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Yellow power! Ccp lockdowns amd kills a bldg of people which caught fire, kids die. All major cities rioting now! Sinkies and angmohs are useless!


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you know the Chinese language and can input Chinese words for search on Twitter, you can find many more delicious content. :cool:


Old Fart
Fuck the ccp and all authoritarian regimes. People cannot and will not tolerate them anymore. Can NATO send in troops please, to de-communise chinkland?:thumbsup:


Alfrescian (Inf)
China claimed that these video clips are deep fake and not real. They were created by USA CIA with malicious intent to harm China

syed putra

CCP probably burned the building in urumqi, xinjiang, to rid the mainly muslim people living in it.and they made sure there was no escspe.