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Indian and Pakistani FTs takng over my estate!!!!!


Hi all, I have been a regular reader for a long time, but this is my first post....

Recently I have noticed a worrying trend in my estate. Indian and pakistani FTs have been moving in in droves and they have bought up close to 50% of the units where I live. They let their children run around vandalizing the estate, vandalizing people's vehicles, making a general nuisiance everywhere, screaming at the top of their lungs.
The parents are even worse... They let their pets pee and poo everywhere and they never bother to clean it up. I once brougt an overseas guest to my place and he stepped on some poo, that was really embarrassing!
Not only that, when these people use the gym, they stink it up so bad that I can hardly breathe. It has gotten so bad that I've had to join an outside gym so I can get my daily exercise!
The worst thing is that they have parked themselves on the estate committee, so even if you have evidence of their mischief, all complaints fall on deaf ears -obviously they will never prosecute their own kind.
I have worked hard my whole life and finally was able to afford an apartment in this "upmarket" area, but these FTs have ruined it for me. When the tenants were Caucasians, local chinese or even Japanese and Korean, this was a wonderful place to live and bring up my children in. Now at night I have to worry whether their kids are downstairs vandalising my car, or whether the next door Indian neighbour will burn us all to death with the incense he burns outside his house.
Sorry just had to rant...


Yeah my side too, lately noticed a foul smell in the air and it was not from the rubbish bin and suddenly realized that the estate has been over run by all these stinking pariah indians and bangalas.


Hello Curryb, I guess u stay in Condo- got gym... So MP won't help u!
Just suck thumb n blame ur self for staying in low grade condos which is within the buying power of the Ah Nehs.

I stay in HDB, have race quotas so no such problems.


Yeah my side too, lately noticed a foul smell in the air and it was not from the rubbish bin and suddenly realized that the estate has been over run by all these stinking pariah indians and bangalas.

Tell me about it! They seem to leave their stench everywhere, you can always tell where they've been by the smell, especially in enclosed areas - the gym, lifts, etc. How do you deal with them!


Alfrescian (Inf)
my block got international FTs...
upstairs prc chinese - downstairs bangra/pakis - left right flippos


my block got international FTs...
upstairs prc chinese - downstairs bangra/pakis - left right flippos

This seems to have become a prevalent problem everywhere, even in hdbs with "population control", as one misguided soul claims. It is extremely disappointing to see all these people with unrestricted access to local property. At least in countries like Australia, foreigners can only buy new developments. Here? It's a free for all...


Tell me about it! They seem to leave their stench everywhere, you can always tell where they've been by the smell, especially in enclosed areas - the gym, lifts, etc. How do you deal with them!

eeeeeew...leaving their smell is one thing but to use the equipments after they have sweated all over it...better ask your condo management to provide sanitizing swaps...:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bayshore is low grade meh?

I have the same problem in my estate and even the taxi drivers pointed it out to me.

The type of people occupying the estate will have an effect on its price and prospective buyers are often put off when they noticed the preponderence of certain groups.

I 'm thinking of moving out when the timing is right as the place is going downhill with its smell, noise and irritating anti social behaviour of many (eg talking in groups and blocking the walkways and carparks, irresponsible placing of bicycles everywhere, coconut oil floating in the swimming pool ).


I have the same problem in my estate and even the taxi drivers pointed it out to me.

The type of people occupying the estate will have an effect on its price and prospective buyers are often put off when they noticed the preponderence of certain groups.

I 'm thinking of moving out when the timing is right as the place is going downhill with its smell, noise and irritating anti social behaviour of many (eg talking in groups and blocking the walkways and carparks, irresponsible placing of bicycles everywhere, coconut oil floating in the swimming pool ).

This is very true. Before I moved in, I tried to rent this place out. Had a Japanese man who was very interested, we even went so far as to negotiate price and I was offered a very good rent. However, he backed out when he saw all the Indian/Pakistanis with their children at the swimming pool.


Alfrescian (Inf)
my block got international FTs...
upstairs prc chinese - downstairs bangra/pakis - left right flippos

oh ya i forgot to add those malaysians, indonesians, hongkees, taiwanese, koreans, japs, even angmohs in between -sorry paiseh.:o


oh ya i forgot to add those malaysians, indonesians, hongkees, taiwanese, koreans, japs, even angmohs in between -sorry paiseh.:o

I find that people from this group are ok, they're pretty good neighbours in fact. It's only the Indians/pakistanis who are difficult to live with.


eeeeeew...leaving their smell is one thing but to use the equipments after they have sweated all over it...better ask your condo management to provide sanitizing swaps...:biggrin:

I have tried but guess what? The security and management are all indians as well!
Now I just use the treadmill machine so I don't have to touch anything...


