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Ang moh lang neighbour seems to be afraid of me.


This ramseth is a boh lanjiao guy la.. He takes pride in the chinese rioting and being in prison for gang-fights... Fuck with a 75% population(No other race has more SS links then the chinese unlike the malays/indians who are independent and find joining SS a waste of time and embarrassment and rather fight it out along instead of calling back-ups) Ramseth, He is a pussy who boasts about beating up in-mates in lock-ups and talks like he knows shit.. Wow.. Ramseth should saw me your fucking stats on your crime report esp the wife battery cases... You are still leaving in the 60s... Its 2011 now..Its a whole different world boy. Continue\ thinking you are a big fuck..Continue picking on the 9% Indian population or 7% locally born... I guess you haven met many who will stick it up your asshole when face to face and thats inc. me.. Prove yourself of your gene = hero and can make an Indian into a coward. Jah is a confirm coward and Internet hero.. But you being link to W.P, Ex Cop and People know who you already ar by your pictures posted here..Maybe you like to prove yourself that you are not an internet warrior and coward like jah.
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I get an incredible hard-on when I watch this. I gladly exchange all my fuck-buddies for this one. The one and only Katrina Kaif.

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/YyXEJOuR6cQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/YyXEJOuR6cQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>


Quite an interesting thread. Some observations of my own.

Wife battering is certainly prevalent among the Indians and I suspect it has to do with high incidence of alcoholism. No excuse but it is well documented.

Indians in police and army are mainly due to lack of employment opportunities in the corporate world in the past. On a per capita basis, Indians are overly represented in Commando Units from the day it was formed and they are there not to serve biscuits and tea. The same with PTT. The first 3 of the team that stormed SQ117 and killed the hijackers were in Indians. They were not there to switch of the lights. When the team was assembled in preparation for this incident, during roll call, 2 Chinese commandos stepped forward claiming to be sick and did not form part of the assault team.

The Chinese are industrious, diligent and highly motivated if it involves money, control over their own destiny and their family. Indians prefer to follow a certain path , good at following instructions and tend to be spiritual. So they make good civil servants ranging from doctors to clerks and remain with the Public service. Chinese will tend to follow a vocation where there is an opportunity to strike out on his own.

There is no doubts that Chinese are always fighting and there is also no doubt that without a gang, you will not see a fight. It is something the British Protectorate realised during colonial days. Darren was not killed by a lone Chinese individual. A chinese even with a gang will not be caught dead without a weapon. Indians however will go into a fight without weapons and numbers and this tells me they tend to be brave but not smart.

Malays are relatively peaceful by nature. However when they get angry, run for the hills. They will not wait for a gang. They will gone into a another state of mind and the term running "Amok" is a Malay origin. Malays tend to fight over women, Chinese over money and Indians for no rhyme or reason.

The reason the Chinese were slaughtered by the numbers by the invading Japanese was due to the monetary support of KMT and Mainland China. The Chinese were certainly not running any form of the "French Resistance". The Indians some of whom crossed over the Indian National Army which was aligned to Japanese in the false hope of securing independence for India.

There is no need to use profanities, there is no need to bring in mothers and fathers. Certainly not when Teflon is involved. He has always has the right ingredients for a good dish but till today he still does not know how to put the ingredients together. His Laksa will look green, there will noodles in it and it will served on flat plate with no gravy. When you ask him why, he will tell you that it is dry dish no need bowl with a straight face.. This is why education is so important. If Teflon was born an Indian, I am sure none of us will blink an eye with the amount of TCSS. Talk so much, ask to meet for fight and then give an excuse that he does not harm pets.


Quite an interesting thread. Some observations of my own.

Wife battering is certainly prevalent among the Indians and I suspect it has to do with high incidence of alcoholism. No excuse but it is well documented.

Indians in police and army are mainly due to lack of employment opportunities in the corporate world in the past. On a per capita basis, Indians are overly represented in Commando Units from the day it was formed and they are there not to serve biscuits and tea. The same with PTT. The first 3 of the team that stormed SQ117 and killed the hijackers were in Indians. They were not there to switch of the lights. When the team was assembled in preparation for this incident, during roll call, 2 Chinese commandos stepped forward claiming to be sick and did not form part of the assault team.

