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Going down Food Memory Lane, Old Restaurants/Coffehouses of yesteryear


Alfrescian (Inf)
the wantan mee stall there excellent man.
excellent charsiew n wantan.:biggrin:

In those days there were many wanton mee stalls which were all excellent, china town, koek Rd, ... ,all cheap & good.

There were also more variety such as: mee siam, mee rebus, satay, soto ayam, carrot cake, murtabak, Hokkien mee, ... Nowadays you will find fewer variety & only those dishes which can be mass produced for maximum $$$ can be commonly found e.g. chicken rice

Even noticed many hawkers stalls closing shop, which was a rare thing in the past:eek:

Few things left for Sporeans to enjoy in Spore except memories :rolleyes:


In those days there were many wanton mee stalls which were all excellent, china town, koek Rd, ... ,all cheap & good.

There were also more variety such as: mee siam, mee rebus, satay, soto ayam, carrot cake, murtabak, Hokkien mee, ... Nowadays you will find fewer variety & only those dishes which can be mass produced for maximum $$$ can be commonly found e.g. chicken rice

Even noticed many hawkers stalls closing shop, which was a rare thing in the past:eek:

Few things left for Sporeans to enjoy in Spore except memories :rolleyes:
There are 2 main reasons for hawkers closing shop:
1. They are getting old and their younger generation don't want to take over.
2. They keep getting "upgraded" to places with higher and higher rents, that they are beginning to think that it's not worth it anymore.

It's a real pity, we should treasure those which are still around.


I would also add a 3rd factor - the escalating rent. It is now too high to hire workers that can prepare ingredients etc plus pay the rent.

There are 2 main reasons for hawkers closing shop:
1. They are getting old and their younger generation don't want to take over.
2. They keep getting "upgraded" to places with higher and higher rents, that they are beginning to think that it's not worth it anymore.

It's a real pity, we should treasure those which are still around.


I notice you still struggle to understand why there is a concern. All the points that you raised are right but you forget to add the wrongs to provide a balanced view.

Simpletons like you are indeed conned by the old man. Its called benevolent dictatorship. Throw material tidebits your way and you praise him to high heaven but failed to understand that he controls the country with an iron fist. His mandate to rule is based on gerrymandering and tampering with the rules. If he is truly good, he would not be afraid of playing in a level playing field.

Why don't you write to him and ask why he is afraid of taking part in a fair elections. He will probably write back explaining that he is still fighting the communists and that he is still finding good people to run the country.

Don't be gullible. Think for yourself and not swallow the diatribe that is being offered.

But former 4th World dwellers are contented frequenting hawker centres and kopitiam for their daily meal - and watch World Cup. They are now called the "heartlanders" - the foundation of the PAP support. Ah Siah Kiahs still remain in the minority; we sometimes call them the "White Horses".


Say, I think you are right. The KTV was on the hotel side. I remembered her letting me screw one of her girls in her own personal room. Girl cost $700 at that time tho room FOC, but it was OP money. Some client was entertaining.

Didn't know that mamasan Mona was working in that building:eek:
I 've noticed that big KTV on the 3rd/4th floor is gone. Maybe they are one of the KTVs which is now on the other side of Peninsula, the entrance is on the Hill Street side. If you sit & drink at the food stalls next to the entrance you'll notice the many girls going to work:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Say, I think you are right. The KTV was on the hotel side. I remembered her letting me screw one of her girls in her own personal room. Girl cost $700 at that time tho room FOC, but it was OP money. Some client was entertaining.

So you've personally met Mona :eek:

What kind of person is she :confused:
Does she only arrange sessions or does she actually entertain her clients?

I've only seen pictures of her in the press, I'm not likely to meet someone like her. In my line of work I don't get to spend $$$ in entertainment expenses :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
There are 2 main reasons for hawkers closing shop:
1. They are getting old and their younger generation don't want to take over.
2. They keep getting "upgraded" to places with higher and higher rents, that they are beginning to think that it's not worth it anymore.

It's a real pity, we should treasure those which are still around.

