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Don't buy lolabunnies on impulse

Cigar Guy


Don't buy bunnies on impulse
Posted: 07 December 2010 1819 hrs

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SINGAPORE: With the Year of the Rabbit just around the corner, animal welfare groups are urging members of the public not to buy rabbits on impulse.

625 pet rabbits were abandoned during the last Year of the Rabbit in 1999, which was a 116 per cent increase from the year before, according to The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

Deirdre Moss, Executive Director of the SPCA, said: "We certainly hope that this coming Lunar Year of the Rabbit will not see a repeat of people buying them on a whim, to bring luck."

Animal welfare groups said that the problem of buying pets on impulse is particularly acute for rabbits because people wrongly assume that they are low-maintenance starter pets for children.

They added that many pet shops are also not well informed about the care needed for a pet rabbit and often provide wrong or false information to unknowing first-time owners.

Animal welfare groups have advised against buying rabbits from a shop, and to adopt instead from SPCA or from the House Rabbit Society Singapore.



Cigar Guy




Huang crushes the rabbit under a piece of glass. [Photo/Jinghua Times]


Huang stamps on a rabbit in a video posted online. [Photo/Jinghua Times]


Cigar Guy



The woman shown crushing a rabbit to death in a video clip has gone to the police after netizens tracked her down.
The 26-year-old Chinese woman goes by the alias Huang Xu.

She told police she was paid 400 yuan to do it by a group cashing in on people with animal abuse fetishes, reported Xinhua News Agency. She appeared in a four-minute video torturing a little rabbit under her high-heeled shoes and then crushing the creature to death by sitting on a thick glass plate placed on it.


Cigar Guy



The women was eventually tracked down by online 'vigilantes' and exposed to be a nurse at a hospital in the northwestern province of Heilongjiang



i think her behaviour was triggered by some traumatic experience. its ahtiong's motherland, where anything/everything is possible. she probably was sodomized & raped by some sick bastard, and she found courage to take it out on a rabblt.