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Serious Jialat! High SES AMDK Expat Accused of Molested Chiobu Slut!



Man convicted of repeatedly assaulting and trapping woman in condo, acquitted of molesting her​

  • Mitch Vanhille, 41, was found guilty of 10 charges and cleared of two others
  • The Ironman competitor did not deny most of the physical acts during the trial but gave various defences
  • The acts he was convicted of include dragging the victim by her hair across a corridor, and hitting her face with a pair of jeans with an attached belt
  • He will return for mitigation and sentencing on Sept 30
SINGAPORE — A 41-year-old expatriate was found guilty on Tuesday (Sept 14) of 10 charges of attacking and confining a woman in his Farrer Road condominium unit, but acquitted of one charge each of assault and molestation.

Mitch Vanhille, a Belgian national based in Singapore, had contested all the charges in a trial that began in January last year. He was accused of committing the offences from May 16 to Nov 21 in 2018.

His victim cannot be named due to a court order to protect her identity. Her relationship with Vanhille also cannot be publicly disclosed.

On Tuesday, District Judge Sarah Tan convicted him of seven counts of voluntarily causing hurt, two counts of wrongful confinement, and one of using criminal force on the victim.

He did not deny most of the physical acts but gave various defences, such as not deliberately aiming a remote control at her which struck her lip.

Man on trial for repeatedly assaulting, molesting woman over half a year
Vanhille, who has competed in Ironman competitions, will return to court on Sept 30 for mitigation and sentencing. His bail quantum was raised from S$15,000 to S$20,000.


District Judge Tan noted that the incidents took place after September 2017, when Vanhille returned to Singapore from the Ironman World Championship in the US.

On May 16, 2018, the victim went to his condominium unit balcony to smoke, closing the door to prevent smoke from getting into the unit.

Vanhille admitted to engaging one of the locks, testifying that he wanted to “stop her annoyance” and “get some peace and quiet”. However, the victim gave evidence that he always left that lock unlocked.

He alleged through his defence counsel that there was no wrongful confinement because two other locks on panels leading to the living and exercise room were routinely unlocked. But she testified that she had unsuccessfully tried to open the panels at the exercise room.

In finding that Vanhille had trapped the victim on the balcony, the judge referred to his text messages to her, which included: “Let me know when you’re ready to leave and I will let you out.”

For the second incident of wrongful confinement, the victim had gone out to the backyard on Aug 30, 2018 to smoke. Vanhille then locked the door which led to the kitchen, asserting that he did so to stop her from arguing with him.

The assault incidents comprised:

  • Throwing a remote control at the victim which hit her lip
  • Dragging her by her hair across the corridor to the main door
  • Dragging her off a bed by her legs onto the floor causing a minor elbow abrasion and head bruise
  • Repeatedly hitting her thighs with a laptop
  • Spitting on her face
  • Hitting her legs with his elbows
  • Hitting her face with a pair of jeans with a belt attached to it
Vanhille testified that he had indeed dragged her down the corridor on July 24, 2018 after telling her to leave the unit and keep quiet. She refused to do so and sat outside his bedroom door.

He claimed it had not occurred to him that she would be injured, and did know she had hit her head on the ground.

The judge found that he had the intention of causing hurt or the knowledge that it would likely happen. “Indeed, he testified that in the course of dragging her, she had resisted.”


On the other hand, District Judge Tan cleared Vanhille of molesting the victim on Nov 21, 2018.

Vanhille had testified that he was about to have sex with her, but was not able to do so.

“This was a case of her word against his word. Weighing all the evidence, I find that the prosecution has not proven the charge beyond a reasonable doubt and I acquit him,” the judge noted.

She also acquitted Vanhille of forcefully opening the victim’s mouth and slapping her forehead on July 31, 2018.

The victim had sent him text messages that read: “I hope you have the life you always wanted, away from people who aren’t good enough”, “Goodbye”, “You might want to check in the spare room tomorrow” and “But don’t worry, it won't stink for a while”.

She testified in court that she had retrieved some pills from Vanhille’s cabinet, sat on the bed and placed the pills in front of her. When Vanhille arrived home, he had to kick the door down as she had locked it from the inside.

The victim alleged that he had told her something along the lines of “don’t be selfish and kill yourself here”.

District Judge Tan said: “This scene would have pretty much painted a picture of intended or impending suicide, coupled with the earlier messages.

