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Harder Time for Divorced Men Ahead



DEADBEAT dads are in for a hard time.

Courts will be empowered to sentence them to do community service, go for financial counselling or even post a bank guarantee to ensure they do not default on maintenance payments to their ex-wives and children.

New measures are also being put in place to make it easier for ex-spouses to seek and enforce maintenance orders.

These moves, alerted by Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Vivian Balakrishnan last year, are set to come into force by next year.

In announcing the stiffer enforcement actions yesterday, Dr Balakrishnan noted that the number of defaulters continues to rise.

This, despite defaulters facing the threat of jail, fines and court orders that require banks to transfer money from a defaulting spouse to the ex-wife.



This is another STUPID CHEE BYE rule just like suing your children for support.

Woman strays and divorce, men also kenna pay alimony in SINGAPORE.

Lesser men will want to get married in Singapore now.

Those that planning for divorce will run road first.

Only SCUMS think their rules are really effective when all they do is add more NEGATIVENESS to society.

Garment always BOAST very rich. Where is the help?

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i agree with paying maintenance for the kids. not pay to the wife but pay to the party that is taking care of the kids. if custody is given to husband then it is the wife that should be paying maintenance to the husband for taking care of the kids.

as for paying maintenance to wife, its :oIo::oIo: pay for fuck. divorce already pay what alimony.:mad:


In announcing the stiffer enforcement actions yesterday, Dr Balakrishnan noted that the number of defaulters continues to rise.

Vivian girl girl,

number of defaulters increased. good observation. why huh? i tot PAP say economy upturn liao:oIo:


In announcing the stiffer enforcement actions yesterday, Dr Balakrishnan noted that the number of defaulters continues to rise.

This, despite defaulters facing the threat of jail, fines and court orders that require banks to transfer money from a defaulting spouse to the ex-wife.

Why is there no analysis into why the defaults are rising? If one is struggling to even survive, would the threats be of any use? It is also my belief that it is the woman who initiates the divorce in most cases (I think there were some figures on this some time back).

I predict that there will be an increase in suicide cases of men ahead. SG really is a man-unfriendly place for lesser mortals. If I am an SG woman, I would also look down on the men too for bending over so obediently and accepting such disadvantages willingly. And to think the men had to go through NS to toughen them up.

If you ask me, I will bet that an overwhelming majority of women support the PAP. The PAP is still in power today because they have succeeded in neutering the lesser mortal males. LKY has made sure that those who make it into Parliament on PAP's ticket have been castrated to protect his legacy. These people, having been robbed of their manhood, are constantly looking for ways to exact their vengeance on males of lower status, so that they will not be challenged as they would never win in a fair fight.


Why is there no analysis into why the defaults are rising? If one is struggling to even survive, would the threats be of any use? It is also my belief that it is the woman who initiates the divorce in most cases (I think there were some figures on this some time back).

I predict that there will be an increase in suicide cases of men ahead. SG really is a man-unfriendly place for lesser mortals. If I am an SG woman, I would also look down on the men too for bending over so obediently and accepting such disadvantages willingly. And to think the men had to go through NS to toughen them up.

If you ask me, I will bet that an overwhelming majority of women support the PAP. The PAP is still in power today because they have succeeded in neutering the lesser mortal males. LKY has made sure that those who make it into Parliament on PAP's ticket have been castrated to protect his legacy. These people, having been robbed of their manhood, are constantly looking for ways to exact their vengeance on males of lower status, so that they will not be challenged as they would never win in a fair fight.

I liken this to cornering or pushing a desperate person into a corner with no where else to go.

Suicides? Perhaps. BUT, I think more along the lines of Sir Kah Chua may happen.

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Our NS system only toughen the body but weakens the mind. SAF had never wanted thinking soldiers. I remember being 'marked' by OC for asking too much questions. When interview with PC, it was he talk and I listen. Any simple question and they would think that you're a trouble-maker and trying to be funny. I remember after POP when posted to SISPEC, one of the sergeants even said, "I was asked to give you a good time. It would be so good that you'll not remember who your grandfather is."

It is this sort of treatment that conditions us not to think and just do it. I suppose it is a requirement during war time but it makes the soldier stupid and gutless over time.

