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Breaking: Radio host The Flying Dutchman suffered a heart attack this morning


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Kind my foot. He's just protecting his own kind - PAP's brainless but faithful dogs

PAP supporters aren't a different breed or a different species. They're ordinary Singaporeans who simply have a different view of what good governance is all about.

Your posts reveal your inner thoughts and what comes out is really ugly. You're a fascist in every sense of the word.

Scrooball (clone)

PAP supporters aren't a different breed or a different species. They're ordinary Singaporeans who simply have a different view of what good governance is all about.

Your posts reveal your inner thoughts and what comes out is really ugly. You're a fascist in every sense of the word.

Now i have to insert the definition to those who don't understand the word.


The word fascist is sometimes used to denigrate people, institutions, or groups that would not describe themselves as ideologically fascist, and that may not fall within the formal definition of the word. The Fascist party that developed in Italy in the 1920s rigidly enforced conservative values and behavior norms during the Mussolini regime. As a political epithet, fascist was subsequently used in an anti-authoritarian sense to emphasize the common ideology of governmental suppression of individual freedom. It has also been applied to a broad range of people and groups, including people of many religious faiths, particularly fundamentalist groups. The individual, institution, or group(s) called fascist often find the use of the term in this way to be highly offensive and inappropriate.

In this sense, the word fascist is intended to mean "oppressive", "intolerant", "chauvinist", "genocidal", "dictatorial", "racist", or "aggressive" – all concepts that are allegedly inspired by the ideology of actual fascism, and pervasive through fascist states. One might accuse an inconveniently placed police roadblock as being a "fascist tactic" for its perceived oppression or interloping, or an overly authoritarian teacher as being "a total fascist". Terms like Nazi and Hitlerite, are often used in similar contexts.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
There'll be many listeners wishing this fucktard speedy recovery on Class 95..

Even though he already went for a surgery, I hope he kena another heart attack relapse in the future..

hi there

1. aiyoh!
2. at least for the time being.
3. there is less one indiviual & mouther on air hoh.
4. honest, whenever the dutch thing lol on air, it hisses just like a big horse!
5. the hissing just put on me on edge.


If you think the Flyinng Dutchman is shit, then you have not seen diarrhoea AND Vomit - the idiotic Richmonds - Brian and Mark together with Vomit Singh talking cock in the morning show on 90.5FM. Brian takes 200 words to communicate what can be said in 20, going round in circles. Son Mark try to act high class, telling listeners that the fees for his son's playschool fees cost him more than $1,250 per month and had the farking cheek to say that he rejected one playschool because the teacher did not speak good English. Someone from the Speak Good English campaign should use their daily programmes on what is wrong with Singapore's English. Throw in Vomit Singh's horredous grammar and there you have it: "Then I heard somebodies calling me...." and "the groups of boys are...."

The programme is one excellent entertaining programme though - our family plays SPOT THE IDIOTS' MISTAKES contest during our 45-minute morning drives.

That Mark Richmond is the most siarlan bastard around, he got the most kiam par cheebye face. See the way he talks and acts, kan sibeh howlian tuarpai yaya like as if he the greatest mother fucker around, his wife looks like a piece of pig shit !!


Alfrescian (Inf)
That Mark Richmond is the most siarlan bastard around, he got the most kiam par cheebye face. See the way he talks and acts, kan sibeh howlian tuarpai yaya like as if he the greatest mother fucker around, his wife looks like a piece of pig shit !!

why should he not be? Seriously why should he not be sia lan? He got ang moh face ok. Eurasian but have surname like richmond and not only that his face looks so ang moh, speaks like ang moh in fact what's sinkie about him at all? He's like so different from the average sinkie.

In this country if you don't have the political power, grades or the cash you can try to speak like an ang moh or act ang moh.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you think the Flyinng Dutchman is shit, then you have not seen diarrhoea AND Vomit - the idiotic Richmonds - Brian and Mark together with Vomit Singh talking cock in the morning show on 90.5FM. Brian takes 200 words to communicate what can be said in 20, going round in circles. Son Mark try to act high class, telling listeners that the fees for his son's playschool fees cost him more than $1,250 per month and had the farking cheek to say that he rejected one playschool because the teacher did not speak good English. Someone from the Speak Good English campaign should use their daily programmes on what is wrong with Singapore's English. Throw in Vomit Singh's horredous grammar and there you have it: "Then I heard somebodies calling me...." and "the groups of boys are...."

