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2 men charged for Bukit Timah armed gang robbery; over S$4.3 million in valuables stolen



2 men charged for Bukit Timah armed gang robbery; over S$4.3 million in valuables stolen​

The two men were arrested in Malaysia with help from the Royal Malaysia Police.
2 men charged for Bukit Timah armed gang robbery; over S$4.3 million in valuables stolen

Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi (left), 32, and Goh Boon Tong, 28, who were allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, are seen in police custody. (Photos: Singapore Police Force)

Koh Wan Ting
Koh Wan Ting
02 May 2024 02:01PM (Updated: 02 May 2024 05:21PM

SINGAPORE: Two men were charged in court on Thursday (May 2) for their alleged roles in an armed gang robbery involving more than S$4.34 million (US$3.19 million) in cash, cryptocurrency and other valuables.
Goh Boon Tong, 28, and Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, both Malaysians, were each handed a count of armed gang robbery.
According to their charge sheets, the pair were with three or more other people when they jointly robbed six victims of their valuables at a residence along King Albert Park in Bukit Timah in the early hours of Apr 18. The items stolen were worth about S$4,341,328.
In robbing these six people, the group also wrongfully restrained another five individuals and put them in fear of hurt, the charge sheets said.
The suspects purportedly carried out the robbery while armed with parangs and baseball bats, which are considered deadly weapons.
Goh and Tauffiq were both remanded and will return to court on May 9.

Who are the six victims and what did they lose?​

1. A 29-year-old woman who was robbed of S$3,904,776.17 comprising:
  • Tether (USDT) cryptocurrency amounting to US$2,638,238.41
  • S$210,000 in cash
  • 150,000 United Arab Emirates dirhams (S$55,500.90) in cash
  • US$40,000 in cash
2. A 31-year-old man who was robbed of items with a total value of S$320,400 comprising:
  • A red Richard Mille 35-02 watch worth S$320,000
  • A Ferrari car key worth S$400
3. A 28-year-old man who was robbed of items with a total value of S$58,000 comprising:
  • S$3,000 in cash
  • A gold Rolex Daytona watch worth S$55,000
4. A 35-year-old man who was robbed of items with a total value of S$56,300 comprising:
  • S$1,300 in cash
  • A Rolex GMT Master Guinness Jubilee watch worth S$55,000
5. A 30-year-old man who was robbed of items with a total value of S$1,400 comprising:
  • S$1,000 in cash
  • A black Huawei GT4 watch worth S$400
6. A 33-year-old man who was robbed of a black Samsung Galaxy 6 smartwatch worth S$452
In a news release issued earlier on Thursday, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said that it was alerted to the case at about 2am on Apr 18.
"A group of more than four men had robbed 11 victims, aged between 25 and 45, of various valuables, including cash in local and foreign currencies, cryptocurrency and luxury brand watches, with an estimated total value of S$4.34 million," SPF said.
Officers established the identities of the men involved through ground enquiries and found that the group had fled to Malaysia shortly after the police were alerted to the case.
Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, who was allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, is seen in police custody. (Photo: Singapore Police Force)
Goh Boon Tong, 28, who was allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, is seen in police custody. (Photo: Singapore Police Force)
Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, who was allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, is seen in police custody. (Photo: Singapore Police Force)
Goh Boon Tong, 28, who was allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, is seen in police custody. (Photo: Singapore Police Force)
Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, who was allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, is seen in police custody. (Photo: Singapore Police Force)
With help from the Royal Malaysia Police, the two men were arrested in Malaysia on Apr 27 and Apr 28 under two warrants of arrest issued by the State Courts in Singapore.
Both men were handed over to SPF on Apr 30.
Investigations are ongoing and SPF is working with the Royal Malaysia Police to locate the remaining suspects.
The offence of armed gang robbery carries a jail term of up to 20 years and up to 24 strokes of the cane.


this whole episode reads like another badly scribbled Mediacock script. I will laugh till my cock can't stand if those in the house turn out to be another PRC gathering of money laundering thieves. Takes a bunch of robbers to steal from another
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