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Sexual Health Chart. (Please study thoroughly before proceeding to Sam's Sex Sites)

........... Denotes transmission possible via oral sex without a condom

safe sex
 Tip of the week
Guys... if your gal's pussy smells like a combination of blue cheese and the fish section of your local wet market, something is wrong! It is more than just the proverbial Chow Chee Bye. She is probably suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis or both! A clean healthy pussy smells like roses and there is no reason why you need to put up with a loved one who smells like a fishmonger. Both of you may need treatment. See your friendly doctor as soon as possible.

How you get it
Diseases that are transmitted Sexually.
Infection of mucous membranes lining the genitals, Can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women and infertility in men and women
By having vaginal or anal sex without a condom, with someone who has the infection; from mother to baby (eye and chest infections. Women often have no symptoms, or may have pain with sexual intercourse, abdominal pain, change in bleeding pattern. Men may have no symptoms or may have a thick or watery discharge from penis, pain when urinating. Antibiotics. Recent sexual partners need treatment. The best advice is not to have sex until you are cleared.If you do have sex, you must use a condom.
Bacterial infection of the genitals, throat or rectum, can lead to infertility in both men and women.
By having vaginal, anal or oral sex without a condom, with someone who has the infection; from mother to baby (eye infections). Women usually have no symptoms but may have pain with sex, vaginal discharge lower abdominal pain. Men may have no symptoms, or discharge from the penis, discharge from the rectum, pain in testicles, pain when urinating. Antibiotics often followed by antichlamydial tablets as the two often occur together. Sexual partners must be tested and treated if positive. Current health regulations advise no sex until you are cleared.
Bacterial infection entering the body through breaks in the skin or linings of the genital area. Can damage internal organs (heart, brain, spinal cord) at late stages of the disease.
By having vaginal, oral or anal sex without a condom with someone who has the infection; from mother to baby across the placenta during pregnancy (congenital syphilis) Painless ulcer (chancre) usually on the genitals, rash, hair loss. Antibiotics with follow up blood tests. Sexual partners must be tested and treated if positive. Current health regulations advise no sex until you are cleared.
Genital Warts
Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) causes fleshy or flat lumps - may be present even if not visible.
HPV transmitted by direct skin to skin contact usually during sex; from mother to baby. Sometimes no identifiable source of transmission Fleshy or Flat lumps on the genitals. (Sometimes no visible symptoms even though the virus is present) Women who have had genital warts need yearly cervical smears.Visible warts need to be treated with liquid nitrogen freezing, diathermy (heat), or chemical paints. Female partners have increased risk of cervical cancer. Condoms provide some protection but not total.
Genital Herpes
Herpes simplex virus causes skin infection usually on mouth and lips (cold sores) or on genitals.
Close skin contact, vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who has the virus or from mother to baby. Very painful, red blisters, little sores or ulcers, flu like symptoms and sometimes a discharge. Special anti-herpes drugs to help healing and shorten the attack plus provide pain relief. Consult a doctor for treatment to suppress the virus. Do not have sex when open sores are present. However, transmission can still occur when no sores are present (viral shredding). Condoms provide some protection but not total.
Non Specific Urethritis (NSU)
Infections that cause inflamation of the Urethra
Can be caused by chlamydia, or by bacteria, viruses or other organisms. Women usually have no symptoms. Men have discharge from the penis, pain on urinating, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all. Antibiotics or other appropriate medication. Partners must be examined at treated. The best advice is not to have sex until you are cleared. If you do have sex, you must use a condom.
Caused by Trichomonasis vaginalis, a small parasitic organism which caused irritation in the vagina in women and can cause non specific urethritis in men.
During Sexual intercourse with an infected person. Women may have no symptoms but often there is a yellow-green frothy discharge with a characteristic "fishy" odour. Men usually have no symptoms until Non Specific Urethritis develops. Antibiotic tablets and/or vaginal pessaries. All partners must be treated simultaneously with antibiotics to avoid re-infection. Do not have sex until you are cleared unless you wear a condom.
Diseases that can be transmitted sexually or may be transmitted in other ways.
Hepatitis A
Viral infection that affects the liver.
