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呵呵呵呵! 抓个老贼禁过年!CNY 1st day caught 76 yr old thief


This old thief still stealing (pick pocket) at 76 years old, and his stealing habit had been 1 to pick people's pockets during Chinese New Year among busy crowd in Beijing. Yesterday was his 4th time to be caught doing this - always during CNY and even the anti-pick-pocket-mata-team recognized him.

This year the old thief's luck is damn Ass-Luck, he only managed to steal a single piece of RMB$100 note out of a man's jacket pocket, at a very busy temple, while the anti-pick-pocket-mata-team was already watching him, so he got nabbed red-handed immediately.

The anti-pick-pocket-mata-team recognized him even when he tried to disguise himself wearing hat and face mask. He managed to become the 1st thief caught in whole Beijing city in the year of rabbit and made news.:biggrin:


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="660"><tbody><tr><td class="txt18" align="center" height="66" width="644">京城“兔年第一贼”被抓 76岁扒手年初一四进宫
</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" height="22"> 2011年02月04日 07:10:12  来源: 京华时报 【字号 留言打印关闭 </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td align="center">
</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"> <td align="center" height="2">
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td height="18" width="100%">
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table id="myTable" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="650"> <tbody><tr> <td class="p1">   昨天下午,兔年春节第一贼在雍和宫浮出水面。令民警都感到好笑的是,这名76岁的老扒手此前三年年初一在地坛庙会上行窃被抓,昨天他乔装改扮,混进雍和宫,不想,偷得100元后,再被抓获。到今年,此人已是4次在大年初一被抓。
  直至下午2点多,侦查员终于在雍和宫内,发现了一个熟悉的身影。侦查员介绍,可疑人物看起来是一名老头,戴着帽子和口罩,但不像一 般香客那么虔诚,手中无香,眼神总往周围人身上瞟。侦查员观察了一会儿发现,这名男子十分眼熟,虽然帽子和口罩挡住了大部分脸,但不论从身形还是举止,都 像一个人。据侦查员介绍,这个人姓张,今年应该已经76岁了,吉林人,在京无正当职业。此前,张某曾3次大年初一在地坛庙会行窃,被侦查员抓获过。
  见到老熟人,侦查员跟着他进了雍和宫的万福殿,看着他从一名男子后衣裤兜内掏出一张百元大钞。随后,侦查员立即上前将其拿下。而此 时,事主还不知道自己被窃。可怜老贼张某,仅偷得100元钱,第四次在大年初一被抓。目前,张某已经被北京东城警方带走,接受进一步的处理。(记者郭晓 乐)