I predict that there will be an increase in suicide cases of men ahead. SG really is a man-unfriendly place for lesser mortals. If I am an SG woman, I would also look down on the men too for bending over so obediently and accepting such disadvantages willingly. And to think the men had to go through NS to toughen them up.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
nice to see sinkie males getting screwed. That is what happen when you have no balls to protest and no balls to move out of your forsaken sinkie island.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One has to wonder why they need to toughen up the laws :confused:

Obviously the gov't wants to make sure that "lesser mortals" look after for their ex-wives and parents.

There must be an increase in the number of down & out Sporeans going to the gov't for help :rolleyes:


Why is there no analysis into why the defaults are rising? If one is struggling to even survive, would the threats be of any use? It is also my belief that it is the woman who initiates the divorce in most cases (I think there were some figures on this some time back).

I predict that there will be an increase in suicide cases of men ahead. SG really is a man-unfriendly place for lesser mortals. If I am an SG woman, I would also look down on the men too for bending over so obediently and accepting such disadvantages willingly. And to think the men had to go through NS to toughen them up.

If you ask me, I will bet that an overwhelming majority of women support the PAP. The PAP is still in power today because they have succeeded in neutering the lesser mortal males. LKY has made sure that those who make it into Parliament on PAP's ticket have been castrated to protect his legacy. These people, having been robbed of their manhood, are constantly looking for ways to exact their vengeance on males of lower status, so that they will not be challenged as they would never win in a fair fight.

I mentioned this in an earlier thread.

Due to the women's charter and spore women upbringing, it is the women who initiate divorces most of the time.
Knowing the law is behind them and custody of the kids will automatically go to them, they do not have to compromise and make any sacrifices in the marraige.

So F**K the womens charter


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I mentioned this in an earlier thread.

Due to the women's charter and spore women upbringing, it is the women who initiate divorces most of the time.
Knowing the law is behind them and custody of the kids will automatically go to them, they do not have to compromise and make any sacrifices in the marraige.

So F**K the womens charter

Then why are you still in your sinkieland walking around among such women?


One has to wonder why they need to toughen up the laws :confused:

Election. This has been the call by women rights groups who are appalled by the number of defaulters from the men. The appeasement of groups like AWARE is important.

However the true underlying issue is the Women Charter and its "fairness" which Vivian's Ministry inadequately or did not addressed.

Men has no representative groups and thus are unimportant to the election process.

Jack Neo is lucky otherwise he would have lost his wealth, children in addition to career for his fling with the model. Also a lifetime of maintenance payments by him to his wife. Besides changing from a father to an uncle overnight. And now, tougher laws against them.

For those who feel keenly on this issue, you should consider forming a society that focus on men's rights. (I was at a briefing on family issues and i heard this man who said he formed a rights group. He was later very animatedly engrossed in a conversation with a sexy divorcee. Men think with head initially, after that with balls. Men groups cannot succeed unlike women groups)


Alfrescian (Inf)
That fact that special interest groups like AWARE can influence parliament is a sign of the rot that's taken place in Spore. Now men & lesser mortals have to worry about parliament passing un-equal laws.

If there's more opposition in parliament, the PAP wouldn't be allowed to pass these half bake laws like the Womens Charter.

A very simple solution for all Sporeans is to just vote more opposition in more into parliament. Since Sporeans are too busy with their career they need to support the opposition & let them fight for Sporeans rights.

To all Sporeans men & female, vote for MORE OPPOSITION if you want to prevent the losses of taxpayers monry, foreginers packing the trains, increasing prices of public transport, inreasing utility prices,.....

Election. This has been the call by women rights groups who are appalled by the number of defaulters from the men. The appeasement of groups like AWARE is important.

However the true underlying issue is the Women Charter and its "fairness" which Vivian's Ministry inadequately or did not addressed.

Men has no representative groups and thus are unimportant to the election process.

Jack Neo is lucky otherwise he would have lost his wealth, children in addition to career for his fling with the model. Also a lifetime of maintenance payments by him to his wife. Besides changing from a father to an uncle overnight. And now, tougher laws against them.

