I can't believe a warlord can cripple superpowers. Houthis sanctions more effective than western sanctions.
As usual, knowing you here for years, you have a penchant for mixing truths with lies.
Your 1st part of the quote is true, but the following sentence is a lie, if not absurdity...
The Houthi leaders had claimed their people & followers are one, will DIE AS MARTYRS in support of their piratical acts. to kidnap, torture, harm & kill Human lives/properties, in the name of their RADICALIZED beliefs of Islam - which was supposed to be a religion of peace to uplift lives of Arabs, but only sadly twisted by differing sects to serve their earthly glories & NEVER the glory of the Almighty's teachings of peace which had been taken out of context & mis-interpretations by village morons professing to be the WORD of ALLAH, when already, prophet Muhammad had said he was the LAST Prophet sent.
So, fine.
7 BILLION Humanity, including RUS & CHINA, had SUFFERED from this trade disruption on International Waters, including even MUSLIMS Worldwide, Prices of goods had unnecessarily INCREASED, jobs, revenues & opportunities had been lost by MANY thru the Houthis disruption.
As Houthis, by the supposed 40 Million its leaders claimed whom support such actions - to desire for MAYRTYRDOM, then EVEN ICJ, along with the many naive loudmouths NGOS Worldwide, would have no cause to condemn the TOTAL destruction of the Houthis, & SHOULD instead PRAISE 7 Billion Humanity for making the Houthis's dream come true - 72 virgins in the afterlife for eternity for each.
Also, may Nations on Earth ALLOW ANY Radicalized Islamist to travel to Yemen from NOW, so as to achieve their dreams of Mayrtyrdom, be bombed to oblivion, than to be a NUSIANCE or MURDERER on Earth to innocents whom only seek to work, to live in peace & progress, contribute to Humanity, & put food on the table for loved ones......