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Young squash champion celebrates title win




Young squash champion celebrates title win

10:20am Wednesday 6th April 2011

A YOUNGSTER from Harrow became a squash champion this weekend.
Ten-year-old Oscar Khoo took the national title when he defeated all 54 contenders that represented almost all of the English counties to become the English under 11 squash title holder.
The competition, held at the National Squash Centre in Manchester, took place on Saturday and Sunday.
Oscar, whose family is originally from Singapore, lives in Beechwood Avenue, South Harrow.
Tony Morrison, chair of the Harrow Squash Club, based at Harrow Leisure Centre in Christchurch Avenue, coaches him and believes Oscar’s success is down to the effort he puts in.
He said: “He works extremely hard. He doesn’t argue or question anything, he just does it.”
Oscar has managed to obtain a partial scholarship to Merchant Taylors School, in Northwood, due to his sporting abilities.
Mr Morrison believes his achievements are helped by his training plan, which includes one-on-one coaching twice during the week and group training at weekends.
Oscar said he found the semi-finals harder than the actual final of the competition. On winning he said: “I feel really joyful and quite tremendous that I have won. Also it was quite unexpected, it’s a good achievement for me.”
He is now looking forward to his next competition in two weeks time in Abbeydale, Sheffield.
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