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Youtube video Turk's MRT Escalator sunk and swallowed a man under!

Shut Up you are Not MM


1 hour later they managed to extract him alive injured, half dead.


地鐵站電扶梯突崩塌 男慘遭「生吞」

三立新聞網 setn.com

10.1k 人追蹤
2018年3月26日 下午7:52










Shut Up you are Not MM

The collapse of the escalator at the subway station
[Sanli News Network setn.com]
Sanli News Network setn.com
10.1k tracking
Sanli News Network
March 26, 2018 7:52 PM

International Center/General Report

Although the elevator invention has made people's lives more convenient, in recent years, there have been repeated terrorist attacks on elevators. Another escalator accident occurred in the Turkish subway station recently. A man suddenly suffered a terrifying scene of "swallowing" and frightened everyone on the scene.
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▲ The man suddenly dropped the escalator. (Picture/Upload from YouTube)

According to the British "Mirror" report, the accident occurred at a subway station in Istanbul, when a large number of people took escalators to prepare for a ride on the platform. Unexpectedly, the escalator in operation suddenly collapsed and broke a big hole. A man fell on the spot. From the exposure, it can be seen that the man once tried to climb up after falling, but at the end of the day he was still escalated by the escalator.

Sudden surprises caused many people on the scene to be scared on the spot. When someone saw the situation, they immediately pressed the emergency stop button. Someone went up and looked at the condition of the man who had fallen. Someone hurriedly called for assistance. After the rescuers arrived, they immediately began rescue operations. Finally, it took them an hour to rescue the men. Fortunately, only minor injuries did not cause serious problems.
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▲ A man was “swallowed” on the escalator on the spot. (Picture/Upload from YouTube)

In response, the authorities said that before the accident, warning signs were placed near the escalator that was in trouble, reminding passengers to pay attention to safety or changing stairs. Unexpectedly, accidents or misfortunes occurred, but why the escalator was still anomalous remains to be investigated and clarified.

▲Video source: Taken from YouTube, please forgive me if removed


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
emergency button saved him
hope we have emergency buttons in our escalators and lifts
and every moving people movers..
you just never know
these escalators are potential death traps
they can just dissect you to pieces


emergency button saved him
hope we have emergency buttons in our escalators and lifts
and every moving people movers..
you just never know
these escalators are potential death traps
they can just dissect you to pieces

Yes if not stopped the escalator will crush him like a giant meat mincer in no time.