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Young politicians may not have what it takes to govern Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said

syed putra

Dr m is talking rubbish.
Young politicians will start dismantling the parasitic economy created by dr m. The. Malayians pay one tax to the gomen, and indirect taxes to umno companies.
Prime KL land now under umno control which were previously owned by the city council.
National cars, rice distribution, sugar, bread, national vehicle inspection, gomen supplies all held under umno or its associates. Dr m turned the economy into a communist parasitic state.


the problem with tis country.. is not jus corruption... it's the old farts like old horse who refuse to hand over power .. let the next generation take over lah... :geek:


Should do a land exchange with Indonesia, give up Sarawak and Sabah in exchange for Sumatra, total control of Strait of Malacca.