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y some people always late?


say meet at 11.30am ,meet for lunch but no show yet
why always like that?
isjit becos she tink her time more important than my time?
why can never be puntual one


i tink next time anybody more than 10min limpei just go off and don't wait
knn always waste my time


say meet at 11.30am ,meet for lunch but no show yet
why always like that?
isjit becos she tink her time more important than my time?
why can never be puntual one
The late cumer believes that you are more hard up for a relationship with him or her. This is done deliberately to maintain a sense of superiority in the relationship over you. If the late cumer is a girl, she thinks you are salivating over her pussy; if a man, he simply see you no up and thinks you are a lousy friend.

If you think they are wasting your time, you should always ask them nonsense questions like you always do in this forum :biggrin:


Maybe on the way she saw an AMDK, need to go toilet masturbate for at least half an hour first?