"In the accused’s mind, he thought the victim was trying to kill herself and in fact scolded her for it… I accept there was a reasonable doubt that he was trying to check for or remove any pills in her mouth.”

For voluntarily causing hurt, he could be jailed for up to two years or fined up to S$10,000, or both.

For wrongful confinement, he could be jailed for up to three years or fined, or both.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)


January 29, 2020

39-year-old Mitch Vanhille, Belgian National, is on trial for numerous charges including molesting and physical abuse against a woman over a span of half a year and confining her up against her will.

According to the district court, the multiple criminal charges took place between the 16 May 2018 and 21 November 2018.

He is on trial for the following charges:​

  • Locking the woman up twice, at the balcony of a condo
  • Pulled down the victim’s underwear and touch her thighs with his penis.
  • Dragging the victim by her hair across the corridor
  • Dragging her off a bed by pulling her legs onto the floor and causing injuries
  • Throwing a remote control at the victim
  • Hitting the victim with a laptop
  • Spitting on the victim’s face
  • Forcing her mouth open and slapping her (reports did not mention if he used his hands to slap her)
  • Hitting her face with jeans and a belt attached to it
These are very serious accusations, the lawyers said that the alleged victim accusations were “out of malice” and “We’re saying that the victim was not content with making a complaint. She went further by wanting to destroy him, destroy his career, destroy his athletic career”.

Neighbour’s were also present during the trial and said that he often heard arguments from the unit.

On one occasion she saw the woman crying and leaning on the unit of Vanhille’s door.

The trial will continue later today.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This SPG sounds like a cheap fucking slut who kept going back to be abused, he should have fucked her so hard that she couldn't close her vulvas.

At least the SPG is still alive... others were not so lucky.



At least the SPG is still alive... others were not so lucky.


This ugly demoness was attacking his cock and robbing his sperms.
He did the right thing by killing the succubus whore!
He should have sliced off her cheebye and send it to AWARE!


Is she the victim?

This is a different SPG slut who spread her legs for white cock.

Man with schizophrenia who killed wife and dog jailed 10 years​

Amir Hussain
Amir Hussain
·Senior Reporter
24 May 2021·7-min read

Paul Leslie Quirk is accused of murdering wife Christina Khoo at Esparina Residences on 3 January 2020. (PHOTO: Facebook/Paul Quirk)

Paul Leslie Quirk is accused of murdering wife Christina Khoo at Esparina Residences on 3 January 2020. (PHOTO: Facebook/Paul Quirk)More
SINGAPORE — Believing that his wife was a demon that he had to banish, a podiatrist with schizophrenia who went off medication listened to the repeated and insistent voices in his head to kill her, a court heard.
Paul Leslie Quirk, now 49, repeatedly hit his wife Christina Khoo Gek Hwa, 43, on the head with a pair of kali sticks and a hanger until she collapsed, then stabbed her neck with a kitchen knife till he was satisfied that she was dead in January last year.
He then stabbed the family poodle multiple times before throwing it off the balcony.
When policemen arrived at the door after being called by neighbours who heard the commotion, Quirk told them that he was “Jesus Christ” and that he had killed his ex-wife because “she is a demon".
He also said that he had killed the family dog because it was “the demon’s familiar”, and that by throwing it off the balcony he had thrown it “into the abyss”.
At the High Court on Monday (24 May), Quirk was jailed for 10 years after he pleaded guilty to culpable homicide not amounting to murder for causing Khoo's death and mischief for killing the poodle.

Accused felt confused​

Quirk moved from Australia to Singapore in 2016 and worked as a senior podiatrist at Punggol Polyclinic. He married Khoo in August 2017 and adopted her son from her previous marriage. The son, now 15, is currently being cared for by Khoo's mother.
Quirk was first diagnosed with depression after his divorce in 2001 and placed on antidepressant medication. In 2005, he started to experience auditory and visual hallucinations and believed that he needed to save the world by dying, and this led to two deliberate self-harm incidents. He had a remission of his symptoms after taking antipsychotic medication but suffered a relapse in 2013 after he stopped taking his medication. He started taking his medication again the next year and got well again.
However, around August 2019, Quirk started to become more sporadic with his medication intake, taking it once every two to three days or more.
Quirk and Khoo did not quarrel frequently. Their occasional arguments revolved around the outstanding alimony that he owed his ex-wife in Australia, the court heard.
At about 9pm on 2 January last year, the couple quarrelled and Quirk told Khoo that he wanted to return to Australia. He packed his bag and went to another condo where his visiting family from Australia were staying.
At about 3am, Quirk sent a text messages to Khoo to apologise for walking out on her. He also said he was “not feeling (himself) and am quite confused”. He returned home at about 3.45am accompanied by his brother.
At about 10.20am, Quirk and Khoo held hands as they saw Quirk's brother off. Khoo's son had gone to school earlier that morning. The couple then went to the Catholic Spirituality Centre.

