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PAP wants George Yeo to lose


GMS is political toast then, for failing to remove Singapore's most unpopular PAP man, he has a lot of answering to do. I wished i can eat my words for this one - MBT will continue to build expensive flats for the next 5 years....shit

I will also like to know why GMS lost focus and is more interested in helping the Marine Parade team, even though Nicole Seah just joined the party. All his groundwork at Tampines gone to nought.


Take it easy lah bro. Whatever will be, will be. Life goes on. Just grease our arses and move on. Less painful this way. And try not to lose too much sleep. Ferget about it!

But just could not stand the sight of the smirk on that 'stomping' queen, Tin Pei Ling's face inside parliament while the most deserving Nicole is being shut out for next 5 yrs can be heart breaking... Fate is as such and reality can be harsh and cruel ....:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Take it easy lah bro. Whatever will be, will be. Life goes on. Just grease our arses and move on. Less painful this way. And try not to lose too much sleep. Ferget about it!

Agree...just cry and slink away with your tail between your hind legs:biggrin:


I have debated with GMS in this forum years back and hence his behavior is not unusual to me. He lacks the strategy, the eye for detail and takes on too much on his plate.

If ever there was a discontent quotient on this island, Tampines would be have the highest score, even higher than Aljunied or TPY-Bishan. As I said in an earlier post, the new citizens vote wd go to PAP. But the "old citizens" are really so discontented and angry that they wd hv voted any opposition party. GMS could have given MBT a run for his money and made him shit in his pants.

I would lay it on GMS that he lost; not that MBT won!

Watch out for more MBT's dirty tricks after he becomes Minister. He will be more sinister this time.

I will also like to know why GMS lost focus and is more interested in helping the Marine Parade team, even though Nicole Seah just joined the party. All his groundwork at Tampines gone to nought.


But just could not stand the sight of the smirk on that 'stomping' queen, Tin Pei Ling's face inside parliament while the most deserving Nicole is being shut out for next 5 yrs can be heart breaking... Fate is as such and reality can be harsh and cruel ....:biggrin:

People just don't realise that fielding Tin Pei Ling is PAP way of telling those Pro Opposition Singapreans.."fuck you and what can you do about it?" Nothing more; nothing less. No need to come up with guru smoke and bells. I am having fun and letting off steam. But I know what card fate has dealt me starting 1959.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Hope there is still a ray of light at the end of the tunnel.
Hate the idea to be screwed by the Millions In Wages for another 5 years down the road :mad:
It was a good run though.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have debated with GMS in this forum years back and hence his behavior is not unusual to me. He lacks the strategy, the eye for detail and takes on too much on his plate.

If ever there was a discontent quotient on this island, Tampines would be have the highest score, even higher than Aljunied or TPY-Bishan. As I said in an earlier post, the new citizens vote wd go to PAP. But the "old citizens" are really so discontented and angry that they wd hv voted any opposition party. GMS could have given MBT a run for his money and made him shit in his pants.

I would lay it on GMS that he lost; not that MBT won!

Watch out for more MBT's dirty tricks after he becomes Minister. He will be more sinister this time.

The scenario you paint is pretty black for most supporters of the opposition for we do have high hopes that there will be some upsets. Most Singaporeans would like to see the end of MBT, WKS and Bala in that order I believe. I truly hope you got it wrong but by 8th May we will know for sure. I do agree that GMS took too much on his plate and not focused. MP is a pretty darn hard GRC to take on as there are not many HDB heartlanders. Nee Soon I think is lost as the WP put in a weak team and GMS should have taken it instead.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If ever there was a discontent quotient on this island, Tampines would be have the highest score, even higher than Aljunied or TPY-Bishan.

Tampines could be a missed opportunity for GMS. 5 years down the road, it will probably be 40%+ new citizens and I fear even harder for the Opposition to make in roads.
He can identify potential stars like Nicole Seah but he fails in his execution.
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We will know it on 8th for sure :smile:

Sure many people are discontented, but the Opposition has to slog and really campaign. I am more happy if I am proved wrong.

But this will be a wake up call for PAP. WKS wont make it to the cabinet. Happy?

The scenario you paint is pretty black for most supporters of the opposition for we do have high hopes that there will be some upsets. Most Singaporeans would like to see the end of MBT, WKS and Bala in that order I believe. I truly hope you got it wrong but by 8th May we will know for sure. I do agree that GMS took too much on his plate and not focused. MP is a pretty darn hard GRC to take on as there are not many HDB heartlanders. Nee Soon I think is lost as the WP put in a weak team and GMS should have taken it instead.


If ever there was a discontent quotient on this island, Tampines would be have the highest score, even higher than Aljunied or TPY-Bishan. As I said in an earlier post, the new citizens vote wd go to PAP. But the "old citizens" are really so discontented and angry that they wd hv voted any opposition party. GMS could have given MBT a run for his money and made him shit in his pants.

I would lay it on GMS that he lost; not that MBT won!

I would see it as a different point of view.

