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Electric car catches fire while charging at showroom in JB


Electric car catches fire while charging at showroom in JB


JOHOR BARU: An electric car caught fire while charging at a car showroom located at Batu 5 along Jalan Skudai here.
Larkin Fire and Rescue Station operation commander Azmi Johar said they received a distress call notifying them about the incident through MERS 999 at 2.25pm on Sunday (Dec 31).
He added a fire engine and two Rapid Intervention Motorcycle (RIM) units with 10 firemen were immediately deployed to the scene.
“When we arrived at the location, we found a Mercedes Benz EQB model was on fire while the vehicle was being charged.
“The fire destroyed about 90% of the car, 5% of the showroom building structure and as well as 20% of the electric vehicle charging bay,” he said.
Azmi added that the fire was successfully extinguished before ending the operation at around 3.10pm while the cause of the fire and the estimated loss was under investigation.


The Mercs EQB costs $337K.
If established premium Brands like Mercedes can catch fire while charging at a showroom with proper charging facilities means wat?

Means they are even more dangerous than PMDs, LOL.

All EVs should be banned now.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The Mercs EQB costs $337K.
If established premium Brands like Mercedes can catch fire while charging at a showroom with proper charging facilities means wat?

Means they are even more dangerous than PMDs, LOL.

All EVs should be banned now.

EVs are less likely to catch fire compared to ICE vehicles.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

These are just propaganda videos created and promoted by the oil industry to fight the inevitable rise of EVs.

The actual stats tell a different story.


In Singapore, Over 150 Cars Catch Fire Annually Still​

Around the world, car fires are not an uncommon occurrence. In the US, that number is close to 200,000 vehicles annually. In Singapore, that number is steadily decreasing. Back in 2018, it was 221. It dipped down to 195 in 2019 and in 2020 it dropped down to just 153. Still, 153 cars burning down in a country as small and regulated as Singapore is still a little odd. That’s a car catching fire in Singapore every 3 days or less if you average out the numbers.


Just last month, The Straits Times reported that a used BMW X1 caught fire while it was being driven along the Bukit Timah Expressway. The owner, Mr Lester Cher noticed a burning smell and white smoke coming from an air cond vent and pulled over. When he inspected the fuse box, he saw that it was burning. Within 10 minutes, the entire car was engulfed in flames. This calls to mind other incidents of cars simultaneously catching fire in other countries.

Even though Mr Cher’s car was bought used, it was relatively new. The first-generation X1 first went on sale in 2009, but the car that burned down in this case was a 2nd generation X1 that only went into production in 2015. At worst, this was a 6-year-old car.


It’s possible that this used car was modified by the previous owner, the second hand dealership of by the owner himself, but the cause of this particular fire was not determined. Improperly installed equipment such as dashcams, reverse cameras or infotainment units can be one of the causes of an fire in a car. If the wiring is not done to spec, a short circuit could occur and very quickly the car will be up in flames. Given the fire may have started in the fuse box, this could be the explanation.

However, other reasons include the engine over heating. If the car’s cooling system is faulty, the liquids in the engine could boil over and start spilling out where they’re not supposed to. This could melt the insulating material of wires and cause a spark. Extremely bad wear and tear could also cause flammable fluids to leak out of the engine. Proper maintenance and periodic inspections for leaks are necessary.


Whatever the case, the lesson here is that it could happen to newer cars as well as older ones. In Malaysia, the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia reports that 4,000 cars catch fire annually – about 10% of all fires they respond to.

So, as a rule, always carry a fire extinguisher in your car. If you suspect your car is about to catch fire, pull over to the road shoulder and turn the engine off. The most important thing is your life and the safety of the other occupants in the car. Make sure everyone gets out and away from traffic.

BHPetrol_Euro5 Diesel_2021

Assess the situation. If there’s just a burning smell, you may be able to check under the hood for the beginnings of a fire. If this is the case, an ABC fire extinguisher may be able to stop the flame from spreading and you’ll be spared a tonne of headache and financial loss. Whatever the case, put safety first. The car can be replaced.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

But there was a 31.6 per cent spike in vehicle fires in 2022 with 204 cases, up from 155 in 2021.

