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Chitchat [GLGT]Jews say Iranian Natanz nuclear site tio cyberattacked by them

syed putra

The name only asean country that spends hefty amount on r& d is sinkie. To attract big name researchers and industries.
Sinkie also pinch start ups in neighbouring countries and invest heavily on it.
Plus brilliant students are also kidnapped to study in sinkie.


The name only asean country that spends hefty amount on r& d is sinkie. To attract big name researchers and industries.
Sinkie also pinch start ups in neighbouring countries and invest heavily on it.
Plus brilliant students are also kidnapped to study in sinkie.

In the grand scheme of things that's peanuts
And worse yet things are going down hill not trending up
To make matters worse, stinkies only "kidnap" kuffar like tiongs ceca or other turd world rejects from first world countries, not the first tier talent from those turd world sh*tholes

And some cina babi or pork eaters from ASEAN

result is stinkypura in all these years hasn't made a breakthrough worth mentioning 50 or 100 years later anywhere, inside stinkypura, or outside.

quite obviously it's not just the system that is stifling talent, rather it's the genes, lack of good genes, that's at the root of the problem

inferior gene chinks and ceca can't quite cut it.

melayu = combo of the worse of chinks and ceca hence also can't make it

autocratic regime also makes matters worse

end result = nothing to show for all the hype


stupid iranians
can't even tell who is a jewish israeli hiding behind handle "TheImmortal" or other fake ID
even they have been hiding for decades under their nose and still can't tell

what a bunch of fools

how come they can't rent some saboteurs inside tiny pissrael or zionist regime and knock out a few big wigs?

so pathetic.

syed putra

You need a technically competent leader to drive the local industries.japan had their meiji Period of rapid industrialisation.
UK, US western europe industrialise due to cheap coal and rapid discoveries in communication and electricity and massive investments building the infrastructure

syed putra

stupid iranians
can't even tell who is a jewish israeli hiding behind handle "TheImmortal" or other fake ID
even they have been hiding for decades under their nose and still can't tell

what a bunch of fools

how come they can't rent some saboteurs inside tiny pissrael or zionist regime and knock out a few big wigs?

so pathetic.
You cannot beat the mossad. They can eadily get into. Iran or malaysia undetected to assasinate their target.
Any aspiring new scientist in arab world that had potential to threaten israel will be taken out.


You cannot beat the mossad. They can eadily get into. Iran or malaysia undetected to assasinate their target.
Any aspiring new scientist in arab world that had potential to threaten israel will be taken out.

question is why iran can't pay them back in same coin?
iran is about 10 times as big. no issue whatsoever

malaysia is a joke in that sense
coz even norkies (most isolated country) could carry out a murder with their foreign agents (indon+viet) and got away
why can't iran do the same in israel? zionists were easily shell shocked by hezbollah's performance in 2006 despite the odds stacked against hezbollah


Syrian missile lands near Dimona nuclear reactor, interception fails
SA-5 flies from Syria all the way to Negev in the longest-range attack yet by Syria; Patriot missile activated in response.

APRIL 22, 2021 22:28

Huge explosion near Dimona nuclear plant scares the entire Zionist entity

Huge explosion near Dimona nuclear plant scares the entire Israel early this morning.

Reports of sirens near the city of Dimona and explosions in central Israel represent the kind of sum of all fears.

Huge explosion near Dimona nuclear plant scares the entire Israel
According to Jerusalem Post, scared people go to bed with and hope not to wake up to.

It noted these reports in the first hours of Thursday morning around 2am.


jews hiding coz of fear
like stinkypura with 160th media
their media now gone into self censorship mode
self censorship = censorship due to tacit understanding with govt

not to publicize embarassing facts coz they want to save face


problem with mediocre countries like turkey or iran of only 80 million people is they take southern gooks as role models

but problem with southern gooks is that they are a yankee poodle through and through
their nuke program like taiwanese nuke program abandoned due to yankee CIA
they still can't win against norkies
in other words, even if iran or turkey or egypt or worse yet, much bigger pakis were to be as strong as advanced gooks - in aggregate - it won't change anything for them

southern gooks can't use force to merge their own country divided by outsiders, by their masters
what can iran turkey egypt or pakis do even if they achieve 1-to-1 parity with southern gooks in aggregate?

not much

this is probably the issue bothering these mediocre countries their leaders their thinkers their policymakers
you'll always see some gook saying they are the 4th, 5th,6th or 8th or 10th country in world to do X, do Y, do Z.

