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PAP Spin - Our politics is superior to democracy


Alfrescian (Inf)
S'pore must get politics right: PM Lee

By Robin Chan
The Straits Times
Monday, Jul 08, 2013

SINGAPORE - Singapore has to get its politics right if it is to maintain its economic edge, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Friday at a forum.

"If your politics is wrong, your economics is bound to go wrong. And the reason why so many countries cannot get their economics right is because their politics don't work," he observed.

"I think we have got to be able to get the fundamentals right. And so far, we have been able to do so," he added.

And as long as its politics stays that way, Singapore can continue to have policies that are fair and benefit the broad majority.

He indicated that having the right kind of politics, where political parties work to solve the country's problems rather than battle each other, is indeed a competitive advantage for the city state.

Addressing a 600-strong audience at the DBS Insights Asia Conference at Sands Expo and Convention Centre, PM Lee warned that vested interests or a divided society could hinder a government from doing "sensible things", like educating people, improving infrastructure and building a first-class environment.

He cited Singapore's Marina Bay as an example of what could be achieved when a country's politics was on the right track, allowing it to pull together a project with many different pieces to create something that was one of a kind.

"I think there's only one Marina Bay in the world," he said.

The right kind of politics is also necessary to attract good people into government, he said, adding that he would advise whoever governs Singapore in the future to "try very hard to keep the politics clean and straight, and to bring in people who can make a difference to the country".

While tackling questions on a range of issues including income inequality, Mr Lee signalled clearly that Singapore remained open to foreigners and to helping its own citizens by equipping them with the skills they need to help themselves.

Indeed, if he could persuade another 10 billionaires to move to Singapore, he would, even if that led to higher income inequality "because they will bring business, they will bring opportunities, they will open new doors, they will create new jobs".

Drawing lessons from the experience of Latin American countries, he also stressed that slower economic growth did not make for a more equal society, pointing out that several of these countries had both slow growth and some of the highest inequality in the world.

Singapore's approach is to equip people with skills so that they can be competitive, build up infrastructure so that people are attracted to live and work here, and have policies to lift up the less successful, he said.

At the same time, he did not shy away from admitting that his Government had made some mistakes in the past, joking - when asked what he would have done differently - that he would have certainly arranged for more trains earlier, in a reference to the strain on transport infrastructure that has caused immense public unhappiness.

He held up Singapore's "specialness" as something it must strive to maintain.

He said: "Singapore, today, for all our difficulties, I think internationally we stand high. Can we keep that? Because that makes a big difference to Singaporeans, not just to how we feel but really to our lives. That's a big challenge."


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He indicated that having the right kind of politics, where political parties work to solve the country's problems rather than battle each other, is indeed a competitive advantage for the city state.

This gong chee bye must not have spoken to Vivian for the past few months.



Once again, Pinky.



Alfrescian (Inf)

Get this right dude. Democracy will only allow the lazy citizens a free meal and ride at the expense of the hardworking people.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
He's absolutely right. In NZ, most of the government's time and effort is wasted dealing with petty squabbles with opposition parties. As a consequence, none of the countries problems ever get resolved.

Big projects never get off the ground as a result. Auckland needs a new bridge and a rail network. Wellington needs a new motorway. Christchurch needs a whole new city. Instead of knuckling down to get the job done, all the projects end up being sabotaged and politicised by parties with vested interests in seeing things fail.

If Singapore was run the way NZ is, it would have closed shop a long time ago.

Thanks goodness we have PM Lee who possesses the brains and foresight to keep Singapore on a path towards further progress.


Alfrescian (Inf)
"If your politics is wrong, your economics is bound to go wrong. And the reason why so many countries cannot get their economics right is because their politics don't work," LHL observed.

Wow, he thinks sinkapore is better than the democracies that have survived for centuries. His dying father wasn't too sure that sinkapore could survive not too long ago.

And as long as its politics stays that way, Singapore can continue to have policies that are fair and benefit the broad majority.
His concept of politics is right is that the PAP can continue to rule without any strong opposition.
In 2016, he will learn that his government's policies have NOT been FAIR and have failed the broad majority.

PM Lee warned that vested interests or a divided society could hinder a government from doing "sensible things", like educating people, improving infrastructure and building a first-class environment.
Who decides what is sensible - the government or the people? The people is the boss and if the people choose a course that is against the government, it is the government that should acquiesce to the people. That's how democracy work. The people makes the decision, not the government.
To suggest that sinkapore society has no invested interest is pure bs. The PAP has vested interests to keep the system as is so that the ministers can become millionaires. The elites in the country have vested interests to play along with the PAP because the latter protects them from the working class. Business interests triumph the interests of voters every time.
The only way the current system can be changed is the wholesale cleansing of the country. First step is to get rid of the PAP.

The right kind of politics is also necessary to attract good people into government, he said, adding that he would advise whoever governs Singapore in the future to "try very hard to keep the politics clean and straight, and to bring in people who can make a difference to the country".
PAP has been having great difficulties getting people to run for them because it is no longer a guarantee that they will be elected. Now, there is an element of uncertainty in politics which the PAP don't know how to handle.
'The people who can make a difference' for themselves would need more incentive from the PAP to run for them. So, be prepared to see more money been dished out.