The programme is one excellent entertaining programme though - our family plays SPOT THE IDIOTS' MISTAKES contest during our 45-minute morning drives.

hi there

1. exactly, bro.
2. why need so many mouthers on the radio speaking almost at the same time.
3. what a din on air?
4. the other thing is topics or items spoken on air are so damn bloody boring & useless.
5. you should have listen to the mousey leong cum some maggie thing before the richmond.
6. equally horrible & distasteful.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
someone mentioned vomit singh is on radio now?
some smart aleck producer probably thought of this to hide vomit singh's fuckface but the fucker's voice also cmi.
lucky i dun listen to radio so am spared the torture.


Alfrescian (Inf)
someone mentioned vomit singh is on radio now?
some smart aleck producer probably thought of this to hide vomit singh's fuckface but the fucker's voice also cmi.
lucky i dun listen to radio so am spared the torture.

Wasn't vomit singh's retarded name on the channel 8 star awards too as a nominee? Can you recall? The bugger has not acted in a single channel 8 production, cannot speak decent mandarin and still gets to even act in a few drama serials and shows? Which asshole put him in there. Anyway that was quite some time ago and it's long gone.

You do know that there's quite a few ppl out there that think vomit is "cute". Either that or vomit bribed some radio producer i don't know but there's quite a few brain retarded folks out that that think vomit is "cute" and they think he's "funny" that's why this asshole was able to appear on radio.

Scrooball (clone)


But what many may not know is that the seemingly sure and secure man struggles with an inferiority complex.

"I have that, and that is why I've stopped hosting Miss Singapore Universe pageants," Gurmit said. "Because when I host that and I see all these beautiful ladies… inside I'm dying. I just want to stab myself."

This is a man with some serious issues inside his ugly head

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
in the west......actors, singers and whatnot seldom do cross-overs....that's professionlism.

actors act, singers sing and DJs just DJ....

here in sinkieland and asia in generally all the artistes multitask....to ride on and milk whatever popularity and fame they have.

in the west if a famous actor decides to branch out into a singing career, he will be a laughing stock.

Wasn't vomit singh's retarded name on the channel 8 star awards too as a nominee? Can you recall? The bugger has not acted in a single channel 8 production, cannot speak decent mandarin and still gets to even act in a few drama serials and shows? Which asshole put him in there. Anyway that was quite some time ago and it's long gone.

You do know that there's quite a few ppl out there that think vomit is "cute". Either that or vomit bribed some radio producer i don't know but there's quite a few brain retarded folks out that that think vomit is "cute" and they think he's "funny" that's why this asshole was able to appear on radio.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
the fucker cannot even pronounce his english properly........how can he be on radio?

remembered the lousy media hailed him as sinkieland's Jim Carrey.....knn i think vomit lose out to william hung even...and william hung is more handsome too.


But what many may not know is that the seemingly sure and secure man struggles with an inferiority complex.

"I have that, and that is why I've stopped hosting Miss Singapore Universe pageants," Gurmit said. "Because when I host that and I see all these beautiful ladies… inside I'm dying. I just want to stab myself."

This is a man with some serious issues inside his ugly head


What you are witnessing are merely the symptoms of an underlying attitude that does not bode well for the country. It shows that the country is far from ready to function as a democracy..... What a marvelously gracious bunch you guys are.

How not to have a heart attack when hosting radio shows in Singapore?
Here is the breakfast show recorded one morning over the radio one fine morning :

DJ : Good morning. This is [the breakfast show] and do you want to play a game?

Contestant : Yeah, why not?

DJ : Good. It is a simple game. When I say something, you have to give an answer that is opposite to what I have said. For example, when I say "Sharp", you have to answer "Blunt". OK?

Contestant : OK

DJ : Sun

Contestant : Moon

DJ : Black

Contestant : White

DJ : Tall

Contestant : Short

DJ : Dog

Contestant : Cat

DJ : Man

Contestant : Woman

DJ : Cock

Contestant : CHIBAI !!!


DJ : Arrrgggh !!!! I think I am having a heart attack!!!!!!!

Poor Flying Dutchman! I wish you a speedy recovery!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
In this sense, the word fascist is intended to mean "oppressive", "intolerant", "chauvinist", "genocidal", "dictatorial", "racist", or "aggressive" – all concepts that are allegedly inspired by the ideology of actual fascism, and pervasive through fascist states. One might accuse an inconveniently placed police roadblock as being a "fascist tactic" for its perceived oppression or interloping, or an overly authoritarian teacher as being "a total fascist". Terms like Nazi and Hitlerite, are often used in similar contexts.