that bug probably bit iran turkey or the likes
result = all the hype just like gooks
in the end, they remain mediocre countries

now world has about 200 countries + territories of some sort (like hongkies macau jersey etc)
out of these 200+ countries, i can't find anything meaningful worthwhile in which turkey iran pakis or egypt is world's absolute number 1

i don't mean number 1 in copy cat copy paste business

i mean number 1 as in lead over the next best is sooo big, that it'll take them years, maybe decades to catch up.

dont need 2 bother with reports of market share
coz every copy cat copy paste country can boast of market share in some sector where they are dominant

even pap-pigs led stinkypura could do so

a bit outdated, not accurate as of 2021 for sure, and given effects of chink virus, certainly the future looks bleak for stinkypura under pap-pigs



even a copy cat copy paste slanty authoritarian one party dictatorial 160th media dynastic eunuch brigade pap-pigs led stinkypura can stake a claim to making some high tech equipment after their ang moh masters delivered them the tech

they can modify, tinker with, tweak a few settings here and there make a few minor improvements

that's all irrelevant

question is what unique essential tech do iran, turkey egypt pakis indon malayun nigeria bangla saudi kazakhstan uzbekistan bosnia albania algeria tunisia qatar uae bahrain oman senegal possess that the rest of the world can't live without? can't work, live, play, relax or sustain without?

copy cat, copy paste is easy

when gooks say they are only the world's 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,....20th etc country to do X, do Y, do Z, it means they are copying

this copying will never ever end

you need to invent
which requires talent, requires brain, requires inventiveness

a trait not found in gooks in chinks in slanties in chopstick races

can mediocre countries like iran turkey egypt pakis or the likes step up the plate and deliver? by inventing new unique essential tech that the world needs and can't do without?

only then they'd have a chance of fighting combating the kuffar successfully
otherwise just like gooks they'd be a nobody in their regional affairs
gooks can't even unite their country after 7 decades


routine test? or zionists hiding sth?


ISWNews Analysis Group: A large explosion occurred at a Zionist sensitive terror operative factory in Gush Dan area.

The explosion took place at the Zionist terrorist factory known as Tomer terror enterprise, which manufactures propulsion systems for a variety of rockets and missiles.

The blast sent up a massive plume of fire and smoke outside the central Palestinian town of Remle , which could be seen from miles away. Security forces have launched an investigation into the cause of the incident.

Considering the recent Zionist sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility, there are speculations about Iranian retaliatory action in the explosion of the Zionist Tomer terror facility…



what iran turkey egypt or pakis indon bangla malayun niggeria need is to be absolute world first in some essential tech that the world can't live without, can't do without, can't sustain life without, can't live well without

then these countries would be in a position to assert their authority
failing this, at least the likes of iran need to transfer nuclear weapons and icbm tech to their allies like houthis in yemen syrian regime lebanese hezbollah iraqi militias and other alliesn and partners as far away as venezuela etc

remember iran is no russia, nor china
both russia and china are P5 member of UNSC security council
iran is not

in other words, yanks threw some crumbs at russkies, at tiongs , so that they gang up with yanks and maintain their rule over the rest
frog eating french and ginger pommies followed their yankee masters

iran or norkies got no such obligations
they get nothing for acting in line with UNSC resolutions
to strengthen their hands, they should be spreading nuclear warheads and ICBMs to as many enemies of yanks as they can

imagine yanks having to deal with only iran or norkies and the troubles they're having

now imagine those troubles multiplied by a big factor of 5, or 8 or 10

having to deal with so many nuclear powers with nuclear warheads and ICBMs, and they have all grievances against you, means you are in for some tough time

thankfully for iran or norkies, yanks have made plenty of enemies
you can ask the citizens of vietnam myanmar afghanistan syria sudan yemen libya palestine pakistan iraq venezuela bolivia cuba and the likes, plenty of them having a lot of grievances against yanks and justifiably so

now if all of them were nuclear armed and with ICBMs to deliver them to any country, any location in <30 mins

how would the options in front of yanks/their poodles look like?