The hawker bizness used to be very lucrative. May still be compared to office work? Heard some stories of people buying Mercedes, stocks, private property, ... These are the people who will buy your winning Toto/4d ticket to hid their true revenue :smile:

I don't think people mind working hard if they can see $$$ but with rental/costs so high, must be alot of failed hawkers around. Just imagine being the CEO, accounts, logistics, support personnel, cook,..., of the tiny enterprise.

I think parents are looking for a better life for their children, this includes supporting them in their efforts to get out of Spore & we see the high outflow rates.

My friend who's now an Aussie visited Spore on holiday & when the curious shopkeepers found out that he's an ex-Sporean. They all congratulated him:eek: I think most of the 66% knows what's going in Spore on but are playing safe.

The PAP has been successful in driving the hawkers into food courts & now screwing these people. LKY may see the so called fluke elections result.


Missed the "chu chus" (snail) at The Longhouse next to Jalan Besar Stadium. And raw cockles... all bloody!! Yummy! Always catch up with colleagues over beer after work..those were the good o days :smile: Hardly see raw cockles nowadays...


I remember her as an absolutely nice lady, charming, courteous, very professional and obliging, as I suppose Mamasans have to be. She came in to say hello first then called in various names while making small talk with us. She did ask my friend to feel free to tell her whom we 'like' and leave the rest to her.

I don't know her personally as I was there only for the ride, pardon the expresion.

So you've personally met Mona :eek:

What kind of person is she :confused:
Does she only arrange sessions or does she actually entertain her clients?

I've only seen pictures of her in the press, I'm not likely to meet someone like her. In my line of work I don't get to spend $$$ in entertainment expenses :smile:



Simpletons like you are indeed conned by the old man. Its called benevolent dictatorship. .....Don't be gullible. Think for yourself and not swallow the diatribe that is being offered.

Ah Siah Kiahs in this thread have proven that because of MM Lee, they still got the luxury to kong kor on broadband Internet about the bourgeoisie life of good food and wonderful places they have visited. Had it not been for him and his gahment, they probably may be working in Saudi or even the Philippines - the same as what the Banglas are doing now in Singapore.

Some of these Ah Siah Kiahs are even luckier because they can continue to be Ah Siah Kiahs to these days. These people ought to knee down and pray to ho hiah tee - and of course the PAP gahment - for their continued blessed life.

A little gratefulness and a little humility is not a big price to pay to enjoy the Ah Siah Kiah's life in Singapore. Otherwise yes go back to China or India or Malaysia - don't go to an angmoh country to become the disgusting FTs that the very Sporeans dispise. Some people have to look into the mirror and see their true reflection.
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My friend who's now an Aussie visited Spore on holiday & when the curious shopkeepers found out that he's an ex-Sporean.....They all congratulated him QUOTE]

Very ironical. Can explain or not. Why Sporeans become FTs and become a hero of sort, while FTs in Singapore are dispised by many Sporeans? Are Singapore FTs so special??? To me an FT is an FT - whether they are Indians, Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Myanmese, British, Americans or Japanese - they are simply an alien in a foreign country.

An excellent example of course is Sumiko of ST who married an ex-Sporean who became an electrician in an angmoh country and even marrying an angmoh. How different is a FT Sporean electrician from a FT Bangladeshi electrician?

Moral of the Story 1 : he is returning his roots. I think he may vote the PAP with his foot.

Moral of the Story 2 : Enjoy the good food and good life yes! Spare a thought for the one who makes it happens.

Hey, how come nobody mentioned the seafood at the old Tuas or Punggol by the sea or "No Signboard" seafood of Pasir Panjang?


You are really gullible. He is not a electrician, neither is he a school teacher. He does not have any qualification except an A level that did not qualify him to enter local Universities. He has never held a job but has coached chess on a piece meal basis. He is however excellent at chess. hough Sumiko skillfully mentioned uni in Toronto, he did not last.

He is also not an FT. He is a Singaporean.

You must be the blurrest sotong in this forum. Or is it betterest sotong.

My friend who's now an Aussie visited Spore on holiday & when the curious shopkeepers found out that he's an ex-Sporean.....They all congratulated him QUOTE]

Very ironical. Can explain or not. Why Sporeans become FTs and become a hero of sort, while FTs in Singapore are dispised by many Sporeans? Are Singapore FTs so special??? To me an FT is an FT - whether they are Indians, Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Myanmese, British, Americans or Japanese - they are simply an alien in a foreign country.

