k bucks recently.
If I earn 9 mio, I will donate at least 5 mio... why retain so much when my children also make lots of dough?????????????????????????????


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
all these just demonstrate one stark fact: we are still immature and not ready to accept criticism and to react in a sane and matured manner. resorting to vulgarities and curses simply reflects on the one who utters them.

religious or racial integration is no simple thing. so we're not ready. don't continue to fan the fire.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
halalisation and islamisation are here to stay - here and in other parts of the globe. just look at the map of the globe and you will realise the scary scenario in 20 years time...


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you look at what George Bush did in the middle east, even americans are angry with Bush Jr for invading Iraq for their oil.

You will find violence inspired in other religions: Christians, Jews, ...... Just google the crusades, middle east wars, Irish-British sectarian violence.

So why only pick on only Islam :confused:

For many years the Malays in Spore have long been criticsed for being lazy, laid back, taking it easy, etc They however take their religion seriously, so LKY should have known better than to shoot off his mouth :rolleyes:

comeon johnny, wat's wrong with stating facts? in singapore ppl don't make up fairy tales about others. chinese also get called names like dishonest, unfrenly, money minded etc and only a minority of chinese are like that but they don't complain. Why should the malays complain if ppl say that about them?

thats why i knew i was correct that it's racist if you speak unflattering facts about malays.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
wrong time and wrong place lah.....people are toolan ...just waiting for an excuse to blow their tops....


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm still waiting for chinese ppl to blow their tops if someone makes an insensitive remark about them.

Chinese are stingy, mercenary, greedy, ugly and so on.

Where's the backlash? Where's the anger and the calls for rioting? Nope non at all.

Hey if the chinese aren't so sensitive i don't see why others need to be so sensitive. Basket how much bending over backwards does the majority need to do for them?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
aiyah, chinese get used to be farked all the time from time immemorial....what is a farking word to them...all the vulgarities will not even touch them...got spurs and got hide....big prick with a big head..

so don't expect others to have the same spurs and hide lah...

so be more sensitive lor...no need to bend over...but also don't bend others over lah...


Alfrescian (Inf)
malays also seem to be getting fucked ever since they identified themselves as malays cos before that they did not call themselves malays. They should be used to that by now.

Anyway very sensitive to them already. They lazy and love to relak most ppl close one eye ppl say they like to experience life and flame chinese as non stop working robots. They earn less money than others also say it's cos they are not money minded and again flame chinese for loving money.

Yet of course some ppl can see thru the BS and just speak the truth mostly a few ppl only (the rest scared of sendition and being called racist) yet they still insist that nobody can speak the truth. If nobody tells them to shut up that's already bending backwards for them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another thing about chinese ppl being less sensitive and more tolerant. Some assholes love to take advantage of that and further discriminate chinese to further their own agenda. No wonder in another post screwball mentioned it was a simple approach to make malay mandatory for all.

Screwball knows that the chinese are more tolerant. What does he do? Since the chinese are more tolerant just further inconvinence them by forcing them to learn malay for the sake of the sensitive malays.

In some cases being more tolerant isn't a good thing. Some ppl will take advantage of that. Give them an inch and they'll take a yard or maybe a thousand yards. That's why i urge ppl to put down their foot if these assholes get out of hand.