The Chinese are industrious, diligent and highly motivated if it involves money, control over their own destiny and their family. Indians prefer to follow a certain path , good at following instructions and tend to be spiritual. So they make good civil servants ranging from doctors to clerks and remain with the Public service. Chinese will tend to follow a vocation where there is an opportunity to strike out on his own.

There is no doubts that Chinese are always fighting and there is also no doubt that without a gang, you will not see a fight. It is something the British Protectorate realised during colonial days. Darren was not killed by a lone Chinese individual. A chinese even with a gang will not be caught dead without a weapon. Indians however will go into a fight without weapons and numbers and this tells me they tend to be brave but not smart.

Malays are relatively peaceful by nature. However when they get angry, run for the hills. They will not wait for a gang. They will gone into a another state of mind and the term running "Amok" is a Malay origin. Malays tend to fight over women, Chinese over money and Indians for no rhyme or reason.

The reason the Chinese were slaughtered by the numbers by the invading Japanese was due to the monetary support of KMT and Mainland China. The Chinese were certainly not running any form of the "French Resistance". The Indians some of whom crossed over the Indian National Army which was aligned to Japanese in the false hope of securing independence for India.

There is no need to use profanities, there is no need to bring in mothers and fathers. Certainly not when Teflon is involved. He has always has the right ingredients for a good dish but till today he still does not know how to put the ingredients together. His Laksa will look green, there will noodles in it and it will served on flat plate with no gravy. When you ask him why, he will tell you that it is dry dish no need bowl with a straight face.. This is why education is so important. If Teflon was born an Indian, I am sure none of us will blink an eye with the amount of TCSS. Talk so much, ask to meet for fight and then give an excuse that he does not harm pets.

Yah pretty much alot of Indians are in goverment sectors, My dad is in the army and my grand-father use to be a Prison warden and lots of my other relatives used to be either in Prison or Military.


Also to add, I find Indians are pretty discipline people and have respect for Authority, Indians growing up will be taught repesting Authorities is a must, They will learn it the hard way from their Father, Grand-father and Grand-mothers but Indians(Local) are know to be mamas boy.


bathe doesn't work on ah nehs and kelings .:eek:

At 0.10, all residual scent dissipates and what is left is the natural sweet aroma of her juices exuding from her sexy crevices. I watch, I indulge and I am spent. Enjoy.

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/YyXEJOuR6cQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/YyXEJOuR6cQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>


alcoholism defiantly use to be an Issue during the old days but not anymore, In modern day Singapore there are more Drunk fighting/abusing coming from other people rather then Indians But it has largely got to do with Indians of this generation being more educated and taking up higher level jobs.. Its rare now days to see Indians working as hard-labor workers and doing dirty jobs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The first 3 of the team that stormed SQ117 and killed the hijackers were in Indians. They were not there to switch of the lights. When the team was assembled in preparation for this incident, during roll call, 2 Chinese commandos stepped forward claiming to be sick and did not form part of the assault team.

This is the bloody part that really pisses me off. What screwball is saying that the first 3 commandos that entered the plane are indians excluding their leader who's a chinese. Ok and then? Here's the logic screwball is presenting if you are the first to enter with your team you are the bravest. Obviously the last one to enter should be a coward then. :rolleyes: Does this even make any sense. Screwball isn't talking about the fight itself he's saying the one to enter 1st is the bravest. If that were the case why not they award medals for ppl that enter the combat zone first.

Hey screw you want to pick examples choose a better one. The commandos all worked as a team and there are more chinese in that team. POS making up stupid inferences like this no wonder you have such low intelligence.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very good post, thanks Scroobal.

Psy83 went ranting because he misundertood that I was boasting about Chinese fighting again. There's no boasting. It's just the way it is. Most Chinese will fight alone or or in gang whenever furious. But Chinese are always associated with gangs and triads since gangs and triads were invented in China, not Italy or Rome or anywhere in the west or India, not even Japan. Japanese yakuza was modeled after Chinese triads after the Meiji restoration and decommissioning of sumurais.