The number of "new citizens" in tampines is not high enough ( 10%) to make any significant impact on the result, however, anger might be one thing, many residents in tampines could still give GMS the vote on account of poor or bad service they been getting.

the result could be very close ( by 2 to 3%).

As for Low moving in Aljunied, its no secret of his intention, but how the information of him moving from Hougang to Nee Soon to MK did created quite a few comfusion among some PAP upside. Nee Soon grassroots was found scrambling when news of Low could be coming and Yacoh was wondering if his days were numbered as he had been hugely unpopularly even in his own ward. GY's shock face saids it all as he was assured that Low wont go Aljunied.

As for LHL, if the idea of kicking out GY would mean consolidating his power within PAP against GCT, then he seem to forgot that the cadres would not see defeat or loss of a GRC as anything to cheer about even if PAP still retain power. lost of Aljunied would mean open challenge to his role within PAP and when old man dies, that challenge would turn out inro open revolt

Guess who would be the winner of it all? Certaintly not GCT.

so tampines is for GMS to lost afterall.

Aljunied is for Low to win

and PAP is for LHL to loss it all.
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Porfirio Rubirosa

welcome back Serendipity!...hope all is well wif u...

what u say seems to make sense...harry n GCT each sending mix signals...LHL n WKS singing fm the same hymn book...probably also not in pap's interest to come out on the 8th 87-0...this is afterall 21stC singapore not 20thC singapore...the way i c it...only loss to pap if aljunied does fall wld be Ong Ye kung...looks like a gd solid character to me...GY just make him general ambassador supremo...the other 2 put into 'pap retirement' plan problem solved...probably the only unhappy chap in this scenario wld be GCT...


Heard this from a reliable source amongst the highest echelons of the PAP.

The PAP was well aware that Aljunied is a risky proposition for them. This was clear even in 2006 and GY just scraped through.

The PAP also knew that this time LTK is going to contest the Aljunied GRC, especially after the electoral boundaries were redrawn. They had factored that in and they knew that Aljunied is a goner in that case.

There was apparently considerable thinking to move GY to East coast GRC so that his success is guaranteed. This was mooted by GCT. It carried through the day and apparently GY was also sure that he would be moved to East Coast.

Suddenly for no apparent reason, Lim Swee Say was moved to East Coast and GY was retained at Aljunied. Apparently the decision was taken by LHL, TCH and WKS. No one knows the rationale for that decision.

There are 2 theories going around:

One, they didn't want to sacrifice Lim Swee Say and wanted a safe seat for him.
Second, some sections in the PAP believed that GY was gaining international stature (much more than the PM himself) and wanted to cut down his size. He was also considered to be GCT's man and LHL wanted him out respectably.

One should also note that it is only GCT who is making statements supporting GY. LHL is conspicuous by his silence on GCT. LKY's threat to Aljunied residents (leaving residents confused as per GY) is actually sounding the death knell for GY.

So, PAP wants GY to lose.

If this has even some truth to it, one can easily speculate that there's enough dissent even within PAP ranks and one just has to wait for Mentor Lee to exit for the dissent to come out in the open.

Based on last night's appraisal at PAP's HQ, they have given up on Aljunied and Hougang.

Everyone is keenly watching the Bishan - Toa Payoh GRC as that seems to be at risk now.

heh brother, your info really impressed me.well done.... and thanks for the info.bro, you really steady sia.this type of info also can get.good xia you!!!



We will know it on 8th for sure :smile:

Sure many people are discontented, but the Opposition has to slog and really campaign. I am more happy if I am proved wrong.

But this will be a wake up call for PAP. WKS wont make it to the cabinet. Happy?

Wong Kan Seng won't make it and it's not voluntarily, I tok!


Bro serenditpity

Since you have yr source can share how much PAP will get in the popular votes.My quess is less than 55%.

Will any smc have chance for the opp.


Porfirio Rubirosa

hubris!...hope this truly blows up in LHL, WKS n harry's faces...

dear Seren

The ground observers on nomination day spoke of dismay and surprise written on GYs face when LTK turned up. Someone was feeding GY some very bad info if they really believed ltk was not coming out.

I definitely do not have high level access but I can see based on ground reading and observations from the m&d in the fields is that LHL might have thought of scarificing George hence his fathers statements that they would regret and repent. However his change came from his lunch time rally yesterday and he realized to late in the game the following.

The network effect of the differing parties hitting hard and harder on the bread and butter issues. Whethe they know it or not the reality is without any written rules of coorperation they have helped reinforced each other and hastened the PAP rot and panic.

People are carrying the message from Aljunied to TP and vice versa without intending to without the political parties intending to via fb via twitter LHL thought the loss would be stemmed to GY but unfortunately more and more is at risk and hence his attempt to save everyone now including gy



hubris!...hope this truly blows up in LHL, WKS n harry's faces...

It really puzzles me.. So what if WP is in Parliament?
Will you gain expert skills or become a doctor overnight?
Will you become richer and a better person?

Go focus on yourself lah!
Stop mind-masturbating that the opposition are going to improve your lives