Alfrescian (Inf)
I find that people from this group are ok, they're pretty good neighbours in fact. It's only the Indians/pakistanis who are difficult to live with.

last nite on mrt train saw lots of indians/bangras why ha?:confused:
anyway, there was 1 old lady trying to keep her balance at the grab-poles and those blackies occupying those reserved seats.
why can't they just offer their seats to that old lady?

tiunia seng ah!!! :oIo:


last nite on mrt train saw lots of indians/bangras why ha?:confused:
anyway, there was 1 old lady trying to keep her balance at the grab-poles and those blackies occupying those reserved seats.
why can't they just offer their seats to that old lady?

tiunia seng ah!!! :oIo:

Reason's very simple. They are not brought up to be gracious people. Granted Singaporeans also lack in the social graces department, but at least most of us will be compassionate enough to give up our seats to old folk (I hope!)


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Countries go to war to defend their way of life. Don't tell me sinkies are just going to sit back and allow the foreign invasion to continue unabated from multiple fronts.:eek:

If nothing is done, sinkies will soon be a minority in their own damned country.

What's the point of having a strong SAF armed with the latest technology which devours 6% of the GDP annually if Jumbo loads of Ah Nehs and Ah Tiongs can simply walk through the turnstiles of Changi Airport and impose their ways on the whole homegrown community without having to fire a shot???:eek:


Countries go to war to defend their way of life. Don't tell me sinkies are just going to sit back and allow the foreign invasion to continue unabated from multiple fronts.:eek:

If nothing is done, sinkies will soon be a minority in their own damned country.

What's the point of having a strong SAF armed with the latest technology which devours 6% of the GDP annually if Jumbo loads of Ah Nehs and Ah Tiongs can simply walk through the turnstiles of Changi Airport and impose their ways on the whole homegrown community without having to fire a shot???:eek:

Unfortunately, Sam, this is the route that our government has decided to take - ie depend heavily on foreign investment and cheap labour. This policy has been moderately successful so far thanks to the manufacturing boom in the 60s - 80s, and the rapid development of the finance sector in the 90s and early 2000s.
However, that era has come to an end, and any country wanting to move from 3rd world to 1st needs to shed it's dependence on manufacturing as a main source of GDP. I am sure our government recognizes this, as can be seen from their numerous (unsuccessful, I must say) forays into medicine, investments, finance, and recently even green energy and casinos (which is a mistake, IMO).
Anyway, to get back to the main point, our government has systematically smashed all the real unions, those that remain fall directly under their payroll and are more interested in establishing profit making wings (insurance and groceries anyone?) than truly helping the Singaporean worker. As a result, the pay of the average singaporean worker has not improved for the past 10-15 years. Even such low pay isn't low enough to attract foreign investment, so our doors have to be open to welcome the cheap foreign labourer, who can live on $800 a month.
The government, really, is just stemming the leaks in the Singapore dam. They are in a catch 22 situation - increasing the mean income now means Singapore will become less attractive to foreign investors. Continuing with the heavy dependence on cheap foreign labour will eventually result in a total breakdown of the system, in what way I cannot tell for sure, but judging from all the unhappiness in this forum and throughout the country generally, a citizen's uprising isn't that far fetched.
So you see Sam, our government really has no choice but to keep bringing these people in.


Add to that the fact that singaporeans are conditioned from young to be very submissive, obedient and non-confrontational.
Remember school days? Try to solve your math problem a different way and you'd get a smack for trying to "act smart".
We have been taught to conform and never to question. That is why we quietly accept whatever the government dishes out. A favourite Singaporean phrase that I hear too often is "there is nothing I can do", or "the is the way Singapore is, I just make do".
This is why we will not go to war to protect our livelihood, because deep down inside, we are a people who lack the courage to stand up for what we believe in.


Alfrescian (Inf)
now singapore is being invaded by droves of foreigners.
we are oredi surrounded by terrorists without even lifting a finger.
the war is over we've lost!


that's the problem when you let too many of them in as workers and do not protect your own...

soon, all the local singaporeans will get side-lined and they will bring more and more of their people in... In 10 years time, the government will ask where are all the Singaporeans?

Duh! That's because we've all been chased away by these foreigners!