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Serious ZaoBao Deputy Editor Dares Say PAP Care More For CECA Than Sinkies! Can Remove Him For Treason?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Read zaobao. Straight Time make u stupid. Say my laoshi that time I tot he just bias. :thumbsup:


Lieutenant General
TPH questions how exactly has Singapore benefited from CECA:

交流站:我本将心托明月 奈何明月照沟渠



More at https://tinyurI.com/ed6iu4mh


Alfrescian (Inf)
SPH newspaper Chinese division is infested with Tiongs and/or Tiong sympathizers, I suspect they're trying to sow discord between India and Sinkieland.

If you buy copies of Wanbao, often the entire back page is plastered with trivial news from various parts of China, this province, that city etc. Once upon a time that was filled with local news or news from Malaysia, or a continuation of the reporting from the front page.

Looking at the content produced by 韩咏红, I can't say I'm surprised. :wink:



Introduction to her background:



SPH newspaper Chinese division is infested with Tiongs and/or Tiong sympathizers, I suspect they're trying to sow discord between India and Sinkieland.

If you buy copies of Wanbao, often the entire back page is plastered with trivial news from various parts of China, this province, that city etc. Once upon a time that was filled with local news or news from Malaysia, or a continuation of the reporting from the front page.

Looking at the content produced by 韩咏红, I can't say I'm surprised. :wink:


View attachment 112434

Introduction to her background:


u mean that's a bad thing? undesirable?

not like ceca is desirable by any means.

agreed that tiongkok carrying out influence operations in many countries primarily in its periphery in 'soft' countries like asean members
central asia or eastern europe africa maybe targets next

the moment they face a nuclear power with tested ICBM like yankees russkies even ceca virus
they tend to back off

lesson to be learnt?
icbm+nukes = compulsory for retaining sovereignty independence

tens of millions of innocents' deaths, wounds, sufferings could have been avoided altogether in the last 2 decades
and many more tens of millions of victims can be avoided in the next several decades if countries make the intelligent choice

go nuclear

it's proven to work

tiongkok - act like mice in front of yanks, russkies even ceca virus

yankees - dun dare to touch russkies, tiongkok, even norkies

the evidence is overwhelming

subhuman monkeys that tried to disrupt my connection or play cyberhero - eff off. i know who they are, they also know who they are. :FU: kafir bastards


orh mee suah

By the time that the Americans are taken care of and the Biden admin. is ready to share it's surplus vaccines with the world, India's population would have already developed herd immunity because of prior infection.


Lanjiao Loong will be struck by lightning. He will get his corpse whipped for treason, his corpse will be torn into 5 pieces dumped in Ganges. Dig out his mother's cheebye and fuck her!


SPH newspaper Chinese division is infested with Tiongs and/or Tiong sympathizers, I suspect they're trying to sow discord between India and Sinkieland.

If you buy copies of Wanbao, often the entire back page is plastered with trivial news from various parts of China, this province, that city etc. Once upon a time that was filled with local news or news from Malaysia, or a continuation of the reporting from the front page.

Looking at the content produced by 韩咏红, I can't say I'm surprised. :wink:


View attachment 112434

Introduction to her background:

Another silly man. Zaobao always carry commentaries every weak day reflecting on the zeitgeist of government and society. Things Straight Time not dare to print. As we all know govt is run by RI nerds they fumble with mandarin like pre adolescent children so how to argue with exactly what Chinese editor write? Wanbao of course different mah, the nude paper same as straight time? :o-o:


Lanjiao Loong will be struck by lightning. He will get his corpse whipped for treason, his corpse will be torn into 5 pieces dumped in Ganges. Dig out his mother's cheebye and fuck her!
........6 pieces
u forgot to incl his small pecker,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,