An excellent example of course is Sumiko of ST who married an ex-Sporean who became an electrician in an angmoh country and even marrying an angmoh. How different is a FT Sporean electrician from a FT Bangladeshi electrician?

Moral of the Story 1 : he is returning his roots. I think he may vote the PAP with his foot.

Moral of the Story 2 : Enjoy the good food and good life yes! Spare a thought for the one who makes it happens.

Hey, how come nobody mentioned the seafood at the old Tuas or Punggol by the sea or "No Signboard" seafood of Pasir Panjang?


Alfrescian (Inf)
He never enjoyed the good life in Spore that's why he left after NS for Australia. The only reason he still visits Spore is to catch up with his parents & friends,

He has a comfortable life in Aust. Goes on an overseas holiday at least once a year to places like europe, South Africa, SE Asia. He's over 40 & still has no problem finding a job.

Most importantly he looks very fit & young :eek:
This is not an isolated case, have many other friends & relatives who are living in Aust & they all look better than those in Spore.

It is when I see my ex-Sporean friends that I 'm struck by the heavy price we are paying for living in Spore. Sporeans have more white hairs, worry lines, health problems,... Sporeans are paying a heavy price for the PAPs successes:(

Very ironical. Can explain or not. Why Sporeans become FTs and become a hero of sort, while FTs in Singapore are dispised by many Sporeans? Are Singapore FTs so special??? To me an FT is an FT - whether they are Indians, Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Myanmese, British, Americans or Japanese - they are simply an alien in a foreign country.


Moral of the Story 1 : he is returning his roots. I think he may vote the PAP with his foot.

Moral of the Story 2 : Enjoy the good food and good life yes! Spare a thought for the one who makes it happens.

Hey, how come nobody mentioned the seafood at the old Tuas or Punggol by the sea or "No Signboard" seafood of Pasir Panjang?


Alfrescian (Inf)
..you are saying even she doesnt know he is not an electrician? could the both of them can't even tell a copper wire from an apron string?
..swear on Sumiko's breasts that I read/saw it somewhere...God, I am fixated on the wrong breasts..
Good dig:wink:. Possibly, only relevance to this thread is ageing of her mammary glands (not sure if they can be distracting). :p

Whether he knows his AC from his DC, she's entitled to ride pillion into the sunset. And if either can checkmate, what gives if he's minus any academia?


She has no clue half of what he has done or has not done. I know more about him than she does. He is the youngest sibling and his parents passed away when he was doing his NS. He older siblings who are all professionals have always picked up after him. If he is an electrician, I am the architect that that drew the plans for the great wall.

Not sure if you remember, when kids are sent overseas and don't make it, they all returned as "qualified lawyers, accountants, etc" but have no desire or no passion for the vocation. They end up in the entertainment, hospitality and the arts scene. I know a senior civil servant whose son took 7 years to complete PHD but actually failed 1st year. Nobody has the heart to tell the old man as he is very strict. That was nearly 15 years. I am now told that he is shadowing Steve Balmer as the latter is expected to retire. That's life. The "I am different story" is no fiction.

It was indeed mentioned in her article. But now you are saying even she doesnt know he is not an electrician?

could the both of them can't even tell a copper wire from an apron string?


still remember those good old carpenter's songs?:biggrin:
"when i was young i'd listen to the radio waiting for my favorite song..."
"oh yes, wait a minute mr postman..."
"why do birds suddenly appear everytime u r near..."
"only yesterday u passed me by when i was lonely..."
"rainy days n mondays always make me sad..."


Well then, we'll have one dumbfucked Alice who's getting more than a 130 kph hurricane ride down the rabbit hole in a self-woven web of fantasy, delusion and fairy tale inanity.

We'll all just stand around and give that wide Cheshire cat smile.

Thanks Scro...you deserve a Nobel for that story. Must go back n re-read it to separate fact from fiction.

She has no clue half of what he has done or has not done. I know more about him than she does.

The "I am different story" is no fiction.