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India Indians Brings Cows Into HDB Flat - WTF!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Translate: "(Singapore 23) Singapore a family to pray for the newly occupied HDB flats, spent 1 thousand ringgit (about $ 500) to farm rented two cattle, cattle elevator through house "to visit."



Alfrescian (Inf)
Indian cow goddess very powerful okay! More powerful than Guan Yin or Virgin Mary.
Don't play, play.






What a lovely picture. Next year's CNY celebration I intend to send the family a couple of snakes to celebrate snake year.


This is their custom for new home, local indians also do it.
for the cow to walk a few round in the flat for good luck. if the cow shit in the flat, mean betterest luck.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yup. You can't have big dogs in a HDB flat, but let's usher cows into one anyway, just so we embrace diversity and show tolerance to the highly-esteemed Indian FTs and their exotic religious beliefs. :rolleyes:

Cow droppings? No worries, that's free fertilizer and sacred. If you step on a pile, go and buy 4D or Toto immediately.

榜鵝坊5樓的一個組屋單位 = a unit on the 5th floor of Punggol Place.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Neighbours complain, so man dying from cancer can't keep his 2 beloved dogs


STOMPer Bernard sent in a video about an old man dying of cancer who is forced to give one of his two dogs away due to his neighbours' complaints. He feels that HDB should let the man have his last wish -- to live with his two dogs.

Bernard said:

"The man in the video, known as Mr Tan, has been diagnosed with lung cancer and his only companions are his two Schnauzers but each HDB flat can only keep one toy breed dog, so he has been trying to stay under the radar.

"However, his foreign neighbours kept making groundless complaints about his dogs being a nuisance. Now he is forced to send one of his dogs away.

"Although it is against the law to have two dogs but I feel that in circumstances like this, concessions have to be given.

"I sincerely hope Mr Tan will be given a chance to live out his days with his two dogs."

STOMPers Sharon and Ester also commented on the dying man's plight.

Sharon said:

"I came across this article and felt that this is not fair for the dying man.

"HDB would rather want a person who may have the possibility of death to give away his dog than leave the dog in a home filled with love.

"What has Singapore and our society become? Tearing families apart and only listening to one side of the story?

"Please be flexible. You are only listening to one side of the story and not even helping our fellow Singaporeans.

"You should learn to look at each case individually and not just follow your rules and regulations!"

Ester said:

"How compassionate are we? A dying old man with lung cancer only wants to spend his last days with his two beloved dogs.

"But this is not allowed? He may only have another six more months to live.

"Can't the law be more lenient towards a dying old man? How much stress is this society giving to this poor old man?"



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They should have invited the esteemed Minister Cow Born One to officiate as he is in charge of this.:biggrin:
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why is there a need to specify India Indians? All Indians in the universe are the same.

I have never come across any of my Indian friends nor local Indians performing such rites in a HDB flat. Only at the advent of foreign Indians did it come to our attention.

Yes you are right about universal Indians but this is to differentiate between local and those from India. There are a lot of differences between the 2 if you don't know much about them.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Hey guys comeon you know how it is like in this fucking country. When the shit skins bring cows into their homes and thru the lifts it's fine. It's only bad when chinese ppl do it. Ask the chinese dogs here too they will agree with me.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Please show some sensitivity to other races. This is a multiracial country and such tolerance are integral to maintaining racial harmony.

If a Chinese bring 10 huge dogs for religious practice in a Muslim invested HDB .. So who must tolerate who ? Both have their own religious view ..

So I said , religion must be banned to stop the differences between humans .


Alfrescian (Inf)
If a Chinese bring 10 huge dogs for religious practice in a Muslim invested HDB .. So who must tolerate who ? Both have their own religious view ..

So I said , religion must be banned to stop the differences between humans .

Which chinese brought in 10 huge dogs for what religious purpose? First time i even hear chinese bringing in dogs for religious purposes.