A very significant difference in bravado that Scroobal has pointed out is, Chinese usually fight for economic reasons, almost never for religious reasons. One thing Scroobal missed is face. Fighting or even killing or even fighting suicidally for face, that's in most of Chinese blood. The word is face.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
This ramseth is a boh lanjiao guy la.. He takes pride in the chinese rioting and being in prison for gang-fights... Fuck with a 75% population(No other race has more SS links then the chinese unlike the malays/indians who are independent and find joining SS a waste of time and embarrassment and rather fight it out along instead of calling back-ups) Ramseth, He is a pussy who boasts about beating up in-mates in lock-ups and talks like he knows shit.. Wow.. Ramseth should saw me your fucking stats on your crime report esp the wife battery cases... You are still leaving in the 60s... Its 2011 now..Its a whole different world boy. Continue\ thinking you are a big fuck..Continue picking on the 9% Indian population or 7% locally born... I guess you haven met many who will stick it up your asshole when face to face and thats inc. me.. Prove yourself of your gene = hero and can make an Indian into a coward. Jah is a confirm coward and Internet hero.. But you being link to W.P, Ex Cop and People know who you already ar by your pictures posted here..Maybe you like to prove yourself that you are not an internet warrior and coward like jah.

So why are you so angry at ram for speaking out the facts? If ram were to praise you kelings to the sky you would be jumping for joy wouldn't you? Look at what a stupid thread you have started here. Ang moh man looks down when he sees you he's scared of you and wants to submit to you. Sounds so stupid. That ang moh man doesn't even know you. Actually even if he's scared of you is that something to be proud of? You seem very proud of yourself. Your face is probably so goddamn ugly he cannot even bear to look at it so he looks down.

From your postings i can tell you have sub par intelligence and make up tall tales to boast but we cannot blame you for that after all you're indian and it's in your blood to brag and boast.


This is the bloody part that really pisses me off. What screwball is saying that the first 3 commandos that entered the plane are indians excluding their leader who's a chinese. Ok and then? Here's the logic screwball is presenting if you are the first to enter with your team you are the bravest. Obviously the last one to enter should be a coward then. :rolleyes: Does this even make any sense. Screwball isn't talking about the fight itself he's saying the one to enter 1st is the bravest. If that were the case why not they award medals for ppl that enter the combat zone first.

Hey screw you want to pick examples choose a better one. The commandos all worked as a team and there are more chinese in that team. POS making up stupid inferences like this no wonder you have such low intelligence.

Its pretty obvious what you want and not want to hear.. Guess what.. Everyone is more better of a person then a coward bigot like you, who only got balls to talk like a hero online..I have met and dealt with lots of cowards like you b4, Talk like hero but when push comes to shove, they will immediately start saying brother, bang relac la... Up yours la Dim sum.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Indians are champions at wife battery. Don't just believe me. Can check with police records. Chinese are champions at men to men violence with or without weapons. Don't just believe me. Can check with prison records. Practically 95% of riot records with or without weapons involved Chinese. Even Pulau Senang riot killing Supt. Dutton and other wardens was 100% Chinese. After British surrender to Japan, 100% of those risking death to resist Japanese were Chinese.

These bloody keling shit skins act like heroes when they beat up women and these women happen to be their wives. You know it's funny that you have the police records to prove it and all cos it puts his race in a bad light this crazy shit skin is ranting and raving BUT doesn't have any facts to counter what you have written. Next he'll probably attack you personally which i am sure he already has instead.


These bloody keling shit skins act like heroes when they beat up women and these women happen to be their wives. You know it's funny that you have the police records to prove it and all cos it puts his race in a bad light this crazy shit skin is ranting and raving BUT doesn't have any facts to counter what you have written. Next he'll probably attack you personally which i am sure he already has instead.

Wow, Dim sum you are defiantly loving this shit dont you... At least you got mates to stereotype towards other race.. Up yours lah coward.. End of the day people like you needs to seekscomfort and security in a pack.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its pretty obvious what you want and not want to hear.. Guess what.. Everyone is more better of a person then a coward bigot like you, who only got balls to talk like a hero online..I have met and dealt with lots of cowards like you b4, Talk like hero but when push comes to shove, they will immediately start saying brother, bang relac la... Up yours la Dim sum.

Bang relac la? Seems like you met lots of malays that are afraid of you. I'm not sure about that nor do i care but seems like you think like you're a big hero online. Look at you boasting here about how this or that guy cowered before you and you don't even have the evidence to back it up. Look at ram he's been a police officer before and he has the records and real life to prove it yet you dispute him so again you're eating your words.

See when ppl have the evidence to back it up like ram does and he's a police officer you still refuse to admit it.