When you label anyone who supports the PAP a dog, when you wish a painful death upon your political opponents, when you cannot tolerate alternative views which express support for the PAP govt, when you resort to vicious personal attacks against the innocent host of this honorable forum just because you don't agree with his views, you are FASCIST in every sense of the word.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When you label anyone who supports the PAP a dog, when you wish a painful death upon your political opponents, when you cannot tolerate alternative views which express support for the PAP govt, when you resort to viscious personal attacks against the innocent host of this honorable forum just because you don't agree with his views, you are FASCIST in every sense of the word.
He's stating a fact. Dog will be dogs. Those pappies dogs are COWARDS who think supporting the stronger ones will give them some loose change. KNN, fuck PAP dogs.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
He's stating a fact. Dog will be dogs. Those pappies dogs are COWARDS who think supporting the stronger ones will give them some loose change. KNN, fuck PAP dogs.

I support the PAP because I believe they are doing the right thing for the long term survival of Singapore. I get nothing in return for showing my support and I've never asked for anything either. I do so because my values and my beliefs are upheld by the policies of the PAP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I support the PAP because I believe they are doing the right thing for the long term survival of Singapore. I get nothing in return for showing my support and I've never asked for anything either. I do so because my values and my beliefs are upheld by the policies of the PAP.
All Sinkees asked for is:

Fuck! Just give us a fucking chance you son of a bitch! You son of a fucking cocksucker!

Unfortunately, pappies are just GPMGs.


I support the PAP because I believe they are doing the right thing for the long term survival of Singapore. I get nothing in return for showing my support and I've never asked for anything either. I do so because my values and my beliefs are upheld by the policies of the PAP.

I too believe that they are have actively pursued strategies that will ensure the survival of Singapore. As long as Singapore survives, political and administrative office holders can continue to milk the system for what it is worth. The bottom quartile of the population may not survive the next decade or two because "workfare" as it is euphemistically called, brings them down to the level of slave labour like the ones we import. Are you confident no armed violence will happen to the tune of Bahrain and the Arab Spring?


Alfrescian (Inf)
in the west......actors, singers and whatnot seldom do cross-overs....that's professionlism.

actors act, singers sing and DJs just DJ....

here in sinkieland and asia in generally all the artistes multitask....to ride on and milk whatever popularity and fame they have.

in the west if a famous actor decides to branch out into a singing career, he will be a laughing stock.

Yes actually it's true in the west about what you say but what you are referring to are mostly established actors. Rappers and pop singers have branched into movies like britney spears whoose movie sucked but she made a movie. Mariah carey made a movie too. If you're referring to ppl like sly, robert deniro they are famous enough as it is or they really cannot sing. I'm sure when sly was younger he also did something on fitness and weight lifting, arnold was a 10 time mr universe i recall and he's constantly in bodybuilding competitions even today cos there's a competition named after him called the arnold. In any case they do branch out but it's not to shamelessly milk the popularity like in asia.

Anyway i just want to go back to vomit. Can this bugger speak mandarin? Seriously can he speak mandarin? Does he bother to learn mandarin? Does he even bother? Can you imagine back in those days when vomit was acting in some channel 8 drama the amount of ngs they had to do cos the bugger thought it was beyond him to learn how to speak his lines in mandarin and how he somehow expected the channel 8 directors and producers to bend over backwards for him to speak in some half fark mandarin/english/singlish crap and that was cute. I can bet some of the channel 8 actors chinese dogs thought he was so cute doing that but expected the english speaking chinese actors like pierre png, andrew seow, andrian pang whom are all english educated but pure chinese needing to speak perfect mandarin simply cos they were born chinese. :rolleyes:

In fact why not they have pierre png star in some malay drama. Now pierre png can speak some malay at least cos if you watched the nonya show starring pierre png he could sing some malay songs but he probably cannot speak conversational malay that well.

Anyway why not we have pierre png speak some type of half fucked malay-english hybrid on a malay drama serial. Do you think that's possible? Do you think the malay producers/directors would expect pierre for eg to actually know how to speak proper malay before he can appear on a malay drama?

I actually have a feeling the producers or maybe even the director was afraid to be called a racist and allowed vomit to speak his hybrid singlish/mandarin when he was in those dramas or perhaps they are chinese dogs fawning over him.