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Many Negative Threads on Indians - conspiracy to persecute them?

Scrooball (clone)

Cannibalism suspected in India tea plantation murders
Asia | Updated today at 08:47 PM
GUWAHATI (AFP) - Police in northeast India said on Tuesday they believed workers on a tea plantation who bludgeoned their boss and his wife to death last month also ate parts of their bodies.

A crowd of 1,000 workers at the privately-owned M.K.B. Tea Estate in the state of Assam surrounded the plantation owner's bungalow last week. A mob then set it on fire in violence blamed on festering labour unrest in the region.

"Our investigations say that at least five plantation workers ate the flesh of the tea planter and his wife after they were brutally killed," Mr Numol Mahatao, deputy police chief of Tinsukia district, told journalists.

"We suspect that about 15 people were actually involved in the crime although there were some 1,000 present there at the spot," the police official said. "We have identified all the masterminds and nine are in our custody so far."

Mr Mahatao said the reports of cannibalism were based on a confession from one of the workers present during the attack.

Tea workers are notoriously badly paid and often housed in poor accommodation in remote areas. They have few protections from police and cannot take advantage of laws designed to guarantee them health care and fair working conditions, rights groups say.

The Indian Express newspaper said the violence was sparked by orders from the boss for 10 estate workers to vacate their quarters and by the detention of three employees by police over unspecified disputes.

"We are investigating the reasons that led to the attack. But whatever may be the reason, such acts of barbarism are unacceptable in this modern world," Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said on Tuesday.

Assam produces around 55 per cent of India's annual tea production, which stood at 988.32 million kilograms last year, and the state is home to more than 800 tea estates.


Afterall they gave our civilization . . . . . . fuxx what did they gave us? Oh oh ok Buddhism, Ghandi, Shaolin Lung Fu and



The 2 great cultures of India and China never fought a war until 1962, and that was over a white man's unilateral silly drawing on a map - the McMahon Line........

To think that the white men were living in caves when India and China were actually building cities......

While I understand where you are coming from, but what really matters today is today itself. Still majority of humans on this planet would prefer living in the west. Most western cuntry immigration list consist of mainly chinks and kelings at the top of the list trying to get out of keling and chink land.

If canada alone let in only keling migrants it would become keling land 2.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Where got conspiracy to persecute kelings? They are responsible for the threads started about them here. Think about this if they didn't rape girls and murder, weren't snakes, did not stink, did not have shit skins, were polite, were kind and decent and did not backstab and had a beautiful advanced country how in the hell could anyone start a thread to flame them? Pretty much impossible. In fact we're just merely discussing about their shit behavior, it's not like we're beating and killing them on the streets. They definitely deserve all that's being said about them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No, this is the real curry song. Fuck Bruno Mars.


Dr bombay! 90s techno sia. Ppl that listened to 90s techno would know this guy along with vengaboys, aqua etc.


Positive criticism, based on facts should be welcomed, even by Indians...after all there is always lessons to learn and India is a open society. There is a lot of loud criticism about Indians in India itself. Unfortunately, this forum is not read by too many India Indians, other than some FT perhaps.

TS, don't worry I am sure many Indian (and I bet Pinoy) forums have a lot of dedicated threads to criticise Chinese or other races....


Alfrescian (Inf)
his bangra dancing class not finished yet. When over he will pop in.

do bangra need to go to class meh? Just turn your hands around and round like you're turning up and down the stereo. Side note: Try mispronouncing bhangra as bangala to the singhs they always flip out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Positive criticism, based on facts should be welcomed, even by Indians...after all there is always lessons to learn and India is a open society. There is a lot of loud criticism about Indians in India itself. Unfortunately, this forum is not read by too many India Indians, other than some FT perhaps.

TS, don't worry I am sure many Indian (and I bet Pinoy) forums have a lot of dedicated threads to criticise Chinese or other races....

You know one thing about criticising chinese ppl? For some odd thing it's like perfectly fine to tar all chinese in a negative light and it can be over the most insignificant of matters. Chinese person looks at him wrongly= all chinese ppl are anti social sociopaths. In fact if this forum had more indians and mind you it actually has a rather significant number of them just that they aren't posting maybe reading in recent times they'll always be screaming racism this or that on postive criticism. I'm sure you have been to forums where there are more of them say maybe on youtube, other forums, US forums and they never ever accept their shortcomings. They always try ways and means to somehow avoid admitting that there's something wrong with them. The western educated as in the truly western educated indians are different in this respect but never the ones from india and singapore.

In fact if you look at the greater scale of things chinese get more criticism but are more accepting of them compared to indians and yet china is like heaven and hell compare to india. Chinese for all their shortcomings won't ever descend to the depths those kelings have sunk to. For some odd reason you don't have to worry about being called racist when you scold chinese. Have you ever noticed that. Perfectly fine to say slant eyes, ugly flat face, nerdy nope not racist and mind you those assholes never hold back their punches when they insult chinese.

Anyway with the rape and death of that indian girl that died so tragicially a few threads bashing them is nothing in fact a bit on the tame side i might add.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh yes how could we forget the bombing and spitting on the singapore flag written by an indian.

He has no qualms spitting on the flag of the country that he's living in and i'm sure his family all think just like him after all if he's young but still harbors such thoughts he was obviously influenced by his parents and older siblings.


