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You can manipulate suck cock play dirty tricks to win in politics climb up career ladder even to CEO but you can NEVER become a tycoon by doing that


Same logic why women that are manipulative can NEVER do good business even when slept their way up and takeover companies.


Do business is not a matter of manipulation. 投机取巧 evil manipulative people csn NEVER make it BIG in business in the long run no matter where they are even when goodies are given to them as handouts.


Do business is not a matter of manipulation. 投机取巧 evil manipulative people csn NEVER make it BIG in business in the long run no matter where they are even when goodies are given to them as handouts.
Not to mention lazy idle people that steal company time to do defamation crimes.


I think you want to climb up the chicken whore industry ladder after you failed to climb the corporate ladder.
That's why you go around harassing man and soliciting for business.
Fuck your toa cheebye double size pattie. This business is not for lao cb.


I think you want to climb up the chicken whore industry ladder after you failed to climb the corporate ladder.
That's why you go around harassing man and soliciting for business.
Fuck your toa cheebye double size pattie. This business is not for lao cb.
she tried to suck LJM cock and end up getting sacked. really failure...