Indeed, if he could persuade another 10 billionaires to move to Singapore, he would, even if that led to higher income inequality "because they will bring business, they will bring opportunities, they will open new doors, they will create new jobs".
Pure right wing bs that have been proven to be false. If LHL reads widely, he will realize how dumb this notion that the rich create job. Not government has been able to quantify the number of jobs created by the rich. Why? Because there is no causation between rich and job creation.
Sinkapore has the highest number of millionaire per capita. If LHL believes his own bs, then he should explain why are there still so many underemployed and unemployed in this country.
By the way, it is not jobs that matter ...it is living wage jobs that matter.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Get this right dude. Democracy will only allow the lazy citizens a free meal and ride at the expense of the hardworking people.

Well said. I have added to your points.

greedy and cunning


Get this right dude. Democracy will only allow the lazy citizens a free meal and ride at the expense of the hardworking people.

get this right stuooopid , other countries polytic not correct yet you depends on them to survive.
all these countries having the wrong polydicks should stop exporting food stuff , grains etc etc to
this polydickcally correct cuntry. :(:(:(:(:(:(

false pretentious democracy will only allow the lucky shitizens to benefit at the expense of
the hardworking brainless slaves. :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)

Get this right dude. Democracy will only allow the lazy citizens a free meal and ride at the expense of the hardworking people.

Unique politics = bs. Our unique politics will end in 2016 or if the PAP tries to steal the election, then it will end via a popular uprising.

You are clueless on democracy.


I think the word "Right politics" here has been used to replace "Easy politics".

One of the main reason why it's been easy politics for Singapore is the obedience, or rather cooperation of her citizens. Allowing the policies of the government to fall into place and work instead of challenging them (eg. chewing gum ban, stop at two, NS for males, death sentence for drug offenders, etc). On the whole, Singaporeans are not the rebellious sort opting instead to work hard and have a regular family life. Under this circumstance, the ruling party had a easy term governing the country. I wonder why the Straits Times never ever raised this?



Alfrescian (Inf)
He's absolutely right. In NZ, most of the government's time and effort is wasted dealing with petty squabbles with opposition parties. As a consequence, none of the countries problems ever get resolved.

But the country still works just fine. The citizens are still happy living there; no desire on their part to move to sinkapore. And you are thoroughly happy there despite your frustrations with politics there. And you enjoy more rights there.

Big projects never get off the ground as a result. Auckland needs a new bridge and a rail network. Wellington needs a new motorway. Christchurch needs a whole new city. Instead of knuckling down to get the job done, all the projects end up being sabotaged and politicised by parties with vested interests in seeing things fail.

Life is compromising. That's how the world works. And that's why democracy is the most successful political system in the world and has enabled nations to survive for centuries.

If Singapore was run the way NZ is, it would have closed shop a long time ago.
Sinkapore would have become truly first world with a middle class enjoying standard of living comparable to that of the developed if democracy had taken place. Instead we are left with median income of $1700 and a future where sinkees were be under servitude to foreigners raping the country.

Thanks goodness we have PM Lee who possesses the brains and foresight to keep Singapore on a path towards further progress.
It will make my day to see him and his ministers plus the head of Temasek, GIC stand trial for treason and corruption in 2016.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He's absolutely right. In NZ, most of the government's time and effort is wasted dealing with petty squabbles with opposition parties. As a consequence, none of the countries problems ever get resolved.

Big projects never get off the ground as a result. Auckland needs a new bridge and a rail network. Wellington needs a new motorway. Christchurch needs a whole new city. Instead of knuckling down to get the job done, all the projects end up being sabotaged and politicised by parties with vested interests in seeing things fail.

If Singapore was run the way NZ is, it would have closed shop a long time ago.

Thanks goodness we have PM Lee who possesses the brains and foresight to keep Singapore on a path towards further progress.

So once again the fucking $$$$ you claim PAP made for you got you so eternally grateful to them that you spin your puke into more hosannas for those pukes




High Order Twit / Low SES subject
But the country still works just fine. The citizens are still happy living there; no desire on their part to move to sinkapore. And you are thoroughly happy there despite your frustrations with politics there. And you enjoy more rights there.

That's because the country has natural resources and key industries that earn foreign exchange regardless of how the government is performing. After the 1995 elections, the country had no government for months but life carried on as usual.

The NZ economy has sufficient depth to give the country a measure of resilience. It's like a large tanker in stormy waters where its size keeps it afloat in the rough seas. All the captain has to do is to keep things on an even keel. Progress may be slow but the risk of things going wrong is low.

On the other hand, Singapore is like a small fishing boat where the skill of the skipper is paramount in keeping things afloat. That is why it is so important for the rest of the crew to work as a team. A divided crew could well spell disaster.

A small and vulnerable economy like Singapore's cannot afford internal strife. All have to pull together towards a common goal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If there is no democracy, no justice and no equality, then stop getting people to say the pledge.

Start on the 9th of August 2013. Those of you patriotic daft sheep who feel the urge to place your right fist on your left chest, just stop. STOP.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
PAP's politics is to to hold on to power by whatever means possible so they can continue to plunder the country.
Absolute monarchy north korean like leegime.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
PAP's politics is to to hold on to power by whatever means possible so they can continue to plunder the country.
Absolute monarchy north korean like leegime.

If the PAP plundered the country, it would resemble a failed African state with abject poverty, huge slums and starving people on the streets.

You don't see such scenes in Singapore at all. In fact, the amount of wealth that everyone possesses is unbelievably high in comparison to most other countries.