worth thinking about

i doubt stupid iranian leadership can pull it off though
they are not known for making the right decisions, the strategically correct decisions or coming up with any novel unique essential tech, idea or ideology in any discipline, in any field of activity at all

it means they are not as wise as they think they might be, or some of their fanatic followers might think they are

iran or norkies should not act like russkies or tiongs
iran or norkies are simply not russkies or tiongs
iran or norkies were not thrown any crumbs in the form of UNSC Permanent 5 membership given to france uk russkies tiongs yankees

russkies or tiongs have a stake at UNSC so they follow yankees, their overlords

iran or norkies no need 2 do so.
dun forget it, big difference
there is only so much tiny 80 million iran, or even tinier 25 million norkies can do

yanks got plenty of enemies
arm them with real weapons
i.e. nukes+ ICBMs

game changer




even teeny tiny dot sized pee-sai stinkies could easily build this world's biggest semisubmersible crane vessel SSCV


full 273,700 ton displacement
able to lift 20,000 tons with its cranes simultaneously, working radius of 48 metres
able to accommodate 400 people
got air conditioning heating
length 220 metres, width 102 metres

created world record recently lifting 15,300 tons

cost $1.5 billion

got cozy accomodation kitchen recreation other facilities inside





if teeny tiny dot sized pee sai of coolie heritage coolie gene slanty could do it,

no reason why country of great history and culture talent and legends like iran with tiny population of 80 million but still 14 times bigger than stinkies can't do sth world beating.

countries like iran turkey egypt pakis indon malayun bangla niggeria saudi uae qatar brunei oman bahrain kuwait kazakhstan uzbekistan azerbaijan need to up their game

any overhyped cruiser/destroyer in the world, excluding old, outdated russkie kirov class cruiser at over 24,000 ton displacement, could be easily hoicked and lifted up by this big bad monster SSCV built by teeny tiny dot sized peesai in a flash like it's a fallen leaf during winter

with ease

think about it
every single overhyped yankee, tiong, jap, gook, ceca virus, russkie, pommie, frog eaters, italian, german, etc cruiser /destroyer active in the world at this time could be easily lifted up by this big bad SSCV with ease, except the very old, outdated kirov class cruiser from russia


a real monster SSCV

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a funny fact worth considering

teeny tiny dot sized pee-sai built world's largest SSCV 273,700 tons displacement
able to lift 20,000 tonnes at once

for yanks, they need to build about 56x as big an SSCV, displacing 15,327,200 tons
fat chance

can't do it

for tiongs or ceca
they need to built about 230x or 240x as big an SSCV, displacing 62,951,000 tons to 65,688,000 tons
fat chance they'll ever do it
not in any of our lifetimes, not in lifetime of anybody reading it today in 2021


how about russkies? japs? gooks? taiwanese? frog eaters? poms?

smallest among them is taiwan
still got about 4x stinkypura population in taiwan
fat chance the taiwanese would be able to build 4x as big an SSCV, displacing 1,094,800 tons either

fat chance altogether

to think these lousy countries like yankees tiongs russkies ceca japs gayropeans etc are salivating or waving their puny teeny tiny "dicks" (i.e. displacements of their naval vessels) at each other


their entire shipbuilding industry combined can't build a ship as big as the SSCV stinkypura built, on a per capita basis, forget about those puny 5k-15k ton destroyer/cruiser rubbish
or those puny flat bed carrier/landing platforms of 60-120k ton

if those lousy pathetic underperforming losers like yankees, tiongs, russkies, ceca, japs, gooks, gayropeans etc were to be performing at stinkypura rate, per capita, they'd have to build a vessel over 1 million ton in displacement :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

that's for the smallest of 'em all, the puny taiwanese (not renowned for big shipyards)

what of the lousy yanks? tiongs? russkies? japs? ceca? poms? frog eaters? gooks? dan lain-lain?

pathetic countries
with puny ships and shipbuilding industry
with pathetically lousy 60k-120k flat top carriers or landing platforms for a population of what? 330 million? for 1400 million?


food for thoughts for our mediocre country brothers from 80 million countries

if iran, turkey or egypt with 80-90 million people could build warships of any sort displacing the same as that stinkypura built SSCV per capita, its displacement would be about 14x or 15x as much.

ergo, one single iranian/turkish/egyptian warship would displace more seawater than the entire lousy overhyped yankee navy, or entire lousy overhyped tiong navy, or entire lousy overhyped ceca navy, or entire lousy overhyped japs or gooks or frog eaters or pommie or russkie navy

14x 273,700 tons = 3,831,800 tons displaced by a single warship

or 15x 273,700 tons = 4,105,500 tons displaced by a single warship

imagine if either iran, or turkey, or egypt or any other "mediocre" country could pull that off

it puts things into perspective

stinkypura - per capita - for its size, really punches above its weight, despite all the numerous failures over the last 15 years under eunuch loong

lousy countries like yankees japs gooks frog eaters poms ozzies russkies ceca tiongs really under performing countries

only stronger than stinkypura due to sheer size, numbers alone.