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Disadvantages of being vegetarian


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
[h=1]The Politically Incorrect Truth About The Cult Of Vegetarianism[/h]
Written by Thomas CorriherDecember 17, 2009


Undoubtedly, many of our readers assume that we adhere to either a vegetarian or a vegan diet. In truth, we are strongly against such extremes. As people interested in truthful health reporting, instead of politics; it is our duty to inform our readers that vegetarianism is absolutely unhealthy, and potentially dangerous. This report may cost us some of our readers, but that is a risk that we are willing to take if it might save a few people from disease; and especially if could can save a few children from dying horribly. This is not a popularity contest for us, and it never has been. This is life or death, and the truth verses an evil cult.

Before we begin this brief report, allow us to clear our consciences on a particular vegetarian issue that enrages us. There is nothing more perverse than when those who conform to such politics also dictate the same malnutrition upon their children. News stories of children who have starved to death as a result of vegan diets continue to appear, and these diets are usually still defended by the parents as being something good, all the way to prison. It is unknown how many uncounted child vegan deaths there have been, because child deaths are usually attributed to a mysterious disorder; for regular doctors rarely examine nutrition.

Such parenting is based much more on following a cult than it is about health, and we feel certain that there is a deep pocket in Hell waiting for such parents. Starving one's children is the epitome of stupidity and it is evil, regardless of whatever strained rationalizations are used to justify it. It is never justified. Such parents ought to be deeply ashamed, but few of them seem to be, even after the deaths of their own children. Their belief system overrides both their rational thinking and their consciences, and this is why we think of them as being cultish, in almost the same vein as the iodine drinkers. A child fed on a diet containing soy (the vegan protein substitute) is destined for illness for the rest of his life, due to poor development, with additional thyroid and hormonal issues. Furthermore, the lack of fats in a vegan diet makes just growing problematic. Red meat contains iron, which is desperately needed by growing children. Synthetic iron provided in supplements quickly becomes poisonous if allowed to accumulate, especially to infants and children, in addition to it being an extremely ineffective substitute for organic forms of iron. In fact, it might just be better to give the child a rusty nail to chew. It would probably be safer and more effective than most iron supplements, but of course, we are not recommending that either.

Around twenty years ago, it was widely agreed in the scientific community that vegetarians do not get enough protein. That stance has since changed, because of deceptive marketing by the soy industry. Soy provides enough protein for a vegetarian or vegan to live, but it comes with great consequences. Soy, which is almost always genetically modified, is damaging to the thyroid, can cause infertility, causes deficiencies in zinc and iron, and scoliosis in children. Those who attempt a meat-free diet without soy usually fail, because they cannot get enoughprotein otherwise, even when nuts and legumes are used. For example, it would take 136 almonds, 239 peanut kernels, or 3.7 cups of kidney beans for a 140 lbs. person to get the minimal amount of protein needed each day. These conservative measurements are based on the R.D.A. (Recommended Daily Allowances), which have been repeatedly shown to be much lower than what is actually needed by healthy individuals.

Vegetarians often believe that they will have a longer lifespan as a result of their diets, but studies identifying any such relationship are scarce. There are two main studies that are used to show that a vegetarian diet expands the lifespan. The first study that is usually cited as the 'proof' utilized fruit flies as the test subjects. Researchers gave the fruit flies a diet just slightly above malnutrition, and found that they lived longer than the well fed flies. Who would have expected that fruit flies could live on just fruit? Should we give any credibility to such studies, which supposedly purport that malnutrition is somehow beneficial? This is clearly F.D.A. science, except this time, it's our side cooking the numbers for political reasons. Fruit flies are hardly representative of humans, of course, and keeping one's diet just above utter malnutrition is not a wise long-term health plan. The research also showed that while the flies did actually live longer, they experienced more health problems, including infertility. Thesecond study, conducted by the German Cancer Research Foundation, showed that those who lived the longest were those who consumed small amounts of meat and fish in their diet. Therefore, the real core finding (the very one being ignored by the veggie cults) is that the under consumption of meat is as unhealthy as the over consumption of it. The latter study is also misquoted regularly for the propaganda of vegetarianism. The two studies discussed in this paragraph are the alpha and the omega of vegan 'scientific proof'. They have nothing else to stand on, and the ice is starting to crack beneath their feet.

A lack of carnosine has been noticed as the Achilles heel of vegetarians, and this is especially true with the much more extreme vegan diets. Carnosine is a dipeptide which protects against aging, is a copper and zinc chelating agent, increases the lifespan of cells, is a pH buffer, assists in the contraction of the heart muscle, protects the brain from excitotoxins, and helps to prevent Alzheimer's Disease (possibly through its extraction of heavy metals). Carnosine is only found in meat. Some vegetarians try to compensate with supplements, but such attempts are futile, due to the rate at which carnosine is used. When 248 mg. is consumed, it becomes untraceable within 5.5 hours. The minuscule synthetic 50 mg. supplements commonly used by vegetarians and vegans are useless.

It has become widely known that vegetarians do not get enough vitamin B-12. Lucky vegetarians seem healthy for several years before developing problems related to B-12 deficiencies. B-12 deficiencies result in a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, problems with the central nervous system (CNS), tingling in the hands and feet, fatigue, anemia, and can eventually cause permanent damage including blindness, deafness and dementia. These problems are exaggerated in the elderly.

While we do recommend juice fasting for short periods, especially for those who are suffering with certain chronic diseases; we would never recommend any permanent meat-free diet. We are aware that this article is likely to upset some people, but it is essential that these warnings are given. Vegetarian and vegan lifestyles have been embraced like a cult by those who refuse to listen to data which conflicts with their religion. While people initially choose to experiment with these lifestyles for different reasons, these diets are always ultimately dangerous. All the health problems which have been associated with typical meat consumption only occur in meats which are laced with nitrates, antibiotics, and growth hormones. Even the hysteria surrounding saturated fats has been thoroughly debunked. We need those saturated fats, in moderation, of course. There are no valid reasons to avoid meats, because there are completely safe organic choices with animals that have been given their natural diets. The only typical meat that we avoid, or recommend others avoid, is pork.

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