Anyway remember how i told you i told off that big arab guy in bkk? I've put a few of you shit skins in your place in real life too. Most of your kind are just loud bags of hot air.


alcoholism defiantly use to be an Issue during the old days but not anymore, In modern day Singapore there are more Drunk fighting/abusing coming from other people rather then Indians But it has largely got to do with Indians of this generation being more educated and taking up higher level jobs.. Its rare now days to see Indians working as hard-labor workers and doing dirty jobs.

Katrina Kaif should indulge in alcohol more.

As she drinks, her cheeks are flushed and her eyes get a tad droopy. The sex appeal goes through the roof. When the alcohol increases her body temperature, the faint whiff of love-scent can invariably be detected. At this precise moment, her venus is exceedingly sensitive my touch. Enjoy.

Video of 'Katrina gets drunk and wild':

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/YbyHHjwlmsU?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/YbyHHjwlmsU?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wow, Dim sum you are defiantly loving this shit dont you... At least you got mates to stereotype towards other race.. Up yours lah coward.. End of the day people like you needs to seekscomfort and security in a pack.

??? I have never seen a keling fight alone before. There are keling gangs like sarajumbo around with chinese leaders. I don't get what you mean that you fight alone like tony ja fighting a whole bunch of men or JCVD? That's the problem with you kelings always boasting and making up stories. It's kind of sad that you need to create imaginary shit to feel good since the real world sucks for you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You want me to translate that from English to Chink for you? Stupid dim sum

Why can't you even write properly? I remember that time you even had to edit a few worded post. That was hilarious and it was pointed out by pys83.

I thought you kelings write very high standard of english? Yup another myth.


??? I have never seen a keling fight alone before. There are keling gangs like sarajumbo around with chinese leaders. I don't get what you mean that you fight alone like tony ja fighting a whole bunch of men or JCVD? That's the problem with you kelings always boasting and making up stories. It's kind of sad that you need to create imaginary shit to feel good since the real world sucks for you.

The one who likes making up stories is you...It pretty much shows how ignorant and a no body you are.. Sarajumbo with chinese leader? Go and find out 1st how this group came about and who are the members in there.. And P.s there is not a Single Chinese in there but there are a few chinese who like hanging around with them.. Yes i know. . .

Never seen an Indian fight alone... Mate you are not only a hypocrite but also a liar.. You shouldnt resort to lying to save your soul.


Why can't you even write properly? I remember that time you even had to edit a few worded post. That was hilarious and it was pointed out by pys83.

I thought you kelings write very high standard of english? Yup another myth.

Stop being so insecure, Whats wrong with editing and spelling/grammar error on a forum?? Stop being so narrow minded and tight.. You got to loosen yourself and take it easy.. A person like you tend to be insecure so you got to nip at all this small stuffs to get attention from others.. You are not only a hypocrite and liar, coward you also have low self esteem and basically an insecure person. You can continue wacking the 7% locally born Indians with all your stereotype but i see it as someone who is a no-body and loser doing who had a bad experience etc.. being bullied or spouses ran away with an Indian to come to this level of hatred.. P.s Lets not run from the fact of your hatred towards indians but Usually when someone has dis level of hate like you, Had a bad experience and usually this person was on the losing end of the stick...

I usually type fast so i dont take note of my grammar and spelling, More then a decade of MIRC has let to this la..Im going to edit this too i believe.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The one who likes making up stories is you...It pretty much shows how ignorant and a no body you are.. Sarajumbo with chinese leader? Go and find out 1st how this group came about and who are the members in there.. And P.s there is not a Single Chinese in there but there are a few chinese who like hanging around with them.. Yes i know. . .

Never seen an Indian fight alone... Mate you are not only a hypocrite but also a liar.. You shouldnt resort to lying to save your soul.

i swear i have never seen a shit skin fight alone. you shit skins aren't tony jas or jackie chans in the movies. so there are indians gangs la, so again u trip over your words.

btw i find this really hilarious ram has police records and so does gd to prove that you shit skins behave like that. you have nothing just your own bs to say that only kelings fight alone. yet somehow we cannot believe ram even with police records but have to believe when you don;t have the records to prove it. this shows how dishonest you are. i would have thought kelings tell lies by twisting and turnig things around not just straight up lie. since you're a loser even among your kind.