Mainly through contaminated food or water or not hand washing after toilet/before food etc. Can also be transmitted anal sex without a condom and/or oral anal contact. (rimming) Often no symptoms or may have mild flu like illness, or vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine and yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes. Immunisation for prevention. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Eat a well balanced low fat diet. Immunisation for prevention and avoid anal sexual practices until recovery is complete.
Hepatitis B
Viral infection which affects the liver.
By having vaginal, anal or oral sex without a condom with someone who has the infection; from mother to baby. By sharing needles, syringes, toothbrushes, razors and unsterilised instruments that pierce the skin. Blood transfusion in countries that do not screen the blood supply for this virus May have no symptoms or mildflu like illness, or vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine and yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes. Rest and avoid alcohol, drugs and smoking. Eat a well balanced low fat diet. Always used a condom if partner is not immunised.
Hepatitis C
Viral infection which affects the liver.
After contact with infected blood or by sharing needles or syringes or by sexual contact.Blood transfusion in countries that do not screen the blood supply for this virus Often no symptoms or may have mild flu like illness, or vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine and yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Eat a well balanced low fat diet. (No immunisation available at present) Sexual and needle sharing partners must have a blood test to check for Hepatitis C antibodies.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacks the white blood cells and causes damage so that it cannot fight off other infections.
HIV is transmitted through blood, seman and vaginal fluids, sharing of needles or syringes and from mother to baby. Blood transfusion in countries that do not screen for the virus. Usually no symptoms for many years. Victims eventually circumb to secondary infections and cancers. No immunisation or cure currently available although some secondary infections can be treated or prevented. Keeping well for longer is now possible with good care and a cocktail of expensive drugs. Practise safe sex to reduce the chances of infection. Partners should go for HIV tests regularly.
Pelvic Inflamamatory Disease (PID)
An infection of the uterus, womb and fallopian tubes that can cause infertility.
Usually by having sex without a condom with someone who has gonorrhoea or chlamydia Pain during sex, sore abdomen or back; heavy, irregular or painful periods, spotting, high temperatures, feeling of fatigue; sometimes there are no symptoms. Antibiotics and rest. Need to check for STDs and treated to avoid reinfection. Avoid sexual intercourse until cured. Partners must be treated.
Pubic Lice - Crabs
Small lice that live in the pubic hair and cause irritation
By close body contact, usually during sex with an infected. Can be spread via infected bedding and clothing. Intense itching in the pubic area. Small nits (eggs) on pubic hair. Special shampoo, cream or spray applied to pubic area. Wash all clothing and bed linen. Treat partners the same way at the same time.
Small mites which burrow into the skin and cause irritation.
By close body contact, usually during sex with an infected. Can be spread via infected bedding and clothing. Itching.. worse at night and a rash on the body. Special lotion, cream or ointment. Wash all clothing or bed linen. Treat partners the same way at the same time.
Infections that are not sexually transmitted but which can affect the genital area.
Thrush or Candidiasis
Irritation of mucous membranes from a yeast organism. It is called balanitis if under the foreskin of the penis in uncircumcised men; vaginitis or vulvitis if inside or around the vagina.
Yeast growth may occur when antibiotics are used. during pregnancy, with diabetes, or when immunity is lowered for some reason. It can occur after sex, but also without sex. Women have vaginal or vulval itching and a thick whitish vaginal discharge. men have itching and may have a red rash on the head of the penis or a discharge under the foreskin. Creams and pessaries for local treatment. Anti fungal tablets may be given in severe cases, or when in osophagus. Salt water baths for men are usually sufficient. Need treatment if showing symptoms.
Bacteria causes inflamation of the bladder lining. Can spread to Kidneys and cause damage to Kidney functions.
Bacteria from around the anus getting into the uretha and bladder, not emptying the bladder properly. Much more common in Women than in Men. Burning sensation when urinating, needing to urinate urgently and more often than usual, cloudy, blood stained or smelly urine, aching in lower abdomen or back. Antibiotics after urine test if symptoms last longer than a day. Drink plenty of water, use pain relief and urine alkanisers eg Ural, Citravesent. ....
Bacterial Vaginosis
If the control of the healthy vagina fails, an overgrowth of certain bacterial can occur. The acid / alkaline balance is upset and irritation develops.
It may be brought on by anything that changes the balance in the vagina, eg new sexual partners, increased sexual activity. Greying white smelly vaginal discharge often with characteristic fishy odour. Oral tablets or vaginal pessaries ....