Generally the 'rule' is that majority can criticise itself of even by minority, but should be extra soft with minority. This is the fundamental pillar of the so-called 'liberal' thinking. In USA, you can attack the WASP but not Chinese or Indians. In Sinkieland, criticising Chinese is accepted but not attacking Indians/Malays. In Malaysia, it is (or should be) other way around, but because Islamic societies are generally fanatic, intolerant, and fundamentalist, it works reverse there, you get whacked for criticising Malay but they can roast beef in front of Hindu Indian home because she criticise the govt.

Of course, like I said, criticism, based on facts, is not the problem. If this forum, or some member want to exclusively pick bad news from India and start a thread everytime that happens, they are gonna have tons of opportunity to do that, and it is their right. With India's pathetic social/economic condition and also simply because it has 1billion+ people, chances are you can find one juicy news every minute..
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BTW, boss Sam can consider opening a separate topic, like Courtyard Cafe, may be call it Roti Prata corner, where all anti-ahneh threads can be kept for everyone's enjoyment...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Generally the 'rule' is that majority can criticise itself of even by minority, but should be extra soft with minority. This is the fundamental pillar of the so-called 'liberal' thinking. In USA, you can attack the WASP but not Chinese or Indians. In Sinkieland, criticising Chinese is accepted but not attacking Indians/Malays. In Malaysia, it is (or should be) other way around, but because Islamic societies are generally fanatic, intolerant, and fundamentalist, it works reverse there, you get whacked for criticising Malay but they can roast beef in front of Hindu Indian home because she criticise the govt.

Of course, like I said, criticism, based on facts, is not the problem. If this forum, or some member want to exclusively pick bad news from India and start a thread everytime that happens, they are gonna have tons of opportunity to do that, and it is their right. With India's pathetic social/economic condition and also simply because it has 1billion+ people, chances are you can find one juicy news every minute..

I disagree with you on the US situation. Many ppl get a mistaken view on the racial dynamics of the country. It's not that you can openly insult white ppl and not that you cannot attack or insult minorities. In the US it's more dangerous to insult only 1 certain racial minority group and that is the black group. In a way you can say the same for hispanics BUT it's less dangerous to attack other minority groups like asians and the backlash won't be so bad. You see it's not the white ppl willingly allowed themselves to treated that way oh no white ppl are very egoist and even today have supremacist thinking. Some white ppl today think that they are automatically better than other races. Anyway in the US most whites give face to blacks cos blacks have fought a very good fight with them. The civil rights movement, the formation of the black panthers, black gangs, black teens robbing and beating them up. Along with many anti racism groups that are mostly formed by blacks to defend their own black rights and of course white guilt of making them slaves that's why it's only ok for blacks to openly insult whites and there wouldn't be a problem and if some white wanted to make an issue about it many blacks would fight with them on the streets, in the news, everywhere.

That's why in the US true it has become more liberal over the years but it didn't just magically happen like that it occured because some of the minority races became more aggressive and started fighting for their rights. Now asians aren't that aggressive, aren't united so no there's white ppl that love to make racist comments on them cos there's a lot less backlash compared to if they did it to blacks, not so prevalent nowadays but still occurs so it's all about power over there.

In the old forum ppl would be posting on bad news of india and the other group would retaliate with posting on bad news about china and it occured all the time. No problems with that. Even now ppl still post -ve news on china like the giant fish tank in shanghai that burst.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
BTW, boss Sam can consider opening a separate topic, like Courtyard Cafe, may be call it Roti Prata corner, where all anti-ahneh threads can be kept for everyone's enjoyment...

No la just set up a Sarabat Stall beside Courtyard Cafe can already.


Any day better to discuss and get out in open, than to bottle up and frustrate...

In the old forum ppl would be posting on bad news of india and the other group would retaliate with posting on bad news about china and it occured all the time. No problems with that. Even now ppl still post -ve news on china like the giant fish tank in shanghai that burst.

Force 136

Alfrescian (Inf)
You're wrong. All the stuff you quoted are claimed by Korea. Korea is the cradle of civilization where all humans come from. Indians are also from Korea. LOL.

Koreans had been so oppressed by the Chinese and Japs over the centuries that they have all gone mad.............:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Some of India's contributions:


-gave the world Hinduism
-gave the world Bhuddism
-gave the world . . . . .

. . . . . the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

Was told that Indian and African intelligence is in the lower rank in world ranking the above contribution to the world seems to defy this ranking.

Strange, normally civilization advances what happened to this Indian civilization?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Was told that Indian and African intelligence is in the lower rank in world ranking the above contribution to the world seems to defy this ranking.

Strange, normally civilization advances what happened to this Indian civilization?

I reckoned it is because they keep looking inwards and backwards that would be the root causes. Same thing happend to Islam, after the Islamic Golden Age in medieval times, the conservative elements like the Wahabi sect slowly made their presence felt and deeply rooted in mainstream Islam

The shit got worse during the 70s and 80s when the Saudis sponsored their brand of Islam throughout the corners of the world. We aare all now victims of the Oil curse.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Was told that Indian and African intelligence is in the lower rank in world ranking the above contribution to the world seems to defy this ranking.

Strange, normally civilization advances what happened to this Indian civilization?

Indians tak boleh lah ...