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Tan Kin Lian replies to "smears"


Scroobal. This show what a shrewd person you are. I did not ever said that this is his achievement. Moreover, I reckon that Tan Kin Lian will not also consider this is an achievement.

I said his formation of the association is his contribution to assist those affected people and educating consumers instead. It looks like you enjoy framing those whom do not share your opinion in order to discredit them.

You brought it up as an achievement so I looked at it. Now I find out it's an albatross hanging around his neck.why would anyone spend $36 on something that seems moribund.
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Porfirio Rubirosa

u r being disingenuous here GMS...

running GE n EP r hardly similar...in any event since u claim TKL's "reluctance" stems fm "respecting the views among his family"...u wld think he sld be much more "reluctant" to stand for EP as opposed to GE since EP invariably n inevitably involves his wife n even to a certain extent his immediate family...whereas the GE generally only involves the candidate...

also i cant help but bring up TKL's recent comments in TNP where he said that his wife asked him why did he need to help the public...seemed to make her out to be a bumbling idiot...n this is a potential first couple of singapore???....totally lacking in grace, dignity, class n style...

Running for GE is similar but NOT EXACTLY like running for EP. His reluctance stamps from respecting the views among his family, for both standing as GE and EP candidate. If he was reluctant to stand as EP, why would he be standing as GE candidate?

again u r being disingenuous GMS...

it is a fact that TCB was openly critical of PAP/govt in a constructive manner, even as early as the 80s...it appears that TCB chose the route of fighting fm within to try n affect change, at times to his own personal discomfort...see again for eg...

Continue reading Speech by Dr Tan Cheng Bock at the 52nd SMA Annual Dinner

so now my Q to u is what did TKL do during his tenure at NTUC Income?...did he ever come out openly to criticise PAP/govt on major political issues during his long tenure at NTUC Income??...

moreover TKL is younger than TCB...so age favours TKL to be more able to stand in GE n discharge his duties as an MP...
As for the question why TKL didn't go fight PAP on GE since he is so unhappy about PAP, then you should ask TCB the same question as well. Since he has been all along so unhappy about PAP in many aspect, why did he stand under PAP? As of now, why did he choose to contest EP instead of standing as opposition candidate in GE2011?

Goh Meng Seng


It's called splitting hairs. He contributed but he did not achieve!!. Why bring up FISCA in the first place. If I was his friend or fan, I would bring up things that are puts him on positive light. If you did not bring it up, I would not have done the research that I did.

You can help here by telling us what FISCA has achieved.

Scroobal. This show what a shrewd person you are. I did not ever said that this is his achievement. Moreover, I reckon that Tan Kin Lian will not also consider this is an achievement.

I said his formation of the association is his contribution to assist those affected people and educating consumers instead. It looks like you enjoy framing those whom do not share your opinion in order to discredit them.

Porfirio Rubirosa

hv to disagree wif u on this one bro...

i dont think it is fair to say that TT ate fm the PAP buffet...it appears that TT is one of the few in PAP/govt who really did not need the PAP/govt because of his family pedigree ties...

however i do agree wif u viz TKL...he strikes me as a typical mid level pap cadre member...quite capable of handling grassroots matters but probably not of the level to make MP, well at least prior to GE11 that is !!...n TKL like alot of the mid level pap cadre members appear to hv super huge egos n think that they do indeed make MP level at the v least...so invariably disappointed n disgruntled when they do not pass muster for MP level...another gd eg. wld be Andrew Kuan, but in this regard i wld say TKL is at least one level abv Andrew Kuan going by TKL's opportunistic strategies!

also agree that TCB appears to hv more moral courage amongst the 3...hence i too like u am inclined to give my vote to TCB as it now stands...

TLK in my view is one level below TT in eating from the PAP buffet. The chinese have a saying never bite the hand that feeds you and instinctly I cannot trust a person who would bite someone who has accepted so much from the PAP.

TCB has had a bite but by my definition the smallest from all concerned and has demonstrated the most moral courage in disagreeing. Thus he has my vote.


Porfirio Rubirosa

excellent post bro...

i tell u this TKL really appears to be making his wife out to be a buffoon...TKL forgets that EP involves his wife as well...it is a first couple not just president...

Quote from TKL 3 years ago in the news on 100,000 signatures.

Nov 23, 2008
Tan Kin Lian eyes presidency
Ex-NTUC Income's chief will run if he has 100,000 people willing to support him
By Nur Dianah Suhaimi

No matter who initiated it, TKL is the one who set "100,000 strong support" as a precondition, in his own words.

