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y food court in malls cannot accept cdc vouchers ???

Singapore Dancing Spirit

If they don't accept CDC means locals are not welcome, there la.
Such food court owners must be a staunch PAP supporter.

PAP loves them. Please take note before next GE.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

that is clearly stated as not allowed in the notice.

PAP wants your loyalty.
They always assume such freebies would get them a landslide Victory in the GE

Can use; don't waste.
but such freebies should not decide the votes.

Speaking of loyalties, both Vivian and Shanmugam expressed different perspectives and had a different opinion. But why did no PAP MP express any opposition or debated it not to repeal 377A. They all supported LHL in ONE ACCORD, one mind and one spirit repealing it. Then it shows they are hardcore gays. They will eventually come out of the closet sooner.

Shanmugam was/is always so complicated from the beginning. He is riding a free ride on PAP's popularity (1g, 2g and 3g). But still running for elections for several decades. I believe Yishun community is still sleeping. He always does not have an accurate/right answer as I can see hs answers are always hypothetical. He is good for nothing, but I don't understand Loong believes in him and his rants so much.

Just my imagination a conversation between a pregnant girl and MP

A pregnant girl from Nee-soon meets Mr. Shanmugam in the Meet-The-MP session and Singaporeans thinks MPs are fallen from above and they got mystical powers and can-do miracles.

Pregnant girl: I was raped by a CECA but i did not report the matter immediately afraid of my life and he is gone back to India what can i do.
Minister: what do you expect from me? (With no empathy+)
Girl: Can you help me to abort the baby as I don't want to raise the rapist gene in my womb. Can you predict if the baby is boy or girl?
Minister: I suspect that baby must be a boy; otherwise, girl Then he goes on to rant hypothetically.
(Stop such nonsense - he should say only boy or girl only if he got the mystical skills. I am repeatig mustical skills as I knew satan goes into his mind quite often. Out of al MPs. Shanmugam is Satan' s favorite. He should say that he does not have mystical powers and that he does not know the answer.
He cannot say hypothetically that it may be boy if not a girl; that sounds so silly and illogical hypothetical answers unless he wants to refer non-binary.
He always talks hypothetical) in the Parliament there is none in the Parliament to tackle him and he thinks as if he is running Singapore on his head.
But his answers do not make any sense.

To be continued
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