Half of the fatalities in 2022 were from a fire in Bedok North in May where three people died, including a three-year-old girl and her father. PHOTOS: ST FILE

SCDF said the increase followed the easing of Covid-19 restrictions in 2022, and noted the figure is similar to pre-pandemic figures. In 2019, there were 195 vehicle fires.

In January 2022, a car driver and her son narrowly escaped before the vehicle burst into flames outside Maris Stella High School along Bartley Road.

A black Mercedes-Benz GLB200 burst into flames outside Maris Stella High School along Bartley Road in January 2022, minutes after its driver and her son sensed that something was amiss and left the vehicle. PHOTO: ST FILE

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Fires involving active mobility devices, including personal mobility devices (PMDs) and power assisted bicycles, saw a 33.3 per cent drop from 63 cases in 2021 to 42 in 2022.

SCDF attributed the decrease to the implementation of regulatory measures, but noted such fires continue to be a concern for the authorities as such devices are often used by those with walking difficulties.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
As you can see there is far greater likelihood of an ICE vehicle catching fire but it doesn't make the news the same way an EV fire does.

syed putra

Legacy car manufacturers are caught flat footed if they do not produce their own batteries.. Which is the main component and cost of EV's.
Mercedes initial battery supplier had issues wrt to potential battery fires. Can't recall it's name but it's not one of the big manufacturers. They have now decided to use batteries by CATL.
Battery manufacturers potential sales may outstrip that of legacy car makers.


Old Fart
Legacy car manufacturers are caught flat footed if they do not produce their own batteries.. Which is the main component and cost of EV's.
Mercedes initial battery supplier had issues wrt to potential battery fires. Can't recall it's name but it's not one of the big manufacturers. They have now decided to use batteries by CATL.
Battery manufacturers potential sales may outstrip that of legacy car makers.
So you're saying batteries are getting better made, manufacturers are perfecting the technology? Hence the purchase of an EV will hinge upon the battery supplier they use? I am getting more excited about EVs but don't want to be guinea pig. No wish of becoming a BBQ-ed guinea pig.

syed putra

So you're saying batteries are getting better made, manufacturers are perfecting the technology? Hence the purchase of an EV will hinge upon the battery supplier they use? I am getting more excited about EVs but don't want to be guinea pig. No wish of becoming a BBQ-ed guinea pig.
The tech is evolving rapidly. But current batteries starts to deplete within 10 years so it's capacity reduces as it ages, hence too your range. And also depends on your charging cycles.
Hence Toyota hoping it's solid state battery may work as that battery in theory does not combust nor deplete over time. So EV's may last quite a long time with almost zero maintenance. But that is still not available in the market.
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Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
I have been driving for over 40 years, and I must have driven a couple of million klicks. I have driven everything in the SAF inventory, including tracked and wheeled vehicles, and i have driven dozens of different types of cars. I have never had a car burst into flame on me. I don't know what kind of fucktards can have this happen to them. Fusebox catching fire is a first for me.


Toyota is hinging on their hybrid technology. Fuel consumption is good and it's less costly to maintain.

syed putra

Toyota is hinging on their hybrid technology. Fuel consumption is good and it's less costly to maintain.
Toyota hybrid uses battery as a booster for power and braking. It's saves engine from over exertion and make them reliable.
Mitsubishi uses petrol Engine as generator to charge the batteries. The car runs mostly on electric motors.


Old Fart
The tech is evolving rapidly. But current batteries starts to deplete within 10 years so it's capacity reduces as it ages, hence too your range. And also depends on your charging cycles.
Hence Toyota hoping it's solid state battery may work as that battery in theory does not combust nor deplete over time. So EV's may last quite a long time with almost zero maintenance. But that is still not available in the market.
Thanks for the insight.