For those who feel keenly on this issue, you should consider forming a society that focus on men's rights. (I was at a briefing on family issues and i heard this man who said he formed a rights group. He was later very animatedly engrossed in a conversation with a sexy divorcee. Men think with head initially, after that with balls. Men groups cannot succeed unlike women groups)


That fact that special interest groups like AWARE can influence parliament is a sign of the rot that's taken place in Spore. Now men & lesser mortals have to worry about parliament passing un-equal laws.

If there's more opposition in parliament, the PAP wouldn't be allowed to pass these half bake laws like the Womens Charter.

A very simple solution for all Sporeans is to just vote more opposition in more into parliament. Since Sporeans are too busy with their career they need to support the opposition & let them fight for Sporeans rights.

To all Sporeans men & female, vote for MORE OPPOSITION if you want to prevent the losses of taxpayers monry, foreginers packing the trains, increasing prices of public transport, inreasing utility prices,.....

That is not correct. Pressure groups existed across political parties. Examples of them are women's rights, homosexual rights, gun rights, abortion rights, death penalty rights, etc. These are very specialized groups. For one that occurred, an opposing force will develop. Thus you can see gun rights groups lobbying at one end of the park and anti-gun rights groups at the other end.

To counter the women rights group, there must be a men rights group. However unlike women groups, men groups are not sustainable. In all these years since 1966, have you ever seen a successful men rights group? Ironically AWARE has a male group under its wing. Why do you think this is the case?

Neither will the oppositions do anything about it. It is very likely they will pander to the women rights group too for their votes and support. Thus a vote for them will not change anything.

Neither will pressure groups support opposition parties unless they are viable and likely to come into power in the next election. In which case they will expect the favour to be returned.

To control the pressure groups, there is the NMP scheme. Look at the composition and you can guess who are the supporters of women rights, gay rights, etc. These schemes allow them a say in Parliament and at the right time, concessions will be made to them.

What is needed are male group of sufficient strength and purpose that the political party will take notice and want to engage in dialogue with you. Without this, the men just have to take whatever pro-women policies Vivian dished out.

Voting for the opposition will not help in this regard.


Australia is no diff than Sinkieland, if not even worse than Sinkie.

1. Wife have affair with man and when found out, she initiate divorce, then she was intimidated by husband she can apply for restrain order - DAVO (domestic Apprehended Violence Order - type this in google to find out more info). This court order can send husband to jail for six months if he breached the order. So you see wife can send husband to jail easily- just like that. Most statements in the DAVO from wifes are lies after lies. But she can get away from comminted of crime of perjury basically she was protected by Police prosecutor who is defending her.

2. Next step - Because of the restrain order, husband have to stay away from his home (if wife live there too), wife and/or children, and therefore he is stuffed with no where to go or sleep at night. With this restrain order, wife can happily carry on her affair without afraid worry too much.

3. This DAVO can be re-applied many times to stretch the separation period until such time where it is considered qualify for divorce proceeding.

4. Woman will take take half or everything he owned from the divorce and stuffed the man to shit, and she can live with her new lover, with lots of money from the divorce.

Want to blame anyone, blame the Holy Bible New Testament on All the 13 Epistles written by Paul. Btw, Paul only wrote 4 out of the 13 (not so moved by the Holy Spirit to make you believe). Man can have many or few wives in the Old Testament, and when this New Testament was written, fucking Paul destoryed polygamy for man, shit!


Want to blame anyone, blame the Holy Bible New Testament on All the 13 Epistles written by Paul. Btw, Paul only wrote 4 out of the 13 (not so moved by the Holy Spirit to make you believe). Man can have many or few wives in the Old Testament, and when this New Testament was written, fucking Paul destoryed polygamy for man, shit!

Whilst I don't disagree with your earlier points, this last point is pure nonsense. The Bible does not advocate restraining orders. At all times it affirms the marriage as holy, the family as important and fidelity as honouring. On the other hand, Abraham has one wife and one concubine (he has more) leaving behind a legacy of hatred and destruction.

What is to blame is the Women Rights Movement that started in 1960s and continue today as the Women Charter and the various women rights groups.

But they are only making use of the political process to further their goals. In that sense, they are far better in making use of the process than the men.

Actually that is all there is to it. The women are the leaders and reap the benefits of their lobbying. Whilst the men are blaming the Bible or the lack of opposition votes, to the hilarious laughter of women groups.