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You may vote for PAP minister if they also did this


HK Reality TV Show, millionaire CEOs living life of a poor in a broken house and work as rubbish-man and on TV for 5 DAYS.

ALL PAP Ministers starting from Ass Loong and old fart should do this, Prata also.

If the whole PAP govt will do it, then you may vote for them. They should live our poor peasants life or at least a week, work as toilet cleaners $20/day, clear rubbish, do dishes, pick up aluminum cans and sell tissue paper. They should Tiok $FINE, and go to jail also.


富翁放下身段 捱苦真人騷 CEO住板房倒垃圾體驗貧窮
(星島)2009年8月21日 星期五 05:30


(星島日報 報道)這名垃圾佬是CEO?有上市公司行政總裁搖身一變,自願做「垃圾佬」,一小時內為十九層樓倒垃圾,臭至嘔吐大作兼無胃口吃飯,辛苦工作後又甘願住板間房,體驗基層生活。事實上,這位平日「身光頸靚」的高級行政人員,與三名同樣生活無憂的港人,參加港台 真人騷《窮富翁大作戰》去感受貧富懸殊的困局。


  謝瑞麟珠寶有限公司的副主席及行政總裁黃岳永,美國 哈佛 大學畢業,中文PageMaker的始創者,矽谷 的IT精英。對他而言,生活地方缺乏高科技產品最難以適應,「無電腦用好慘!」,由於每名參賽者只可帶一件物品參與真人騷,黃岳永就算要做垃圾佬,都選擇iPhone隨身,以便將整個過程上載到互聯網。

  倒至第五層 想過放棄


  為了三餐溫飽,黃岳永去慈雲山當清潔 散工,賺五十元一日,他的任務是需要一小時內倒足十九層樓的垃圾,他形容首天工作非常難忘,「倒了五層已經臭到想嘔,坐在地上,曾想過放棄。」




  香港電台 電視真人騷《窮富翁大作戰》於本月廿二日起,逢周六晚上七時,在亞視 本港台播映。


Alfrescian (Inf)
HK Reality TV Show, millionaire CEOs living life of a poor in a broken house and work as rubbish-man and on TV for 5 DAYS.

ALL PAP Ministers starting from Ass Loong and old fart should do this, Prata also.

If the whole PAP govt will do it, then you may vote for them. They should live our poor peasants life or at least a week, work as toilet cleaners $20/day, clear rubbish, do dishes, pick up aluminum cans and sell tissue paper. They should Tiok $FINE, and go to jail also.
:wink::eek: ...

1 ... dun tink dose gr8er mortals wil ever wanna dirty their hands ...

2 ... actually do 4 5 days is very much different wen iz sum ppl's living style ...

dey shud do it, u oni nid 2 wayang n tahan 5 days ... u get 2 appear on tv ... it puts u in gd lite ... it wil boost ur popularity ... ppl wil oni say ... tis fella's gd
... n dey can gain mor votes ...

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