Accused heard voices​

At the centre, the accused heard a voice telling him repeatedly, 'I have a chance to stop this from getting worse'," said Deputy Public Prosecutor Andre Chong.
The couple left the centre shortly after and headed back home. "En route, the accused heard more voices telling him, 'You have a chance to stop this and the situation from getting worse'. These voices were very insistent, and told him that the deceased was evil, and that staying with her would upset the order and balance of everything. He also saw a passer-by wearing a marathon 'finisher' t-shirt, that his mind broke down to 'finish her'," said DPP Chong.
Back home, Quirk took a shower and heard voices telling him "Now is the time to strike. Hurry up, you have to take this opportunity".
Just before noon, he took two pairs of kali sticks, which measured about 72cm each. The couple and Khoo's son had previously used the sticks for training in kali, a form of martial arts originating in the Philippines.
In the living room, Quirk started hitting Khoo forcefully and without warning on the head and upper body. She ran to the balcony and screamed for help.
Undeterred, Quirk continued hitting her there, shouting “you die, you die!” as he hit her.

Victim pleaded for help​

"The occupant of the unit directly below the residence looked up and saw the deceased leaning forward over the balcony railing. The deceased’s head and face were bloody, and her head was moving back and forth as the accused hit her repeatedly on the back of her head. The deceased stretched out one of her hands towards the neighbour and pleaded for help, before the accused pulled the deceased back by her hair into their balcony," said DPP Chong.
Several neighbours saw the assault and called the police.
Quirk chased after Khoo as she ran into the master bedroom. He continued to hit her with the kali sticks and also hit her head with a plastic clothes hanger so forcefully that it snapped. She eventually collapsed from the blows.
Thereafter, just after noon, Quirk took a 34cm-long kitchen knife and stabbed Khoo multiple times on the neck. "The accused only ceased his attack after he was satisfied that he had killed the deceased," said DPP Chong.
Quirk then immediately stabbed the family dog multiple times over various parts of its body before throwing it off the balcony.

Accused admitted crime​

The first officers arrived at about 12.30pm. "The accused, who was covered in blood, answered the door and told the officers that he was 'Jesus Christ' and that he had killed his ex-wife because 'she is a demon and that I am Jesus Christ'," said DPP Chong.
"The accused admitted to the police that he had used both the knife and kali sticks to attack the deceased in order to kill her, that he had killed the family dog because it was 'the demon’s familiar', and that by throwing the family dog off the balcony he had thrown it 'into the abyss'," the prosecutor added.
Khoo was pronounced dead on the spot by paramedics.
In a police statement which was recorded later that day, Quirk said that Khoo "was a demon, and that he had to get rid of her from this plane of existence," said DPP Chong. Quirk also said that Khoo was "in the human form of a demon known as Tiamat" and that she was "trying to upset the order of things in this plane".
Quirk said he was "from heaven" and that he "heard voices prompting (him) to kill (Khoo), so as to banish her back to her abyss", the prosecutor added.
And he killed the dog as it "could have brought the demon back to life". He also said that he “felt more at peace” after the killings.

Mind devoid of reality​

"In the thrall of a cruel delusion, the accused brutally battered and stabbed his wife to death," said Deputy Public Prosecutors Wong Woon Kwong and Andre Chong in their submissions for a jail term of at least 10 years.
"Rather than a killer whose otherwise rational impulses were exacerbated by a mental disorder, the accused’s mental disorder meant that his mind was in fact devoid of reality and rationality. Prevention and rehabilitation, rather than deterrence and retribution, should guide the court in the determination of an appropriate sentence," they said.
However, the prosecutors noted that Quirk's psychotic relapse was the direct result of his failure to comply with medication for at least four months prior to the offence.
For culpable homicide not amounting to murder, Quirk could have been jailed for up to 20 years with a fine and caning, or jailed for life with caning.