The wife thing is funny. For 3 years, the wife has always been the problem, but can be resolved in just a few days after someone collected the form on his behalf.



What do you mean by TKL not being of MP level? Are you saying that TKL is lying when he mentioned he was asked to be MP twice? You better have some evidence.

Mid level cadre member? True, I don't think he cared about his PAP position. But he was CEO for 30 years, and become CEO before age of 30. That is an achievement.


I see you guys having a little party here, smearing Tan Kin Lian. Enjoying yourselves. Who are buying you beer?

It started with Scroobal's post, which would have died quite quickly. Thankfully, a dimwit called victoros took it on himself to be the TKL champion and goaded everyone (including myself, who was quite partial to TKL). Feel free to join in whichever side you like, its a free for all. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


FiSCA has been assisting members in some of their dealings with FI and/or banks and also educating members on insurance, financial and investment matters. Tan Kin Lian has contributed to FiSCA and will continue to do so.

As for achievement, he prefers to let the members to decide instead.

You have asked what has Tan Kin Lian did and I cited the formation of FiSCA as an example.

It's called splitting hairs. He contributed but he did not achieve!!. Why bring up FISCA in the first place. If I was his friend or fan, I would bring up things that are puts him on positive light. If you did not bring it up, I would not have done the research that I did.

You can help here by telling us what FISCA has achieved.
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Porfirio Rubirosa

actually i dont think we can judge whether TT is "biting" the hand that fed him until n unless he comes out publicly agst PAP/govt on any major political issues...


With due respect, would you consider TT biting the hands that feed him?

as for TKL i ask again did TKL openly criticise PAP/govt on any major political issues during his tenure at NTUC Income??

I really don't know how you define "biting of hands". All three eat from the same PAP plates for some time. One of them woke up very early, three years ago and left. One left only 1 month ago. The other, 1 day ago. Assuming all are not PAP endorsed, then it would be a race of who is less ungrateful and more opportunistic, I guess.

Porfirio Rubirosa

suffice to say my collective posts in here illustrate n demonstrate not by just opinion but also facts that TKL lacks the grace, dignity, class n style to hold office as head of state...n this sadly n unfortunately also includes his wife...who wld be first lady if TKL won EP...
This is your belief and I am not going to debate on it. In my opinion, TKL has similar qualities that TT and TCB have and he certainly deserve to contest for EP. TKL may not have the image compared to TT for President - but a President has more duties to fulfill than appearance alone. In fact, I am confident TKL could best represent Singaporeans much better than TT and TCB.

Porfirio Rubirosa

is it really a plus for TKL?...i wonder??...it seems TKL only found his balls when he left NTUC Income...big deal...

TCB on the otherhand had the guts n gumption to come out openly n criticise PAP/govt in parliament no less...as early as the 80s...so i do not think there is any minus agst TCB...

as for TT...it is clear that he is mr establishment...regardless of whatever spin comes out of his camp...
Btw, in my view only, the above is a plus for TKL and a small minus for TCB and a big minus for Tony.
Still doesn't change the fact that he asked for a petition previously and asked an opposition party member and canddiate to collect his nomination forms.


If I wanted to be kind to Tan Kin Lian, I would say that he has not handled this well at all. He obviously is also getting bad advice. It has been a case of someone who does not understand what exactly he wants to achieve. I thought the comment about not wishing to run a Town Council drove him to run for EP rather than Parliament was quite telling. He obviously is looking for a platform but he needs to understand his reasoning is flawed. He comments about influencing investment decisions of the govt is also quite sad. This is poor and shows his ignorance and has little clue about the office that he intends to seek.

My suggestion is for him to form a pressure group with like minded people and be forceful in putting across his views if he feels that he does not share the values of the PAP. He is already blogging as well as seeking the media and getting publicity. All that is required is to put together a cogent and consistent agenda founded on a well reasoned premise or premises.

More importantly he needs to seek good advice. This I suspect is where he has fallen badly.
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Porfirio Rubirosa

clearly u hv no clue abt grace,dignity,class n style that is a necessary prerequisite when taking up the office of head of state...

People are talking as if it is "easy" to ask anyone, least opposition members, to do something for them; like collecting forms. The truth is, Png did it more than willingly and there must be some compelling reasons for him to do so, something more than politics. By the look at the video on how he answered the questions and voluntarily offered the name of TKL, he is proud to be "associated" and "helping" him to collect the forms. Thus, I really don't know why people see this whole issue in contempt.

Goh Meng Seng